"He Who Fights Monsters" Reviews/Comments [ 5 ] | Reviewed By: Ivellios [MediaMiner Member] On: August 26, 2013 02:17 EDT Comment/Review: The calm before the storm...something has to happen. What it is, I don't know but I can't wait to find out! | Reviewed By: Ivellios [MediaMiner Member] On: August 24, 2013 21:55 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I did not see this coming. Killing Moka, nope, not in a million years. Where you go from here, I have no clue but I can't wait to see where you go next. Like the fallout from Moka's family now that she's dead. And introducing his probable girlfriend to his family, or making sure that never happens. And if that shy chick goes crazy now that he's back with Keito. Anyway, great update, can't wait for next update. | Reviewed By: Heliosion [MediaMiner Member] On: August 24, 2013 20:45 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: The fact you've never let him obtain any sort of power has made this an enthralling read plus the way you legitimately and believably killed a Rosario Vampire style vampire was positively gripping | Reviewed By: Ivellios [MediaMiner Member] On: August 22, 2013 20:22 EDT Comment/Review: At this point, I think Tsukune should realise he's stuck there for the long haul. Even if he gets the transfer paperwork done, where would they send him? They think he's a monster so wouldn't they send him to another school for monsters? He should just try to survive and make sure Keito is always full before she wants to have sex, just in case she is a little too much like a black widow. Can't wait for the next update, keep up the awesome work! | Reviewed By: Ivellios [MediaMiner Member] On: August 21, 2013 20:15 EDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: This is dark, terrifying and amazing. Can't wait for the next chapter. |