"Mistake" Reviews/Comments [ 5 ] |
Reviewed By: AnimePrincessInuLover [MediaMiner Member] On: April 09, 2008 16:54 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: HURRY!!! YOU FINALLY UPDATED!!!! WOO-HOO!!! well i liked both chaps a lot. and i can't beleive she hasn't figuered out it was Sasuke yet! i mean the 'Hn' kinda would give him away! but anyway i enjoyed reading the chaps and UPDATE SOON!!!! U ROCK!!
Reviewed By: AnimePrincessInuLover [MediaMiner Member] On: March 17, 2008 16:49 CDT Comment/Review: WEN U GONNA UPDATE?!?!?! PLEASE HURRY!
Reviewed By: AnimePrincessInuLover [MediaMiner Member] On: November 25, 2007 19:22 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: this chap was AWESOME!!! i really liked it! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! I REALLY WANT TO READ MORE!!! U ROCK!!!
Reviewed By: AnimePrincessInuLover [MediaMiner Member] On: November 20, 2007 17:09 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: great chap!!! i really liked it!! this is getting very interesting! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! CAN'T WAIT TO READ MORE!!!
Reviewed By: AnimePrincessInuLover [MediaMiner Member] On: November 18, 2007 19:43 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: well that was interesting. any who i'm liking this fic, so UPDATE SOON PLESE!!! can't wait to read more!