"Blush" Reviews/Comments [ 23 ] | Pages (2): [ « ‹ 1 2 ] | Reviewed By: FlameTwirler [MediaMiner Member] On: March 17, 2007 14:54 CDT Comment/Review: Wow, that is magnificent, and very sad.
| Reviewed By: Ethril Dragon [MediaMiner Member] On: March 16, 2007 13:57 CDT Comment/Review: oooh that is so sweet...poor sesshomaru though.
| Reviewed By: GinaBristow [MediaMiner Member] On: February 20, 2007 13:14 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Maybe your PWP stands for Plot within porn? I'm disappointed that this has to be a one shot. It was really sweet in, and despite its raunchiness. I love your other stories, it's refreshing to see a good writer take on this paring(and do it so well).So all in all thanks for the great story.
| Reviewed By: MetsukiKaraTen [MediaMiner Member] On: February 19, 2007 18:34 CST Comment/Review: Fabulous lemon! Just angsty enough to give it a sense of realism, and Sess's need to control seemed spot on, as did Kagome's moments of hesitation, embarrassment. I can see how plot wanted to get in the way. I find myself caught in an endless loop, considering the 'cause v effect'. Those memories that Sess has, won't they have changed with the addition of this/these encounters in the modern era? Or was it meant to be... in that sense I must admit that it left me unfulfilled, hungering for more resolution. Silly plot, naughty plot, getting in the way like that!! Ah, but that's the beauty of the one shot, leaving us to ponder...
| Reviewed By: not satisfied (yet) On: February 19, 2007 14:20 CST Comment/Review: Yummy. It could be made into a really angtsy story. I'm just saying...
| Reviewed By: Totally Kawaii [MediaMiner Member] On: February 19, 2007 11:27 CST Comment/Review: Brilliant lemon and plot, although it was a PWP. This is one of the best SessKag stories I have ever read because it's highly realistic. Instead of one of those "Inu is with Kik, so Kag is heartbroken and goes off and fucks a nicer Sess", we have some very interesting character views. I think Kag is the most surprising for me, not Sess, because I don't think she would go against her morals for her brother. But then again this IS her brother. Sess was definitely in character, which is amazing since I don't imagine Rumiko Takahashi's Sess would do that. But YOUR Sess... the Sess that's been through all this shit and lived... I can imagine doing that. I HAVE to compliment you on your excellent characterization. Keep on writing stories!
| Title: beautiful Reviewed By: entropy9 [MediaMiner Member] On: February 19, 2007 06:38 CST Comment/Review: that's it... the end was beautiful. i smiled : )
| Title: Cover your eyes kiddies Reviewed By: Miss_Marilyn69 [MediaMiner Member] On: February 19, 2007 04:37 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: woo wee, that's one smokin hot lemon. It's nice to read you again, but I thought I'd mention that you have this rated P (pre-teen), and I'm sure you don't want little Sally-mae, or Billy to get an eye opening education in ruff lovin... ;)
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