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"Little Pleasure Prince" Reviews/Comments [ 27 ]
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 Reviewed By: chiku [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 28, 2006 15:10 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i love this story, brill
 Reviewed By: moolly  On: February 15, 2005 19:31 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
very very funny story plz update it soon!!!
 Reviewed By: Kethry [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 07, 2005 09:36 CST
**laying on the floor beside her desk, rolling around and laughing so hard she can barely breath. Finally gathers herself up and climbs back into the chair to write the review** hehehehehehe oh my this was hahahahahahaha to damn funny! harharharharharhar Your great, the insanity is perfect. teeheeteehee I'm loving it. Though it's a tie hehehehee between the fin it's self and hahahahahah some of the reviews as to whats better. **holds belly** oh that hurts! ROTFLMAO Thanks I really enjoyed this!
 Title: It is I, Veglma ,The Insane Wolf-jin!
Reviewed By: Veglma  On: November 01, 2004 22:21 CST
I am going to put my character idea in one review...Yay? Hi! My name is Veglma, I am a werewolf, And No, I am not a human turning into a werewolf, I am a pure werewolf...Muhahhah!! I am good fighter, who good at dual wield, though my specialty is fighting with my claws, I am only 8 years old in human years*Gets stare at*....What? Back to story, I have been watching a blue haired lady and a spike haired man for awhile. It seem Mr. Spikehair is have trouble with some other women, who want to have..Um..what the word again? I know it starts with a S, But I don't remember the last two words, And Miss Bluehair is tried to help Spikehair...She is nice person,*Shudders* I still think that female, who in fact was foating blue hair cat, was freakly. After the blue hair cat and some human with a scar on his face left, Spikehair seems to want Bluehair to touch his tail again...I think it was weird that he got the tail out of nowhere. And then a really big ugly..thing attack them, I have got tired of watch them and decide to help Spikehair and Bluehair defeat the thing, that or Take out any of those other women, who want to have...whatever that S word is...with Spikehair. I should find out what Spikehair's and Bluehair's names are. How that? It is sure freaking long... and are you ever going to update?
 Reviewed By: Veglma, The Insane Wolf-jin  On: September 08, 2004 00:18 CDT
*Stares* Maybe I should have read the story before I join... I guess I will kill anyone who tried to get in the way of Vegeta and Bulma. Oh Yeah, This story is INSANE!...and I like it.
 Reviewed By: Veglma, The Insane Wolf-jin  On: September 07, 2004 23:51 CDT
I forgot to put this in my last review. Veglma know how to fight and she is a 5 year old in human years.
 Reviewed By: Veglma, The Insane Wolf-jin  On: September 07, 2004 23:26 CDT
Ah, Why not? I will join. I am...*does a drum roll* Veglma! I will be a insane werewolf that love play games...anytype of games, Has a short temper, and unlike the people who want to make Er..love to Vegeta...I will tried to get Vegeta and Bulma together! If Anyone tried to get in my way while I'm get Vegeta and Bulma together...They will DIE!! Oh Yeah, if Vegeta and Bulma are together...I will make sure they stay together... Well, My character is going to be different.
 Reviewed By: PanChan  On: July 31, 2003 23:46 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I absolutely love it... you are sooo evil... anyways, I want in...I want to be a part of the madness...lol
Im Beth,
Im a fighter (a lot like Pan from GT, minus the tears)in fact that's how I got my nickname PanChan, loooove Vegeta, and will stop it nothing to get him... bwahahahhaa *ahem* sorry...lol
 Reviewed By: Xorwais  On: March 26, 2003 11:49 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Wauw :) You Are insane :D
And that's a compliment, don't we all love to be insane?
I'd love to be in this fic, though it's a shame I won't get any real action with Geta :( mm.. Now I think of it, I'll probably faint the moment I come close.. Ah.. Like when I met John (from the Redhotchilipeppers) I totally didn't now what to do anymore, and I had fantasized about it for years.. I'm such a loser sometimes :(
Mm maybe because of the Aliencontrol I won't be a shy little girl mm? :D

lala, thanks for writing! Do more, get in the mood, Now :P
 Reviewed By: Masamune  On: September 05, 2002 20:23 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
doing it like eagles? i have no idea what that is, and i feel pretty confident that i don't want to. sounds too wierd for me. and that's rare! good chap! i loved that puar bring susan the saiyan part! very cute!
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: August 22, 2002 04:09 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG! I never expected this...I mean I couldn't stop laughing, then it hit me. I CAN'T EVEN GET LAID IN A FIC -_-!! To make matters worse I start out as a Saiyan female (which I'd love to be) just to turn into a pussy. Jeez, thanks alot K. I didn't know you cared. All kidding aside this was alot of fun and I can't wait to see who you humiliate next. At least now we know whose behind it all and I hope Veggie kicks his ass into next week. Great job ^_^!
 Reviewed By: ssjprincess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2002 22:45 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ok, so I lied again. I didn't come and read this chapter right after the other one, but I'm here now. :)
Vegeta: *looks around and sighs* Since no one put me out of my misery last chapter, I guess I'm here as well.
ssjprincess: Shall we begin and read about the many forms of torture that happen to you this chapter?
Vegeta: And if I said no?
ssjprincess: We'd do it anyway.
Vegeta: *sigh* Then let's read, shall we.
ssjprincess: We shall....
Hey Vegeta, I dare you to say that five times fast.
Vegeta: O.o What? Say what?
ssjprincess: "It's all these women, woman." *smiles*
Vegeta: *looks around*
ssjprincess: What are you looking for?
Vegeta: A nice, thick, solid wall.
ssjprincess: O.o Huh? A wall?
Vegeta: Yes, a wall. So I pound my head into it until the sweet bliss of unconsciousness consumes me.
ssjprincess: *shakes her head and laughs* You don't mean that. You like me and you know it.
Vegeta: Keep telling yourself that, Onna. It will make the surprised look on your face all the more sweeter as I blast you to oblivion.
ssjprincess: *chuckles* Cranky today, aren't we.
Vegeta: Humph.
ssjprincess: Shall we continue....
I loved the line in which Vegeta said he made a mean Spagetti Casserole. I can see Veggie in the kitchen now, cooking over a hot stove, and wearing an apron. *sighs dreamily* Nothing but an apron. *hentai grin*
Vegeta: *hands ssjprincess a handkerchief* Here, you have a bit of drool on your chin. *smirk*
ssjprincess: I do not! Back to the story...
Launch and a...tree? lol
Vegeta: *tilts his head* Now there's an image you don't see everyday. *tilts his head to the other side* O.o How in the hell? Who knew that was humanly possible? O.O!
ssjprincess: Oh kami! That's enough of that. *pulls Vegeta away from the 'tree loving' (though I think that is taking things a bit far. lol) Launch*
Vegeta: O.o How does she get her-
ssjprincess: O.O I don't know! Let's get back to the story shall we?
Vegeta: *chuckles* But this *is* part of the story.
ssjprincess: *growls* Ok, a different part of the story! Anyhow, I thought the whole conversation about the self-destruct button was funny.
Vegeta: Why she had to put a self-destruct button on the thing I'll never know.
ssjprincess: Because she can. Maybe it's wishful thinking on her part. Maybe there is a small piece of her subconscious that hopes you'll 'accidentally' push the red button.
Vegeta: Impossible. Besides, truer words were never spoken as when I said, 'Not every woman gets to be attracted to the Prince of all Saiyans. They should feel privaliged.'
ssjprincess: O.o Ah. Yeah. Whatever.
Vegeta: Oh. Kami. No.
ssjprincess: *bursting out with laughter* Oh Kami! I'm in the fic! And talking to Veggie, in chat style. Oh this is great! lol
Vegeta: O.O!!!! m-m-m-mmm-!!
ssjprincess: *jumps into Vegeta's arms*
Vegeta: *looks in wide-eyed bewilderment at ssjprincess then Kahlan Nightwing* Married?! That's it! It's a plot isn't it? The two of you are plotting to drive me insane!
ssjprincess: *LOL* I'm dying of laughter here! I not only took the DeWomanizer, but I also broke it! That means no more easy fix for Vegeta's problem. lol Which means the torture is far from over.
Vegeta: Do you find that funny?
ssjprincess: *in between laughter* Yes.
Vegeta: *smirks and drops ssjprincess* we,,. I find that funny.
ssjprincess: *stands up rubbing her sore bottom* I'm not sure if it's sore from being dropped or from the fact that I was thrown out of the scene by Bulma. lol But just in case it from being dropped.. *kicks Vegeta in the shin*
Vegeta: Was that supposed to hurt?
ssjprincess: No, but this might. *swing*
Vegeta: *duck* Would you stop with the frying pan!
ssjprincess: No. *swing*
Vegeta: *sidestep* Hold on. Where in the hell did that frying pan come from?
ssjprincess: *shrugs* I guess from the same place your pen and paper came from. *swing*
Vegeta: *grabs the pan* Geez, Onna. You have no sense of humor today.
ssjprincess: Your a fine one to talk Mr. I've constantly Got my Panties in a Bunch!
Vegeta: Come on, you've made this review long enough as it is, get on with your review.
ssjprincess: *sighs* Your right, *smirks* Dear.
Vegeta: O.o Don't call me that.
ssjprincess: *chuckles* Anyway, I don't blame JadedBest for running away from Bulma, she is *looks around to make sure a certain blue-haired genius is nowhere to be seen* rather scary. And has a mean right hook.
Vegeta: *chuckles* You should of seen yourself running from her.
ssjprincess: *rolls her eyes* Yeah, I'm sure it was real funny. Anyhow, Yes, this chapter 'entertained' me! I loved it! I couldn't stop laughing! I can't wait for the next chapter or should I say next set of tortures in store for Vegeta. lol
One more thing, I hope I do make a miraculous recovery, and come back for what is mine! *drops down in a rumble pose* I'll be ready for Bulma this time. *makes a come get some motion with her hands* She won't get me with any sucker punch!
Vegeta: If I were Bulma, I'd be scared. *rolls his eyes*
ssjprincess: *stands up and dusts off imaginary dust from her sleeves* Humph.
Vegeta: *wicked smirk* Well, since we are suddenly 'married', *picks up ssjprincess* I think I want some of those marital 'perks' now.
ssjprincess: *chuckles* Hey, Kahlan hurry up with that next chapter! I promise I won't take so long to review next time. :) And maybe I won't make my review so long. lol *waves*
 Reviewed By: ssjprincess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2002 11:35 CDT
*blushes* Ummmm... falling = failing.
 Reviewed By: ssjprincess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2002 11:32 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ok, ok, so I lied. I didn't come and review thisright after I was done with UE. *rubs head* Blame it on the punch I recieved to the side of my head. *mumbles* For that I should let Yamcha marry the shrew in my fic.
Vegeta: Ok, we can pretend your stupidity is a result of the blow to your head..... but it would be a lie. *smirk*
ssjprincess: O.o *mumbles... again* And maybe you can fall under a spell and fall head over heels for Kakarott.
Vegeta: O.O! You wouldn't!
ssjprincess: Try me.
Vegeta: *chuckles* I already have-
ssjprincess: *blushes* Vegeta!
Vegeta: It's nothing worth writing home about. *smug smirk*
ssjprincess: O.O!!!! What?! *swing and BAM!!*
Vegeta: X.o Damnit, Onna! I was just joking! *rubs head*
ssjprincess: Well, obviously I didn't find it very humorous!
Vegeta: Obviously. *grumbles obsecenities along with various forms of torture that he would like to have ssjprincess experience*
ssjprincess: Oh quit your grumbling. Let's do what we came here for and review!
Vegeta: Fine, but when we're done, someone is getting blasted!
ssjprincess: On with the review.... or should I say torture? lol ....
Oh Kami! *looks at Vegeta and bursts out laughing*
Vegeta: O.o *shakes his head* No... this isn't happening...
ssjprincess: So did she?
Vegeta: Did she what?
ssjprincess: *snicker* Look fat?
Vegeta: Shut up, Onna.
ssjprincess: *trying to hold back laughter and falling miserably* Did you just run away from Mrs. Briefs?
Vegeta: Shut. Up. Onna. *trying to hide his discomfort with macho bravado* Besides, I had to get away quickly... for the ditz's on good. Can I help it women fall all over me?
ssjprincess: O.o Suurrre you did.
Vegeta: *growls and whips out a piece of paper and begins writing*
ssjprincess: O.o Where did that paper and pen come from? o.O *shakes her head* Nevermind, I don't want to know. What are you writing Vegeta?
Vegeta: *looks at ssjprincess and Kahlan Nightwing* Just adding some names to my list of people that I am going to blast to Hell! And there are two going straight to the top.
ssjprincess: *chuckles* Shall we continue reading?
Vegeta: No.
ssjprincess: * :P @ Vegeta* Too bad....
That arguement sounds vaguely familiar. :)
Vegeta: I still say I'm not sweet, nice or any other sickening nice word you can come up with.
ssjprincess: I know it. It's just fun to aggrivate you.
Vegeta: Humph. Review, Onna.
ssjprincess: Oh yes...
Vegeta: O.O!!!! *starts scrathing a name out of his list and moving it to the top* Chichi?! *looks at Kahlan Nightwing* How could you?! *shudders* I know someone that went straight to the top of my list!
ssjprincess: *falls over from laughter* Kill it! That was funny. And the shrieking. *holds her stomach which is hurting from laughter*
Vegeta: *pouts* I find nothing funny about this.
ssjprincess: lol It looks as if you have another list, Vegeta.
Vegeta: Onna?
ssjprincess: What?
Vegeta: Shut up.
ssjprincess: *chuckles*
Vegeta: O.O!
ssjprincess: lol Let's get started. lol Now your going to be ravaged by JadedBest.
Vegeta: O.O! *gets out his paper* Time to add another name to my list!
ssjprincess: lol And Maron!
Vegeta: *scribbling* I think I'm going to need another piece of paper.
ssjprincess: Finally!
Vegeta: *raises an eyebrow* Finally, what?
ssjprincess: I've been telling you to take a flying leap for years, and now you finally did it.
Vegeta: *rolls his eyes* Funny.
ssjprincess: *snickers* Thank you. Uh oh. Now Launch.
Vegeta: Can I help it I'm irresistable?
ssjprincess: Whatever. Let me just say, I love this! It is absolutely hilarious!
Vegeta: Can I say one thing?
ssjprincess: Go ahead.
Vegeta: Someone kill me now.
ssjprincess: *laughs* On to the next chapter.
Vegeta: Please? Your not going to make me beg are you? Are you?
 Reviewed By: Mushi_azn [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 21, 2002 01:58 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
my email is sushi_117@hotmail.com Yeah I should have thought about it, of coarse you wouldn't run outta ppl to be crazy about Vegeta. A fantasy about Vegeta eh?? *sigh* Ummm, anything nice a lemony with Vegeta is fine, I think it goes for the same as every other girl! ^^ Get a good kinda of my peronality?? Just make it up, nothing slutty or skanky or something, I don't even were tanktops or anything...Haha, if you wanna really know go to my website...it kinda sucks...but eh...(www.geocities.com/mushi_azn) Gay guys would just add a funny touch to it don't you think?? I mean, a gay guy hitted on Trunks in the tornament!! ^^ Ahem ok off topic. GOOD CHAPTER!! CONTINUE SOON!!
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