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"Meant For It" Reviews/Comments [ 12 ]
 Reviewed By: vegeta and future trunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 16, 2015 00:18 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I freakin love this!!! :D come on you gota UPDATE i love the chemistry between bulma and vegeta, i love the humor, i love how bulma speaks her mind, i cant wait for the bond to happen! I especially cant wait for the LEMON ;) It pisses me off that Bulma doesn't know the full truth to why she is there, those secretive bastards! :/ I wonder what the elder and bulma will discuss...I just love bulma in this story she is perfect! Oooo and will we see more of Zarbon?! I mean he was flirting with bulma at first, will we start to see some jealousy from vegeta? hmmm... Oh and i cant wait for vegeta and bulma to kiss in public, will there be more electricity? PLEASE UPDATE!!! oh and very curious to see how will vegeta make bulma fall in love with him. lmao how bulma had a closet of lingerie ready for her when she arrived XD!
 Reviewed By: Nova81 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 20, 2013 06:21 EDT
Interesting so far. Can't wait to read more. Update soon. :-)
 Reviewed By: DBFreak [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 03, 2013 00:38 EDT
Love love love! Update soon!
 Reviewed By: Hachi da Green One  On: April 20, 2013 14:28 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Please update this story
 Reviewed By: SaiOJO  On: April 18, 2013 13:08 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Please continue! I'm really loving this great idea wish I had thought of it! Keep up the great work
 Reviewed By: evvoults [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2013 14:49 EDT
I find your story rather intriguing ..... please continue with your work ...... i am very curious to learn how this story is going to unfold ..... great job really ......... :)
 Reviewed By: jordansmom [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 05, 2013 15:30 EST
Can't wait for more updates. This fic is good so far.
 Reviewed By: Rogue's masquerade  On: March 03, 2013 23:24 EST
So far this seems like a genuinely good story, I will admit that I don't think Bulma would have been as obvious with her insults at the king, but more cool and collected when exchanging barbs, otherwise I like how you've kept the characters true to themselves and I can't wait to see how this story unfolds. Keep up the great work and please update soon!
 Title: Finally!!!
Reviewed By: green integration [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 01, 2013 20:26 EST
I am so glad that you've finally posted this on here! I can't wait to see more chapters! I really don't understand why you can't post it on fanfiction as I mean there is loads of n-17 stuff on there, but hey that's up to you! I am quite confused about the infant thing, I presumed they needed him to be full grown so would have to wait like 16 years or so, but they just need an infant? I hope they won't hurt the baby in the process and wonder how it will be done!
 Reviewed By: angelica_lisa [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 01, 2013 14:13 EST
Great beginning - keep up the good work!
 Title: Great Job!
Reviewed By: smrpre  On: March 01, 2013 00:38 EST
I'm really intrigued! I love how you've laid it all out. I can't wait to see more Vegeta Bulma interactions. Awesome work!
 Reviewed By: Nancy103  On: March 01, 2013 00:16 EST
Nicely done so far! Thanks for writing it and look forward to an update!

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