Title: Kyah! A new fic! Reviewed By: Tohru819 [MediaMiner Member] On: June 22, 2006 19:36 CDT Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Oooh, wouldn't it be fun to be in the world of the Fruits Basket characters!?! I would love that! But only if you actually knew the Sohma's and Tohru, otherwise it would be pretty pointless. If I met Kyon-chan I think he would find me pretty annoying. Of course I would try not to annoy him, (Even though he's really funny when he's annoyed) and I definately wouldn't call him Kyon-chan anymore (At least not to his face). So are you a fan of Kyon-chan, Kagome? I am! I love Kyon-chan (I'm not IN love with him, I just love him)! He's one of my favorite characters! So in this fic, the main character. Is she suposed to be you? Or just some person you made up? So the main character is cursed too, is she cursed by the cat or does she just turn into a monster? I'm pretty sure that Kyon-chan's braclet is made by some ancient monk or priest or some kinda magic-y guy. I don't think that just stringing together some beads will have the same effect, but how should I know. After all, it is fan FICTION. You can do it any way you want. Ko-onna? Child-woman? Is that a japanese phrase that means something like 'young woman' or 'little girl'? I've never heard that before.