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"Live and Let Die (Part 3): Learning To Deal" Reviews/Comments [ 280 ]
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 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: August 04, 2006 10:42 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another SWEET chapter, from teh Literary Goddess!! Whoo-hoo!! Am I ever having a good day!! I loved the idea of Soap on a Rope!! Too funny.. but practical! snorts.. How many will it take for Shippou to understand he really smells bad. Shiipou seemed in the first part pretty reluctant to want to take care of his responiblities. Like cleaning himself and his clothing. Thank you for keeping him so realistic adn not the perfect child after being the spoiled/out of control child. You did wonders with this. I bow to you!! This is awesome!! He still has many many lessons to learn and long way to grow. Oh dear... Sango's response to Kagome's exhaustion made it appear like she was still unconsciencously blaming Inuyasha for Kagome's condition. Again you achieved wonders with keeping the characters realistic and true!1 Whoot!! Whoot!! And there goes Shippou with his over-dramatized responses again. He always brags that he is a full demon (especially in front of Inuyasha). He should have been able to scent that Kagome simply was only tired. Concern I could see being a response but to almost start bawling because Kagome isn't walking and awake. I can see a 'Boy who cried wolf' type of reaction possibly building. Perhaps he should starting working on improving his senses. He has been able to "feel" Kagome and Inuyasha's aura. Loved how you had Kaede reassure Inuyasha that Kagome was only tired and sleeping soundly then offering up ways for him to help Kagome out in getting better. She knew that he needed to be reassured even though he knew Kagome was tired and how he would feel helpless with Kagome being out of order for a while so she gave him direction to make him feel helpful in Kagome's recovery. Very touching! An tenderly written interaction between the two of them. Kudos!! Awesome!! This story really shines so brillantly like all the others you have written. The way you express emotions and situations so, so... well There are no words to aptly explain just how totally marvelous this is!! Each chapter, each paragragh flowing so smoothly into each other!! You really have your readers there in amongst the characters as they act, react and interact. We can feel it, see it, hear it, hecks with your mastery of the written word can even smell scents as if we are that character or standing beside them. Sango shouldn't feel bad about hitting Miroku for groping her. Hasn't she made it clear that type of contact she is not comfortable nor accepting of? Maybe I'm a little confused. Poor Inuyasha, when he entered the hut.. having explain his actions to the Slayer as if to gain her approval/permission or to let her know he wasn't doing anything "unwanted" in the Slayers eyes. He seemed to also know on a subconscienous level Sango still doesn't approve of him being with Kagome. Again another truly touching interaction with Kaede. Having Kaede gently remind the hanyou to take care of himself as well. Some authors tend to make the relationship between the two flat or as an after thought. But not you nor my other favs!! Every part is so well rounded and full bodied! Claps her hands vigourously!!! Bravo!! Bravissimo!! And Loved it that you had Inuyasha react to the staring true to his nature... growl, then take off. I am sorry to say when I came across the section with Naraku.. that I ended laughing at the poor widdle spiderling. He don't know them too well do he? as Tweety would put it. chuckles happily!! Naraku is so going down. Enjoyed that the Inu brothers were using telepathy. Oh my.. oh my.. Sesshoumaru was very blunt in the way he showed how the link could be manipulated. Blunt but Very educational. And effective for Inuyasha to understand. Shudders.. Kouga and Kagome.. shudders again. Brillant work in having Sesshouamru adn Inuyasha discuss the manipulations and Inuyasha telling him of past expericenes.
 Title: wow!!
Reviewed By: Jalen a.k.a. Witchlit  On: August 03, 2006 21:50 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i love all of your fanfics bcuz u are an amazing writer and this iz just another 2 prove it....i hope you update soon ^_^
 Title: Another example of your great writing skill!
Reviewed By: Phoenix7 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 03, 2006 20:59 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love all of your fanfics, and I hope this one turns out as great as the other ones have. I like how Naraku, being the idiot he is, thinks he can get Kikyo to go kill Kagome for taking Inuyasha from her, when Kikyo already found out just how powerful Kagome had gotten, and how he thinks Kouga is going to try pressing his luck against Inuyasha again, when he already knows Inuyasha would tear him to ribbons. Not to mention the fact that Sesshomaru has finally made peace with his brother and his friends. Also, I like how Miroku and Sango finally hooked up. Sango deserves to be happy, since Naraku killed her family and friends, and possessed her brother, (thank god Kikyo saved him from that SOB's spell). Naraku's really got a nasty surprise coming when he shows his sorry, cowardly self for the final battle. Hope to see more chapters soon.
 Reviewed By: Inusbabe nli  On: August 03, 2006 12:51 EDT
I love this story so much!
 Title: wow!!
Reviewed By: Witchlit [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2006 17:06 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WOW!!...ahhh it wuz soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo INCREDIBLY AWESOME!!!!!....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzz plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz update soon (i kno im probably being annoying) but its just really in all seriousnes....THE BEST FANFIC STORI I HAVE EVER EVER READ!!!!!!!........so yea update asap plz plzplz!!!!!!!
 Title: ...(embarrassed...) part two..
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: July 29, 2006 15:55 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Gah!!!I went and used all the spaces allowed!! and I wasn't finished...(this is embarrassing)... so part two... I enjoyed how everyone discussed the barrier some more offering suggestions and such. Again I love the telepathy they have now with each other. That is an amazing touch!! Hands over several boxes of Pocky... Ouch... Poor Sesshoumaru.. He should be thankful that barrier didn't have purifying capabilities. And boy is Kagome ticked. Sesshoumaru was helping!! Oh my... Kagome really has to work on her jumping to conclusions before she knows all the facts. Not with throwing up a barrier but to listen before accusing with Sesshoumaru. Then again... she has always charged headstrong at Sesshoumaru when it comes to defending and protecting Inuyasha. That was an awesome chapter!! Boy did I enjoy it!! Thank you so much for writing it and sharing it with us!! It is such an honour!! Thank you, Thank you, and again Thank you. I can't wait for the next installment!! Please keep up the most wonderous, masterful, exqusite, delicious, heart warming and epic work!! I bow to you again.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie nsi  On: July 29, 2006 15:41 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Squeals!!!! Bounces with pleasure!! Another deliciously delightful chapter from the Literary Goddess!! Whoot!!! Whoot!! Whooty-Whoot!! I liked the opening to the chapter. Shippou actually kept his mouth shut and minded his own business. I tip my hat to you!! That was great!! Bravo!! Perhaps the spoilt brat will actually become a more pleasant travel companion. giggles... Momma kept quiet about Inuyasha and Kagome being a little noisy.. giggles. I guess a VERY productive night with a Human Inuyasha has turned him into a one word answer Hanyou in the morning. "Keh" laughs happily. Huggles her plushie. And a mention of the ring.. Hummm this will be a delicious chapter to read. Fundoushi's and HotSprings. I think Kagome has the right idea. Ergh! I don't know if I could handle two Inuyasha's. Shippou acting like Inu. I will leave that up to Kagome and Inuyasha. The touch with the merging powers/auras, I relly, really like it alot!! Awesome work you are doing with this!! Right on!! I have not been able to recall any other story which has this type of merging of powers. Poor Inuyasha he needed that reassurance that his powers are back to normal. I loved it how Kagome insticntively knew what Inuyasha was silently asking of her. Your grasp of the Characters is truly awe-inspiring and amazing. I really do like those tender moments. And finally I am happy to see that Shippou has truly curbed his behaviour when going to greet Kagome. I am pleased that he at least matured that way. I can guess that Inuyasha is secretly pleased also. Shippo could really do her some pretty serious damage if he didn't stop. Poor Inuyasha... Didn't Sango bathe herself before they went back. sighs.. Will Kagome have a talk to Shippou about his nasty stunt? Boy are the Inu brothers ever getting a scentful today. Oh, Sango. She shouldn't feel bad. Her talents lie in physical strength and speed. What the others a training in has more to deal with spiritual and youki powers. I hope she remembers that. Yeah!! she remembered. Maybe Kagome or Sango could offer combat training of that kind to Kagome. Another truly awesome touch there. Having the powers manifest slowly. VERY realistic and fluidly done. I find it a little off when they suddenly get all these powers and know what to do with it. Kudos!! WHOO-HOO!! ohhhh.. they have been asked to show their little barrier.. Poor Inuyasha probrably feels like he is being eyed. Of course, Shippou would love bathing with the girls.. he gets babied, speak badly about the boys (when the girls are feeling down), plus he gets to look at naked females-especially after all the girls he "falls" in love with every time they visit a village. grumps... and Poor Inuyahsa gets osuwari-ed if he hears a scream and goes to the rescue. And just alittle side thought... what kind/brand of soap would Kagome bring with her? Would be fun to know. I still love where their centers are... I get such a kick from it. giggles. This is truly awesome work!! lol!! Sesshoumaru's eyebrows disappearing!! Loved it!! Too funny and cute!! Oh my... The maturity that you showed in Kikyou's character in this chapter was mind blowingly cool!! How she came to terms with the fact she was mostly in error of her actions and the great saddness she has caused. I really liked how she accepted the fact that had she listened to her sisters warning about Onigumo. That Naraku wouldn't have existed. I wonder what would be Inuyasha's reation to learn that Kikyou had done all this behind him. I know there have been slight hints but not really explored. Claps hands.. stands up giving The Goddess a standing ovation.. Kikyou has accepted her responsibility!! Whoot!! Whoot!! Bravo!! I loved the conversation between Kikyou and Kouga - they have both come to terms and accepted Inuyasha and Kagome love each other very deeply!!
 Reviewed By: ~Alanna  On: July 29, 2006 07:44 EDT
I think the whole aura thing is really cool, update soon!!!
 Title: Lessons learned
Reviewed By: Fyrloche-NSI  On: July 28, 2006 08:01 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Looks like Shippou is finally getting it through his head. He is like most kids that have been undisciplined for a while and then get a rude awakening. Fortunately, his love for his adopted parents (and his fear of Sesshoumaru) is enough to make him do better. Keep up the good work. See ya', Fyrloche.
 Title: I think i'm becoming an usual reviewer...
Reviewed By: anime fanlover [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 28, 2006 07:59 EDT
as usual, anime fanlover reviews to tell you how good your story is: a 20/10!! I think i'm becoming an usual reviewer(wonder if that word exists... o.O?) anyway, hope you update soon... I like reviewing!! (lie. what I like is the story...)
 Title: hell ya!
Reviewed By: ladytokyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 26, 2006 16:21 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Alright bout damn time Sango and Miroku get it on! maybe she wont be as annoying in the future. now we'll see what happens with sesshomaru I can' wait to read how Inuyasha is going to give Shippou the talk. Narku is going to get his ass kick the world is right. lol as always I love the chapter.
 Title: Love it
Reviewed By: The goddess Rhiannon [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2006 22:20 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love this story sooooo much. please update soon.
Reviewed By: Lady_Kagome.  On: July 25, 2006 10:11 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
THough I have to admit there wasn't much of a plot to this hapter as there was sex it was stil good ^^ Keep it up!!!
 Reviewed By: bluezinthos (nsi)  On: July 23, 2006 14:55 EDT
human inuayasha's shy side! it's not often shown in the manga (and only a little in the anime, esp when kouga come around and found out his human night). he's so cute! i really love how you are portraying shippou. he didnt' just learn his lesson and go and make everything smooth and easy. he's still got a long way to go. it seems like he still has some resentment though. he's got to be old enough to know that the couples need time alone and that playing tricks on sesshy's group is not going to yeild him the same simple results that his pranks normally do. he's going to end up seriously hurt if he doesn't shape up. and i'm actually more worried not that sango and miroku have taken the next step in their relationship. sango still ahs a lot of unresolved issued where inuyasha and kagome are concerned and she doesn't understand their particular bond of trust. i worry that if anything goes wrong (or not the way she thinks it should go) with miroku, she'll try and take it out on her friends instead of trying to talk it out. i love the tension and psychological features you have in this one. i can't wait till next time!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie-nsi  On: July 21, 2006 23:16 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Lemonade - that cool refreshing drink. Another Kami-gifted chapter from the Literary Goddess!! WHOOT!!! WOO-HOOOO!!! Bravo!! Bravissimo!! You know there isn't enough words to properly express my joy in reading your storiess. (major squealing of delight going on..) Blinks with astonishment.. That first scene with Kouga, his lackeys and Byakyua (that is too close to Baka... stifles a giggle.. especially since he doesn't know this will make everyone stronger than ever against Naraku) was great!! Awesome. I enjoyed how you have matured Kouga in this chapter. Stating that he has accepted Kagome's choice. Kudos to you!! And thank you!! Your talents just keep getting better and better!! I liked how Miroku chuckled over the singing of Shippou and the way he complained over having a bath. And thank you for reminding us that Jaken is not just for comedic relief. That was sweet. Miroku and Sango sharing a sweet kiss. Well, well, well... Sango is frustrated with Kagome and Inuyasha being close and intimate while she can't have the same with Miroku and it's her idea to have Shippou barging in on them all the time... Methinks me smell a back-firing idea on Sango's part. Just wait til Miroku finds out. I wonder if Shippou will really understand what was told to him and give the couples alone times. Things that make you go Hmmm... Poor Inuyasha, I agree. He is a wanted hanyou by both sexes. Inuyasha could smell their arousal.. oh dear.. POOR Inuyasha. Another brillant example of Inuyasha's maturity and security in Kagome. Awesome!!! I loved it!! He gave Kagome one shining example of his trust in her. I know that she'll understand it fully. Oh dear... And after Inuyasha had warned that silly Monk that Sango is close to her fertile time. What a dumb thing for him to do. A little arrogant of him. He could have asked Inuyasha for some birth control from Kagome's time. I can only hope that he didn't get her pregnant. Especially since Naraku is out there. Though that was a funny line.. That's all there is to it.. chuckles.. And will Sango finally lay off Kagome and Inuyasha now that she had made love with Miroku? They heard Kagome howl!! Lol.. Will she ever get embarrassed when she finds out!! Does Inuyasha blush different colours as a human? I like how the whole family accepts everything about Inuyasha. Including his amplified grouchiness on the New Moon. The love scene with Human Inuyasha and Kagome was touching and tender. How they re-connected and she re-assured him. I was doing the "awwwwweeee...so cuuuttteeeee." when I read the line that Inuyasha was doing his best to scent Kagome. and he sounds more like a puppy when he is human... That was too much!! Loved it!! This is great!!! Always I find new delights to surprise and thrill me with every chapter!! ...as long as we kept the howling down... What a fun line!! and to come from our little Kagome!! The image of the two of them snuffling each other is so cute and sweet... I got a sugar rush!! lol!! Thank you for keeping the characters realistic and true to form. Having Inuyasha retain his insecurities when in Human form. I think Kagome managed to reassure Inuyasha with her tender love making. Though it might benefit Inuyasha even New Moon to be re-assured. Again loved the Love scene, it's so hot and tender, so perfect!! Enjoyed the use of using their marks to increase the sensations they feel. A Brillant touch!! A really pleasant touch with having Inuyasha transform while making love!! Bravissimo!!! Thank you so much for sharing this story with us!! Please keep up the most excellent and Kami-gifted work!! Eagerly awaiting the next update!!
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