Title: "Seeing JJ out on a date with Drake..." *Pfft!* Reviewed By: Kita and Subu-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: February 02, 2007 21:58 CST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: *giggles* Yeah--thought so! La, laaa, la--I love Drake And JJ! //WHAP!!!// (Sorry for that. Akita is still suffering from a mocha induced sugar high. We read your fic and were really impressed. Figured, what better way to say thanks for the review than to return the favor and review yours! Hope to see an update soon!) YAY! UPDATE! //THUD!// Owwie! (Stay away from the keyboard, you spaz! Anyway, good story and please update soon. P.S. Thanks again. We were trying to make JJ go through the whole thing of falling out of love and in again. Glad we succeeded! Keep writing and I'll keep reviewing--provided I can keep my partner sedated!)