Reviewed By: LadyCash [MediaMiner Member] On: December 15, 2007 04:03 CST Comment/Review: Very nice. I've thought some of the same things, in relation to Kagome's thoughts. We're def on the same page there! But, what really irks me about the whole 'copy/original' thing, is that Kikyo is most likely not the original. She's someones reincarnation too, and her before and her before and...... So yes, Kikyo is the first to be with IY (at least in this/his life), but she is also just a 'copy' of the one before her. I really wish that IY/Kagome/Someone would realize this, it's very frustrating! But again, very well done, you handled the balance of her emotions very well. Will we see IY's pov?