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"Kyoofu" Reviews/Comments [ 3 ]
 Reviewed By: Arelia [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 10, 2009 23:03 CDT
These two chapters were amazing... What a spectacular start. Everything was so heart wrenching. When I started reading, I had no idea it would lead this way so kudos on creating something so original. I'm anticipating the next installment!
 Reviewed By: arizonasiren [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 15, 2009 18:49 CDT
I really like it. Question????? Is the girl really Kagome or not? I could be blind, but I did see her name. I assume its Kagome,not too sure. Looking forward for next update.....
 Reviewed By: wbk [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2008 06:45 CST
i really like the way this story has started. i like the gentle emotions you wrote into it. i think the anxiety level, as the pkane was going down, could have been worked a little more. i am a little confused with the time line. and the mentions of scars. with the introduction of character names that are not in canon character, i would assume that feudal and shikon happenings have no place in your story. so now i'm intrugued as to what the trials of the past ten years were. and is inuyasha still a hanyou? if not, how could he have known kagome was carrying their son before she did? thank you for the start of what looks to be a good story

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