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"After the Fall" Reviews/Comments [ 16 ]
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 Reviewed By: pisquentas  On: March 22, 2015 23:32 EDT
Is this some sort of sick joke? I've been waiting 13 chapters for them to be together and when they do...you haven't updated in almost 10 years. Omg I'm seriously frustrated lol
 Title: After the Fall
Reviewed By: Talonofday  On: April 22, 2012 17:58 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
Well I reached the end of your fic....some 180 pages in like two and a half days o___o I seriously couldn't stop! It's so frickin' good! You know what though, even though ending scene was touching and awesome, the whole storyline left me wanting for more. I wanna see how the thing with knives plays out, I wanna see how vash and meryl's relationship develops (not that i want to see them doing private things in the bedroom, I'm eternally grateful you didn't include that and left it to the reader's imagination). I can understand why you decided to end when you did because I'm sure this story would have been twice as long if you'd taken it all the way to the end. It's easy enought o imagine what happened form there, expect with the issue of that 'other hive mind', the plants joining, the feds and insurance company's plans to capture vash...it would have been really interesting to see how that played out, if you had continued the story and dragged out the tension between vash and meryl longer. That's the one downside, though. Everything else about this fic was amazing! If you do ever decide to continue it, rest assured I'll read and review it just as fast as humanly possible X3 Great job!! this is without question the best trigun fic I've read (SERIOUSLY....if you continue it PLZ email me and let me know at talonofday@gmail.com. I'm not a member so you cant reach me that way :3)
 Title: After the Fall
Reviewed By: Talonofday  On: April 20, 2012 19:04 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Holy crap I'm only on chapter 4 and I am ADDICTED to this. It worried me when I read the genres (because i don't read hentai, lemons, etc) so I was relieved and overjoyed to see that by chapter 4 you'd decided not to make it that dirty. Now I'm probably going to blow much of my free time over the next few days reading this as fast as I can because I love it o____o Okay enough gushing, here's an actual review. Your writing style is expressive without being excessively wordy or whimsical. Your portrayal of the character's thoughts and actions are consistent with their canon personalities yet obviously the fic is delving deeper into their emotions than the anime or the manga (what I've read of it) ever did, and it's making the story extremely satisfying. I love the way you write the tense moments and how the characters feel about whats happening the best X3 great writing! Literally can't wait to go read more. In fact i think I'll go read more right nnoooowwww.....X3
 Title: So long, and thanks for all the fish
Reviewed By: Miss Alaneous  On: April 10, 2012 22:14 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have been completely taken up by this story. After getting into Trigun last year I have been searching for truly great fanfiction; one that included a solid style, intriguing plot, true characterization, and (more selfishly of me) a very much alive Wolfwood. So far, I have found 2 stories in this year. Yours is one of them. While I was initially drawn in after reading "The Drive Home" and wanting more of your Wolfwood, the rest of your story rapidly drew me in. The continuation of the plot flows seamlessly from the end of the manga/anime, really fulfilling my need to answer "What then?". The pacing is also great. Your characterization and interactions of the five main characters is wonderfully done (it's nearly impossible to pick my favorite). It's spot on and the intricacies you reveal in each of them add more to the characters (whereas in other fiction I've read, it tends to detract). As for your style, very enjoyable to read; clean and proficient is the best way I can describe it. It has just the right amounts of cheekiness, poetry, and violence at the right parts. And to be really honest, I was actually giddy when I stumbled across your story; as in literally waving my arms in the air in excitement in finding a Trigun story that had all I wanted in it. This is truly a really, really wonderful piece of work to get lost in. I am sorry to see it left off where it is. While I can fully understand and sometimes life simply happens in these cases, I do have that small inkling of hope that you'd take up your pen/keyboard again. If anything to give a summary of what you were thinking about writing. But for now I am content to think of the four riding indefinitely on that sand-steamer...probably getting it on in their separate rooms...again...kinda. But once again, thank you. Thanks for such a good read. ~Miss Alaneous P.S. Have you thought about fanfiction.net? It saddens me to see not many reviews; maybe that site has more traffic going through it?
 Reviewed By: vegetakitten [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2010 23:49 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Its a shame that you haven't finished this. Its really excellent. Please think about finishing, I'd really like to know the ending.
 Reviewed By: backdoor [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 14, 2009 17:30 EDT
it's very good. please finish!
 Reviewed By: Laz  On: April 06, 2009 23:38 EDT
You know, this is why I hate reading WIPs. You get started on a fantastic story, fall in love with the characters, gnaw your fingernails as the plot unfolds, and then you get to the last chapter and you realize the story hasn't been updated in almost two years. *sadface* Maybe life intervened, or your interests moved on to other fandoms. I get that. But I just wanted to let you know how wonderfully I enjoyed your writing today as I went through the whole of "After the Fall" and I think that in a world of utterly crappy Trigun fanfiction, it's a shame for the few good ones to go neglected.
 Title: Review
Reviewed By: Review Time  On: February 04, 2009 22:25 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
So, after much careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that... You hate me. I mean, why else would you write this wonderful story and then just... quit? For you see, I have just recently gotten into Trigun and enjoy it VERY much (just watching the anime, though. Maybe I'll go check out the manga now). And just two days ago, I came across this wonderful little gem ("little", because it's only 13 chapters long!!! WHAAA!!!), and have really, REALLY fallen in love with it, even the summaries are wonderful (and very funny! Kudos, dude~!)... So, I know it's been a year since you last added a chapter (or, so says the title... thingies), but could you please, PLEASE keep going? I will be very patient! I will not complain (well... not much... I won't be as much of a bitch as Knives, I can promise you... No genocide for me!!!), but I will really be waiting for the next installment! Yes! Yes?
 Title: And just so you know
Reviewed By: Halfling Rogue [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 18, 2008 21:47 EDT
I will organize a petition if I have to. :|
 Title: Oh no no no
Reviewed By: Halfling Rogue [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 18, 2008 21:46 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You are not allowed to just end it there. :| If you've lost your betas, I volunteer to be one! If you've lost motivation, I will readily stand over your chair holding a bat threateningly. If you've lost your plot, I will soundboard! But there are far too few honest-to-goodness really well done Trigun fics, especially Vash/Meryl, to let this go unfinished. Not to mention that your use of writing style and general mastery of the craft is far and above most fanfiction in any series or genre. I've found myself smacking my forehead and going "That is a GENIUS way to phrase that!" more than once while reading this fic. Might want to double check the formatting on a few chapters, and there's some minor spelling issues going on, but seriously, man, finish! Please! For the good of fankind!
 Reviewed By: backdoor [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 12, 2008 22:39 EDT
please continue!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Title: DarkFangs
Reviewed By: DarkFangs [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 10, 2007 19:55 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Honestly, what's up with these people? *shakes head* Girl, though it might have no meaning, I seriously consider you a fantastic writer with an iron will. I've no idea why this fic only has 4 mere reviews, because even if I'm somewhat new to Trigun's fandom, this is one of the top 3 fics I'd choose for sure. Best character you write? I'd have to choose Meryl, even if it's goddamn hard to decide that. From her feelings, to her actions and going through her thoughts, you got her completely *winks* No more, no less. Not very different about the way you did Vash either though; just that I have the feeling you focus more on Meryl during the writing, that's all. Not a bad thing though, not at all. Can barely make sense of my jumble of thoughts around the perfect-ness of the VxM part. Symbolism, symmetry, colours, the very nature of it, you managed to catch it all, turn it all around and show it off in such a way it completely enraptured me *claps* Sankyu, I was needing that after my tests at school X3 their reunion on the wedding was simply a Kodak moment and the partial mental connection afterwards was both intimate and innocent, very original. Well done and bravo x] Your choice of Knives' behaviour and reactions sound just right, congrats on that. Though I consider his speech easy to choose, to give a full introspective on him is surely hard to come up with. Congrats on that Wolfwood characterization and speech just flows with you (Jesus, does it look as easy as you make it look? *starry eyed*)!! And though I'm not the greatest fan of WxM, their relationship is hinted in just the right way and with just the right intensity everyone would expect of our favourite Mr. Priest. The twins' bickering couldn't be more amusing, really. I'm an only child, I've no idea of what that might be like, but that's just how I'd imagine it ^^ First chapter just steals one's attention and refuses to give it back, I tell you. Second one lets everyone know you domesticated Knives just enough so that he bends to your will accordingly. Meaning, no OOC-ness at all ^^ and it's finished with one of the best sentences one could come up with! xDD Chapter 7 just blew my mind, very well done. You even share a few of my own opinions. The Thompsons are just adorable, only way to say it *chuckles* Wonderful in every way. And zomg, "Nicky" xDD And 13th is just eeeeevil, I tell you, you're letting Knives rub it off on you xDD Please update soon! n.n
 Reviewed By: catgirl26 (too lazy to sign in...again)  On: October 29, 2007 13:55 EDT
Wow, what a cruel place to stop!! Yet again, enthralled by your storytelling. I don't even know what to say, except that I desperately want to read more, to see the end of this story! I'm very, very impressed with your characterization of Vash. His battle with himself over the involvement of others, his guilt over his inability to kill Knives and remove the threat, and the way his hopeful nature still peeks out, they're all so well done. There's a depth of believeable emotion there, rather than the flatness, (or conversely, the overdone angst) that's so often seen in Vash fics. Reading this fic, I find that I can almost hear the characters speaking their lines, I can see what sort of facial expression they're wearing, how their bodies are positioned, because everything is just so damn well done. Could have fallen right out of the anime itself. Congrats on a fic well written, and again, here's hoping it won't remain unfinished!!
 Reviewed By: catgirl26 (too lazy to sign in)  On: October 29, 2007 00:39 EDT
So, I have no freaking clue why you only have two reviews here. Did you post this fic somewhere else first and get all your reviews there? Because if not, shame, shame on Mediaminer readers! I am, thus far, completely and utterly captivated by this fic. Your characterization leaves nothing to be desired, and your use of the plant to heal Wolfwood is an appreciated and incredibly plausible ("Wolfwood is revived by magic" in the summary makes me run away) way to bring back our dear chainsmoking priest. Your characterization of Knives and the exploration of his character has me intrigued, and I am really, really looking forward to seeing how this all turns out. (I especially want to know why the plants need the humans.) Also, I peeked ahead and noted that this fic is not complete and hasn't been updated for a while, so I REALLY hope you're still chugging away at it, somewhere! :D
 Title: After the Fall
Reviewed By: imnosuper(wo)man  On: May 17, 2007 03:32 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, just...wow.Shame on you, but you have managed to write a Trigun fanfic that a) has my favorite pairing (VashxMeryl), b) is 100% yaoi-free, and c) is not OOC. You have created a triumvirate of awesomeness. Seriously, this story is well-written, imaginative, and actually manages to develop the characters without making them out of character or awkward. And the part in the 2nd chap. where Vash beat that crooked carnie and won Pedro was just wonderful. I'm really enjoying it so far, and please keep writing!
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