"Bandits" Reviews/Comments [ 3 ] | Reviewed By: Inu Trasha [MediaMiner Member] On: May 10, 2009 09:22 CDT Comment/Review: *cue superman theme* Super Sesh to teh rescue. As always, well written. suspensful. touching.
| Reviewed By: VaLdeMar303 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 15, 2008 16:33 CDT Comment/Review: Hi! First of all I'll let you know that I think you always nail their characters with amazing accuracy and your story are as close as canon as a fanfiction can be. I'm italian though and I'm not yet confortable enough with english to write a review for each one of your stories even if I watch my mail, looking for your updates, almost too often. What I needed to say is that I think you have all the right abilities to write a believable Sess/Rin. I wasn't a huge fan of this pairing but with those little tidbits how can't you love them? So if one day you would write a longfic about those two count me in your list of most affectionate readers! sorry for any mistakes and keep up the amazing job you're doing!
| Reviewed By: kokoronagomu [MediaMiner Member] On: October 15, 2008 15:20 CDT Comment/Review: exciting! the adrenaline rush, like when your child wonders off and you can't find him/her. one could feel it building as he desperately looked for the girls. ♥ thank you, ginny