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"Patchwork Family" Reviews/Comments [ 24 ]
 Title: Must have more!
Reviewed By: FanaticallyInLove [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 01, 2016 19:56 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So I've gotten through all you have written here and now I'm dying for an update! I see it's been quite a while since you've updated and I really hope that means that you haven't given up on this story as it's still really just beginning. It's about absolutely fabulous idea and I love how much detail and character work you've done. And even though she's an OC Rose fits in perfectly well with the rest of them like she's always been a part of the Inuyasha series. This is so wonderfully developed and I really hope you continue it soon!
 Title: Must have more!
Reviewed By: FanaticallyInLove [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 01, 2016 19:55 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So I've gotten through all you have written here and now I'm dying for an update! I see it's been quite a while since you've updated and I really hope that means that you haven't given up on this story as it's still really just beginning. It's about absolutely fabulous idea and I love how much detail and character work you've done. And even though she's an OC Rose fits in perfectly well with the rest of them like she's always been a part of the Inuyasha series. This is so wonderfully developed and I really hope you continue it soon!
 Title: Wonderful
Reviewed By: FanaticallyInLove [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 01, 2016 08:53 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was gonna wait until I had read all available chapters before reviewing but I just had to stop and say that I love the chapter titles! They are great and definitely the best of any story I've read. That said this story is incredibly unique and I'm totally in love so far. I definitely plan on following it to the end! On a quick side note it seems like there are words missing from some chapters and it's a little odd and frustrating, while nowhere near enough as to detract from the story it is rather perplexing.
 Reviewed By: pretty in punk [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 26, 2015 20:43 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Once again, two amazing chapters! I got the notifications that you updated a day or two ago but I've been so busy that I wanted to wait until I had enough time to fully sit back, relax, and read your newest chapters with no interruptions. Your writing always leaves me wanting more! I'm hooked on this story for sure!! Thanks so much for sharing your work :)
 Reviewed By: pretty in punk [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2015 17:00 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I haven't been on mediaminer in years! I just got back on fanfiction.net earlier this year after a few years of not reading any fanfiction. I thought I had caught up on some great new Inuyasha fics that I had been missing out on the last few years but your story is probably one of the best I have read in awhile. Everything flows so nicely and you do such a great job at setting the scene that I really do feel like I'm right there with the characters. I could go on and on about how amazing I found this story to be! Keep doing what you're doing because this is such a great story and you should be really proud of your work :)
 Reviewed By: chika_alternita  On: August 19, 2015 06:21 PDT
I really enjoyed this dead space meditation, I am intrigued by that single presence there, is it sesshomaru s former mate? and also will Kagome tell inuyasha and biceversa their secrets? great work as always, I will be waiting for your next update
 Reviewed By: chika_alternita  On: July 27, 2015 05:46 PDT
I was looking forward to your next update. I want to ask you, when Inuyasha and the rest will find out about Kagomes powers with the dead. and will she speak with our lovely ghost again?
 Reviewed By: Nunichan  On: July 19, 2015 13:39 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So glad you updated. I am enjoying readingthis fic very much. When you announced changes I went back an reread. I like how the characters deal with issues here. No miracle fix, it's real, specially Inu/Kag. He takes small steps and she tries to be rational. We know Naraku is evil and I can't wait for him to show up and get his ass handed to him and then die. I'm morbidly curious to read his POV. Also I like Rosie, she has grown on me. Again I'm glad that she is also dealing with things realistically and Sess is unknowingly helping out while falling for her. UPDATE SOON. As for the stories I would very much like option D. But also liked B an C.
 Reviewed By: chika_alternita  On: April 07, 2015 08:13 PDT
I love this story. It is getting more interesting the more you update :) Please keep going!!!
 Reviewed By: chika_alternita  On: March 25, 2015 05:57 PDT
I loved the ending of your last chapter!! please keep updating, your story is very interesting!
 Reviewed By: gk_11 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2015 20:36 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Love this story. I can't wait for the next update.
 Reviewed By: future writer  On: March 03, 2015 15:54 PST
Love this story. Loved this chapter. I can't wait to see what happens at the meeting.
 Reviewed By: chika:alternita  On: March 02, 2015 06:54 PST
Great chapter. I loved your lime at the end, it shows Kagome is trusting Inuyasha more and she will have a reason not to get killed when facing Naraku. I will be looking forward to your next update
 Reviewed By: Tabbycatsmack  On: March 01, 2015 22:00 PST
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I've very much enjoyed reading this fanfic so far, thank you so much for writing! :D Love Felix, by the way, and the way that Kagome and her magic is being introduced. I'm definitely gonna stick around to see where you take the gang next! :3
 Reviewed By: hms1975  On: February 27, 2015 07:53 PST
I really like Felix, and hopefully Kagome can talk to him on a regular basis. It would be good for her to have a neutral party to give her advice, like he did with Inuyasha, where she may think Sango or Rosalind are closer to Inuyasha than her. Thank you for not trying to rush things between Kagome and Inuyasha, some stories move way too fast. I look forward to the next chapter, and will try to review more often. Just most of my reading is done at night on the Kindle, which has no keyboard. No touch screen, either, arrow keys to go from letter to letter.
 Reviewed By: chika_alternita  On: February 26, 2015 06:11 PST
great chapter!!! Loved this Felix character. I hope the truth is revealed to Inuyasha soon and that Kagome takes Felix advise on relationships, and do not wait until it is too late. Her reasons are logical but if something were to happen to her, it would be sad to die without experiencieng true love best
 Reviewed By: chika_alternita  On: February 18, 2015 12:26 PST
I re read your story and I liked the modifications. I Hope you update sooner because it is a great story and I love how you write the characters. I will be looking forward to your next update best
 Reviewed By: chika_alternita  On: December 09, 2014 09:05 PST
I really like your work so far, and would like you to continue it following your times and inspiration. It is really up to the writer because readers will always want more!! :) I have no user on MM so I would like you to post your story also on fanfiction . net so I could review more often. Best!
 Title: Keep it moving chica
Reviewed By: nudawaya  On: December 09, 2014 05:25 PST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I am not much for writing or review but i felt you need to know that I really liek your story. yes the relationships move very slow but they should given the situation. You seem to be trying to make it a realistic as possible and I love that. I would love to read more about these character in this story and any other you write. And just so you know I have never written a reveiw so you know you got something special. lol
 Reviewed By: 1love1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 06, 2014 15:21 PST
You defiantly have readers, I am not much for words so I don't comment as often but know your story is defiantly on my list. As far as any suggestions or problems with the plot, I think you're developing the plot well. When it comes to side stories or the length of the story my point of view is that you should do whatever satisfies your creative muscle. I read to glimpse into the imagination of others and I defiantly enjoy where your imagination is taking this story. Just keep doing what you're doing! PS. If you are really looking for more feedback I recommend you try posting your story on a few different fan fiction websites to get a more well rounded opinion. I tend to frequent Eternal Destiny (strictly inu/kag fans) and fanfiction.net
 Reviewed By: youkaineko [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 06, 2014 10:51 PST
Well here's my two cents on the matter. Dialog is always important. It lets the reader see how things unfold at their own pace instead of just summarizing it for us. Sure summarizing is great when you want to do jumps in time, but it shouldn't be used as your main method of storytelling. As the old adage goes: show, don't tell. That being said, not everything has to be shown, for example thank you for leaving out Kagome actually taking the test in ch 24, and just showing us the aftermath of her doing so. I prefer that a writer takes their time and lets things unfold slowly so that it makes sense why certain characters are feeling the way they are or doing the things they do. I've read far too many stories, hell, even watched big budget movies where I end up feeling like there is no reason for the main characters to have fallen in love other than the writer wanted them to. So your slow approach is just fine with me. However I think it is best to stay focused on just a handful of characters for the main story and let any other spinoff side stories be just that. Go ahead and write the origins of Rin's dog, or how Miroku and Sango got together, or whatever else you had planed, but put them in their own separate story, unless they are vital to the main plot line or a limited number of subplots. But untimely it is up to you as the writer to determine what you think is valuable information, or even just nice fluff to have in this story. The one thing I would recommend though is to give your audience a little more clues to the characters than just what they are showing each other. You might know exactly what each one of them is thinking and their back stories but we don't, so while you might think you are giving lots of hints, some or all of it might be going over your readers heads. Rosalind's problem for example is one of those. At this point I can't tell if she has asthma, a congenital heart defect or PTSD. I just know there is a problem that she seems desperate to hide. And yes, you have regular readers, we just tend to be lurkers.
 Reviewed By: abbygale  On: September 01, 2014 01:06 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This a really brilliant fic! Kudos to you! I really wanted to applaud you for the level of detail you put into your writing, every bit of the charaters' is detailed and well thought out. There are very few fan fiction writers that understand how much these details actually affect a story, and makes for a really enjoyable read. And character development is top notch too! I can't wait to see where you take this!
 Reviewed By: sutlesarcasm [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 26, 2014 18:14 PDT
From the looks of it, you should let your guilty pleasure become our reading pleasure. I read this last night and wanted to let you know I enjoyed thre story very much. It is well put together, and both the story and conversation flows very smoothly. I look forward to your next posting.
 Reviewed By: hms1975  On: August 21, 2014 07:32 PDT
I really enjoyed the story so far, it has been a while since the last update. You aren't abandoning this one, are you? I hope not. I usually only read stuff that is complete because I don't like waiting, but I came across this and liked it. I also noticed no one had reviewed yet, so I logged on to the computer where review writing is easier than on my Kindle.

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