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"Unnormal Attraction" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ]
 Title: YAOI 4 me
Reviewed By: penpaninu [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 25, 2007 00:45 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hey my yaoi youkai ai, ty for writing this story for me :) ive always ,enjoyed reading your writings un fact if it wasn't for them we would have never met in the never ending void that is the internet. keep em comming baby! Love you!!!!! Your Hanyou lover , Skye
Reviewed By: Da Grrrl  On: March 24, 2007 08:32 CDT
Where to start, Penny-Pen?! OMG, I laughed my ASS off (alternating between cooing and squeals and giddy moments of WAFF). I Loooooved this. So much fucking fun and InuYasha wasn't the uke! Now you know that's worth the price of admission. I loved the sex!! "Let me in..." He sang. LMAOOOO!!!! I howled forever! This was so OOC and so entertaining! I really loved it and I want you to make more! So playful and funny and just, gah! I'm o used to more canon attitude for yaoi with these two and I loved that you made them so adorable. Awesome job, Penny. LURVELY!! Hugs to Skye ^_^

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