Title: Chapter 4 Reviewed By:Dumbledork [MediaMiner Member] On: September 21, 2010 10:24 CDT Rating(s):
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Comment/Review: Great read. I like it a lot.
Title: punishing ranma a lot Reviewed By: tentai On: June 05, 2009 03:02 CDT Comment/Review: it looks great but you seem to want to fuck of ranma royally and really badly as if you don'y like him at all? as i would asum ranma would be able to learn through his fighting his opponents the styles and techniques. though if he ever survives long enough to get his cure he could learn the language and return to that cave to learn all the styles kept there and what ever else is there. though how he is going to get his cure i don't know as well as tell these people that he has a curse and is really a guy? ever thought of doing a ranma/dark myth/sailor moon crossover?