"Mirror" Reviews/Comments [ 7 ] |
Reviewed By: kagomesdouble07 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 05, 2009 05:28 CST Comment/Review: THanx for the quick update. Why didnt kagome yell at inu for sleeping w/her before they were to be married. I thought for sure sh would turn everything back around on him since he was doing the same thing as her-he was gonna sleep w/a random girl and then go marry her! Anyway im glad they are forming a connection. Update soon please ^_^
Reviewed By: kagomesdouble07 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 05, 2009 03:04 CST Comment/Review: great updates. i can't wait to see how inu and kag will react to people crashing in on them and finding out who each other really are
Reviewed By: loverchick000 On: December 12, 2007 15:26 CST Comment/Review: i love it! update. soon please!
Reviewed By: hasdjfla On: December 12, 2007 15:25 CST Comment/Review: amazing. simply amazing.
Reviewed By: kaira2828 [MediaMiner Member] On: December 11, 2007 22:25 CST Comment/Review: love it!!!
Reviewed By: Alliecoolgirl [MediaMiner Member] On: December 11, 2007 19:58 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Awsome! please keep it up!
Reviewed By: glass thorn [MediaMiner Member] On: December 05, 2007 16:11 CST Comment/Review: Have you posted this story before? or on another site? I know i've read this before, only there were a lot more chapters..i've been following this story for awhile...are you redoing it? or is it just more complete on another site?