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"Little Pleasure Prince" Reviews/Comments [ 27 ]
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 Reviewed By: ssjprincess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2002 11:35 CDT
*blushes* Ummmm... falling = failing.
 Reviewed By: ssjprincess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2002 11:32 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ok, ok, so I lied. I didn't come and review thisright after I was done with UE. *rubs head* Blame it on the punch I recieved to the side of my head. *mumbles* For that I should let Yamcha marry the shrew in my fic.
Vegeta: Ok, we can pretend your stupidity is a result of the blow to your head..... but it would be a lie. *smirk*
ssjprincess: O.o *mumbles... again* And maybe you can fall under a spell and fall head over heels for Kakarott.
Vegeta: O.O! You wouldn't!
ssjprincess: Try me.
Vegeta: *chuckles* I already have-
ssjprincess: *blushes* Vegeta!
Vegeta: It's nothing worth writing home about. *smug smirk*
ssjprincess: O.O!!!! What?! *swing and BAM!!*
Vegeta: X.o Damnit, Onna! I was just joking! *rubs head*
ssjprincess: Well, obviously I didn't find it very humorous!
Vegeta: Obviously. *grumbles obsecenities along with various forms of torture that he would like to have ssjprincess experience*
ssjprincess: Oh quit your grumbling. Let's do what we came here for and review!
Vegeta: Fine, but when we're done, someone is getting blasted!
ssjprincess: On with the review.... or should I say torture? lol ....
Oh Kami! *looks at Vegeta and bursts out laughing*
Vegeta: O.o *shakes his head* No... this isn't happening...
ssjprincess: So did she?
Vegeta: Did she what?
ssjprincess: *snicker* Look fat?
Vegeta: Shut up, Onna.
ssjprincess: *trying to hold back laughter and falling miserably* Did you just run away from Mrs. Briefs?
Vegeta: Shut. Up. Onna. *trying to hide his discomfort with macho bravado* Besides, I had to get away quickly... for the ditz's on good. Can I help it women fall all over me?
ssjprincess: O.o Suurrre you did.
Vegeta: *growls and whips out a piece of paper and begins writing*
ssjprincess: O.o Where did that paper and pen come from? o.O *shakes her head* Nevermind, I don't want to know. What are you writing Vegeta?
Vegeta: *looks at ssjprincess and Kahlan Nightwing* Just adding some names to my list of people that I am going to blast to Hell! And there are two going straight to the top.
ssjprincess: *chuckles* Shall we continue reading?
Vegeta: No.
ssjprincess: * :P @ Vegeta* Too bad....
That arguement sounds vaguely familiar. :)
Vegeta: I still say I'm not sweet, nice or any other sickening nice word you can come up with.
ssjprincess: I know it. It's just fun to aggrivate you.
Vegeta: Humph. Review, Onna.
ssjprincess: Oh yes...
Vegeta: O.O!!!! *starts scrathing a name out of his list and moving it to the top* Chichi?! *looks at Kahlan Nightwing* How could you?! *shudders* I know someone that went straight to the top of my list!
ssjprincess: *falls over from laughter* Kill it! That was funny. And the shrieking. *holds her stomach which is hurting from laughter*
Vegeta: *pouts* I find nothing funny about this.
ssjprincess: lol It looks as if you have another list, Vegeta.
Vegeta: Onna?
ssjprincess: What?
Vegeta: Shut up.
ssjprincess: *chuckles*
Vegeta: O.O!
ssjprincess: lol Let's get started. lol Now your going to be ravaged by JadedBest.
Vegeta: O.O! *gets out his paper* Time to add another name to my list!
ssjprincess: lol And Maron!
Vegeta: *scribbling* I think I'm going to need another piece of paper.
ssjprincess: Finally!
Vegeta: *raises an eyebrow* Finally, what?
ssjprincess: I've been telling you to take a flying leap for years, and now you finally did it.
Vegeta: *rolls his eyes* Funny.
ssjprincess: *snickers* Thank you. Uh oh. Now Launch.
Vegeta: Can I help it I'm irresistable?
ssjprincess: Whatever. Let me just say, I love this! It is absolutely hilarious!
Vegeta: Can I say one thing?
ssjprincess: Go ahead.
Vegeta: Someone kill me now.
ssjprincess: *laughs* On to the next chapter.
Vegeta: Please? Your not going to make me beg are you? Are you?
 Reviewed By: Mushi_azn [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 21, 2002 01:58 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
my email is sushi_117@hotmail.com Yeah I should have thought about it, of coarse you wouldn't run outta ppl to be crazy about Vegeta. A fantasy about Vegeta eh?? *sigh* Ummm, anything nice a lemony with Vegeta is fine, I think it goes for the same as every other girl! ^^ Get a good kinda of my peronality?? Just make it up, nothing slutty or skanky or something, I don't even were tanktops or anything...Haha, if you wanna really know go to my website...it kinda sucks...but eh...(www.geocities.com/mushi_azn) Gay guys would just add a funny touch to it don't you think?? I mean, a gay guy hitted on Trunks in the tornament!! ^^ Ahem ok off topic. GOOD CHAPTER!! CONTINUE SOON!!
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 20, 2002 23:21 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh I can think of plenty of things to do to/with that yummy... hold on I'm having a moment...

*deep breath* Okay I'm back. Sorry about that. I am absolutely lovin' this insanity! Though once again I'm left in need of a cold shower and not even getting to cop-a-feel to show for my effort. *sniffs* I only ask for three things in my life: to get to see Veggie, to get to hear Veggie (man that voice! What was it Bulma said in Willpower?Oh you remember the line ^_~), and finally to have my own personal Veggie to...hold I'm having another moment...

Anyway I don't mind that I ran from Bulma. Don't tell her I said this but honestly the woman scares me.

Bulma: Do I now?

Darn it! Now look what you did! You're always getting me in trouble with them. First that business with Vegeta's boot and this! Oh well, til next time.-JB
 Reviewed By: Kitten  On: July 20, 2002 22:35 CDT
*sighing* I guess this means I'll never get the chance to chase him around until he can't breathe. Oh well, not that it matters, I've got pen and paper to keep track of all the gory details. I know, i could follow him around everywhere, especially considering the fact that I play an asexual girl in one fic. I think i can handle not wanting veggie in this fic if you were to add me to it. Well, keep it up, this is a hilarious story. BYEEE!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: July 20, 2002 22:22 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
LMAO!!! Launch and a tree? OMG I'm not even gonna go there. You are one sick chick, but I guess we relly wouldn't want you to be any other way. I love the reference to JB's Willpower. You know she's gonna be real pissed off that you didn't let her get a piece of his fine ass. Let's not forget SSP. That was so funny (I do like the way she and "Veggie" review fics). In a nutshell, you're in deep doodoo with those two ladies, and I'm just glad I'm home, safe and sound, sipping my java and out of the line of fire ^_^. Great job!!
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2002 01:23 CDT
*hangs head in despair* Still not getting laid here... *walks away with a single tear rolling down her cheek*
 Reviewed By: MistressAlexa [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 09, 2002 23:54 CDT
I really, really hope you get the chance to update this soon. I wanna know what the hell is going on with all the females. But the reactions Vegeta had were priceless. LOL!! Cant wait for more.
 Reviewed By: Mushi_azn [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2002 00:50 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
haha..ok..that's kinda weird. Continue soon please!! And start a mailing list!! ANd add me on first!! If you can, reply to me!! haha, Good idea using JadedBest as one of the horny girls!! But maybe u should ask..haha. Hey u can use me if u run outta ppl. Haha, we do get an explaination on why these women are soo horny right?? OHHH!! you should have some gay guys go after him too!! ^^ Haha, k CONTINUE!!
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 26, 2002 22:49 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*slams fist on the desk* Damn it Kahlan! I wanted to sleep with him! You could've at least let me lay him out just once. You know it's crap like this that creates stories like Willpower. And I can't believe that bitch Marron tried to cut in on my action. Honestly! That's all right. I'll get him next time.

Vegeta: Uh...no.
JB: I will too!

Okay so the story had me rollin' but I'd like to know was this a Vanilla Coke and Mint Skittles moment or something a little hardier... Just wanted to know.

I still can't get over me not getting a piece of that sweet Veggie ass when he was standing right there...

Speaking of sweet, that Vegeta and Bulma convo about him being sweet sounded awfully familar ~_^. Anyway you know I loved it so I guess I really don't have to say it.-JB
 Reviewed By: Masamune  On: June 26, 2002 12:58 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
that was INSANE! i love it! vegeta being chased by a bunch of hormone-driven women! it's adorable! poor veggie, chances of convincing bulma look so slim, too! ha! chasing vegeta would be fun, but i think i'd rather be in bulma's position, too! i can't believe you put jadedbest in there, that's so awesome!
 Reviewed By: Kitten  On: June 26, 2002 08:57 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hiiiii!!!!!!!!!! I can't get back onto ff.n...it's really messed up today. Anyway, when is the next chapter going to come out? This story is tooo funny so far. Oh...I've got the Boatworking skills story on this site, but I haven't updated it yet, I'm still having major writers block with the date chapter. Sigh...I guess i'll have to work on the other one and actually load it on this site. Oh well, just as long as people read it I don't care. Keep up your writing, i'll review the next chapters as they come out.
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: June 26, 2002 05:19 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ROTFLMAO!!! You've just proved that you are certifiably nuts! Let me guess-this is one of your horror movie/vegeta action figures/caffeine induced dreams right? I loved the ooc remarks made by our favorite disgusted duo and I can't believe Bulma is so stupid as not to notice what the hell is going on. Poor Veggie Weggie. I bet he wishes he was on Frieza's ship. These women have him so messed up that he's gone from Prince of the Saiyans to Prince of Paranoia. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame the women one bit. The thought of a fine piece of animated ass like that handcuffed to my bed...well let's just say that whipped cream, chocolate syrup and cherries wouldn't be wasted on ice cream ^_~. Adding JB to the horny horde was a great touch. I can't wait to read her review on this one as well as the next chap of this insane fic. GREAT JOB KN!!
 Reviewed By: G-G-GGoku  On: June 25, 2002 21:49 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I like it!
 Reviewed By: Meow [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 25, 2002 20:20 CDT
Bwhahahahahahaha!!!! *wipes away a tear* oh..that's good. Bulma sure is being stupid though. It's obvious that Vegeta wasn't encouraging any of that, but she still doesn't believe him. Oh well, all for the sake of the story I suppose. ;D Keep it up! I wanna know what the heck is going on. This wouldn't have anything to do with a wish someone made with the dragonaballs, would it? Just a guess... ;p
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