"When Darkness Prevails" Reviews/Comments [ 3 ] | Reviewed By: This Sayuri-Sama [MediaMiner Member] On: May 05, 2007 21:29 CDT Comment/Review: UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH HHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I loved It!!! Briliant idea with the 'make Milly and Maryle into plants' Idea, I toatally love it!!!! Please hurry and update like ASAP! I'll be waiting and watching!!!!
| Reviewed By: Coffee Gyrl [MediaMiner Member] On: March 03, 2007 00:03 CST Comment/Review: I'm so blown away about how freaking awesome a word smith you are. Your orginal characters never contain even a hint of Sue-ness, even the leads have their fobiels. You write everyone so well you give Meyrl and Milly their strength and wits and bravery, but keep their humanity with Milly's cluelessness and Meyrl's 'bitchyness'. Your orginality on this story line is great and I adore the use of science in your writing, it is beleviable enough without becoming long winded. Your politics and realism of fleshing out the world of Gunsmoke is great. You build great monsters but always leave some sliver of humanity, even if they discard it, intact. Your blending of the quirks and sayings and asides in the story blend and enhance and really make me laugh. Your blance of physcial discriptions with mental perciptions flows well and enhance the rhythm. Your spacing and vocabulary is very detailed and easy to read even with my tired eyes. I freaking adore how you've shaped this story and the blend of old and new characters and I can't wait to see what roller coaster of emotions you'll lead me on with your work.
| Reviewed By: Coffee Gyrl [MediaMiner Member] On: February 20, 2007 19:02 CST Comment/Review: Oh damn! What a freaking awesome begining! You had me in tears at the horriable fate of the girls, I couldn't imagin anything more awfull. And to turn my sweet baby Vash into a monster! I am very interested in where you are going with this story but I am very happy to go with you. I haven't read the manga so I'm kinda in the dark from those characters. I adore your writing, it just grips me every freaking time. You are awesome and I love reading anything you write!