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"It's my Life" Reviews/Comments [ 584 ]
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 Reviewed By: Izzanami [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 23, 2008 17:07 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love this story, love it, love it, love it, it's great! I've laughed so hard during some parts, I've cried during others, I've sat on the edge of my chair anxious to see what happened next during entire chapters. Your story is unique and creative, it has drama, it's sexy, riveting, emotional, and so funny in certain parts (the 'pervert gods' thing in chappie 21 were halarious.)...but...you are driving me a little nuts with how long it's taking to get these two together. Yes, you are a tease, and naughty, naughty tease. I know in the story it's only been about a week since Sess rescued Inu, but out here in the real world it's ch. 22, and been a long time. I guess it's so frustrating because everytime Sess makes some progress, it falls apart. After Inu and Sess had that nice time against the tree, and Sess apologized to Inu I thought things would finally start getting better for them, it was so, so, so sad when Inu got mad afterwards at the market place because of Rin. And he was so happy and excited to go, and he never did get the butterfly. I cried when that happened. I also cried when InuYasha saw his room for the first time, but that was a different kind of sad. I guess what makes it so frustrating is that it doesn't seem like anything is going to get better between the brothers anytime soon, I hope I'm wrong though. Inu is so sad and lonely, he needs some hugs and kisses from Sess. And poor Sess is trying so hard, and it's not working. Inu is acting like a brat right now, but that's understandable, he's vey hurt inside. I liked your punishment for Inu, but I think you should have had Sess spank him (not in front of everyone, that would have been too mean), he's acting like a child, and maybe then he would have realized how childish he was being, plus spanking Inu is just too sexy (I love spanking him in my stories, or reading about it). Or I wish Sess would have done the same thing, but not in front of everyone, I would think now, based on how his behavior has been lately that this will make him even more angry with Sess and set things back even farther with he and his brother. It would be nice if he realized that he would be punished since Sess said he would, and not get mad, and come to terms with the fact he enjoyed hs brothers ministrations. It's funny though, you are the complete opposite of me, in my writing I try to wait, to draw things out before I get the two of them together, and I can never wait too long no matter hwo much I want to, then there are lemons. I admire your patience, maybe it's easier for you to go on so long with no fluffiness because you're a guy. That impresses me too, I remeber reading in your AN in one of your chapters that people were asking if you were gay since you were a guy writing Yaoi. I'm really impressed that a straight guy could write Yaoi so well, guys don't always do to good with the pretty boys, but you are just awesome. I have to say when they finally get together, willingly, happily for the first time that should be one hell of a lemon for waiting so long. So far your lemon/limes type writing has been great, it will be nice to finally read hopefully a nice fluffy lemon. I will be eagerly awaiting your next chapter.
 Reviewed By: angelic andri  On: August 22, 2008 17:11 PDT
Oh my GAWD NOOOOO!!! You just can't leave it there!! How much longer is it going to be before the next part comes out a week...a year??? Oh gawd this is insane I love your story and all but I knew there was a reason I should stick to reading books...they're already finished. As always wonderful chapter but the suspense is killing me!(>.
 Title: Forgive me
Reviewed By: ladytokyo [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 22, 2008 16:50 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
forgive me I haven't been reviewing at all to you. I have been reading between work and family and taking the last vacation that I wont have for a long time I had no time or really internet. I would pop in for updates. But I was really enjoying what I was reading so far. I really like how Inuyasha is turning out to be, I do think I have read anybody else doing this which I really love. That's really cool author's like you give me a reason to go throw the trouble of finding internet for updates. have are making my summer. So what inspire the latest chapters the whole meltdown? I was surprise on how childish Inuyasha is. Sesshomaru has made a fantastic point were some people would say the same as hanyou, and ningen are ningen and youkai is youkai they don't live by the same rules and should not be force upon anyone as such. Sesshomaru punsihment was hum well it makes me want to do something bad. have to go now let me know how you are doing ok bye.
 Reviewed By: shohunky [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 20, 2008 21:16 PDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, I loved reading this story, and I can't wait for you to write the next installment. I wish that Inuyasha wouldn't be so stubborn, but I don't think we would love him if he was not. LOL This is a great story, and you have done a great job in building the suspense and the plot. It's 3 am here, and I have just finished reading the story. And I totally love it. I really like that you are paying attention to Sesshormaru and Inuyasha's relationship, not just them screwing each other. It's refreshing. I just wish that Inu would use his head! But it does make sense though, Sess was so mean to him cuz he had human in him, but he loves Rin without a problem, I can totally see that annoying Inuyasha. And it was mean of him to scare and threaten Rin, but again, it makes sense lol. Now what I find funny is the reacting Inuyasha had with the guards, I mean you did the same thing with your bro! Even if he hated it a lot. LOL! So again I wanted to say that I love this story, and that you didn't abandon it. Thank you for not doing it. I can't wait to see where you will take this story, not to mention, I can't wait for Kagome *don't like her* and crew to show up again, and Inuyasha at the meetings it will be priceless. I do like that Sesshoumaru is trying though. It's so endearing. So thank you! Oh, I like your writing style, and I like the flow of the story. It is a little painful to hear how Inuyasha dounts Sesshoumaru, but I know that is your intent, and the fact that the rest of the story flows in that way to incorporate them so perfectly makes this necessary. So I do love the story, and I like Daigon! He is totally amazing, and that he is the only one that can get away with lecturing Sesshoumaru! Any one else was to do this, would have been in deep trouble. Oh, I do have one question though. When the gang meets up with Inuyasha at Sesshoumaru's castle, you mention a war room or something like that that Kagome sleeps in, I was curious though if what this room was like. You mention that you can sleep, it just is a very restless sleeps, and Kagome is very snappy afterwards. I was just curious exactly what was in the room, or was it a spell or something like that. Again love the story, and love how detailed it is. I mentioned that I loved the fact that there is a plot and not just PWP, or anything like that. And said plot is good, it has been thought out and put down in a linear and logical manner that makes reading it a joy, and also quite easy to do so. It also makes you think, so a story that makes you think is always a major plus. So thank you for writing this story, and I'm exited what your next chapter will look like, and the future if this story has much interest to me.
 Reviewed By: AnimeFunTime  On: August 19, 2008 16:25 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I started to read this wondering if it would be original. I was pleasantly suprised! This chapter just caught my attention. So very true!! I think Inuyasha had every right to react that way! I can't wait to read on!!!
 Reviewed By: LadySess [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 19, 2008 06:58 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i can't believe inu-chan sometimes why is it so hard for him to trust that maybe sess isn't out to get him.....and he's braver then me for putting up with the cramping i'm usually curled into a tight ball or highly medicated...but i think it's kool how sess was trying to test inu-chan on how he thinks that was a smart thing to do..... the cramps mean he's going through his growing stage right i was wondering if at the end would he ended up with a tail of his very own i know that's a weird question but i just saw a pic of him with one and it was to cute...... i can't wait to see how the other lords handle meeting inu-chan and to see if inu-chan can learn to trust sess just a little i mean enough to stay around when all the business is said and done.....i just can't wait.....PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: PpAllen2772  On: August 18, 2008 23:17 PDT
have i told you much i just love this story. no? well i'm saying it now. i just love this story. it is the best. i mean i guess it's true what they say great minds think alike. i swear to you that when i read the part where sesshomaru was trying cajole inuyasha into apologising. i just had a thought off the top of my head that inuyasha would say 'i'm sorry that you are perverts.' i just fell off my seat laughing because it was so hilarious and something that inuyasha would say. i can't wait until the next chapter. i can't wait to see what will happen now that inuyasha has been thoroughly humilated.
 Reviewed By: Nikkie23534 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2008 17:34 PDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ohhh! Th@ was much 2 sexy 4 my harddrive! Have Sesshomaru punish InuYasha again, really soon!!! Great chapter- B reading U!
 Title: Great!!!
Reviewed By: Eastsidegeorgiaboy [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2008 17:08 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great Chapter. I cant wait for the next one, especially since you said it is almost done.
 Reviewed By: mcdgoddess  On: August 18, 2008 16:05 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I haven't even read the new chapter yet, but I just wanted to thank you for updating. I haven't reviewed before, but I wanted to let you know that I really LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this story!!!!! I love everything you have done so far and the direction it has been going.
 Reviewed By: NIght Rose Fox  On: August 18, 2008 10:55 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I love this story, but please stop leaving me on the edge of my chair! Beyound a few misspelled words here and there the chapters flow very nicely, and I can see the sceanery, and people clearly in my head, but my favorite interactions are with the brother's and the healer. This chapter was great, I was never so happy to watch Inuyasha get punished before, as I was in this chapter, I do feel sorry for the kitsune though, maybe he'll get a little fun soon. The way you portray both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru is very believeable now, I have to confess it wasn't so before. Even after learning of Inuyasha's pain I believe that Sesshoumaru, who can be just as childish as stuborn as his brother, would have taken longer to accept his part in Inuyasha's pained life. However his over all frustration in Inuyasha is definately along his lines. I look forward to sseing what other ways he will teach Inuyasha on how to be loved, and I look forward to the many ways Inuyasha will humble Sesshoumaru. Watching them learn and error now in ways they should have while growing up is enjoyable, and heart wrenching. Please keep updating this story offten, for I would hate for it to end up like so many other unfinished works. Thank you for an enjoyable, and memorable story. I look forward to reading more. ~~Aki
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2008 09:18 PDT
ROFL! I am so rolling on the floor laughing! Poor Inu, publicly punished and left high and dry. He sure is acting the part of a child. Even after Sesshoumaru hit the nail on the head with the comparison of judgements. It was super funny when he apologized to the guys for them being perverts. I never saw that one coming. LOL Didn't know Inu had such a sense of humor. That whole scene was great. And hot! I feel sorry for Sesshoumaru, having to tread on such fragile ground, and for Inuyasha being in so much pain. So! Daigon can be wickedly sneaky, huh? Are you trying to turn me into a drooling fangirl here? I sure hope he can help Inuyasha. For awhile there, I was so afraid that Inuyasha was going to be injured in a fight. Nice resolution you had there, you little trickster. The earlier discussion what quite intriguing. No wonder Sesshoumaru would rather kill something and get it over with. I imagine politics put him into a very nasty mood. ^_^ All in all the chapter was informative, intriguing, angsty, hot, and all of that turned out to make the chapter as good as a battle chapter. I liked it very much. ^_^ Snow
 Reviewed By: TwistedHilarity [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2008 07:59 PDT
Muahaha - oh that was just PERFECT punishment. Lovely. Nice little love biting fest there. and the 'I'm sorry you're perverts' about killed me. Just so obnoxiously juvenile, and so much like the Inuyasha here I was cracking up. Twisted Hilarity
Reviewed By: Rethira [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2008 06:48 PDT
Well, as the title suggests, you've made a lotta people happy by updating this and I cannot wait to read the rest. And Inu was so asking for it, what with his stupidity on the whole Inucest thing. I think he's learnt his lesson now: Never mess with Sesshomaru.
 Title: Dude, I nearly forget you.
Reviewed By: Ashlan  On: August 17, 2008 06:24 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
do you truly, really, seriously busy that you didn't have time to working up this fic? Or do you have writers block? Have a vacation, man... UP. DATE.
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