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"Of Strings and Kevlar" Reviews/Comments [ 62 ]
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 Title: Uh ohh
Reviewed By: Random reviewer  On: April 19, 2016 10:45 PDT
Looks like some major drama is about to begin, I cant wait to see how it unfolds, if kikyo was willing to flirt so much with Kouga why exactly is she trying to get back with inuyasha, and also why is she after being with shesh... I hope Inuyashais truly over her and can flaunt Kagome, its also funny how much of a struggle it is for him not to have sex with Kagome
 Title: Uh ohh
Reviewed By: Random reviewer  On: April 19, 2016 10:45 PDT
Looks like some major drama is about to begin, I cant wait to see how it unfolds, if kikyo was willing to flirt so much with Kouga why exactly is she trying to get back with inuyasha, and also why is she after being with shesh... I hope Inuyashais truly over her and can flaunt Kagome, its also funny how much of a struggle it is for him not to have sex with Kagome
 Title: Uh ohh
Reviewed By: Random reviewer  On: April 19, 2016 10:44 PDT
Looks like some major drama is about to begin, I cant wait to see how it unfolds, if kikyo was willing to flirt so much with Kouga why exactly is she trying to get back with inuyasha, and also why is she after being with shesh... I hope Inuyashais truly over her and can flaunt Kagome, its also funny how much of a struggle it is for him not to have sex with Kagome
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 04, 2016 19:16 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great update! I'm so glad Inuyasha not only told Kagome about his dad, but about Kikyou, too. But that lingering vulnerability Kagome has, I have a very bad feeling about that... Even though I know this Inuyasha is 100% loyal to Kagome, and when he eventually sees Kikyou he's probably going to crinkle his nose and tell her to fuck off (especially since the dumb bitch will smell like Kouga, LOL) if Kagome sees something and misunderstands, gets the wrong idea... Oh kami, and I just thought of something. Sesshoumaru's instincts perked up at the smell of Kouga, against his wishes. What if, because of Inuyasha's dislike of Kouga, his instincts make him want to protect Kikyou from him? What if she somehow grasps that nuance and plays it up, cries, says she's afraid of him? She's a manipulative enough bitch to do it. There are sooooo many different ways this can go! And what's up with the baby? Inuyasha says he doesn't know if she had it or not, so then it was long enough ago that there could be a baby, but Sesshoumaru's reflection told us their one-night-stand was five months ago. That was either a slip-up on Inuyasha's part, and he just meant he didn't know if she was still pregnant or not (which it doesn't look like she is) or she was pregnant during the one-night-stand? But she was drinking though... Maybe she already had the baby? Or more likely, she lost/got rid of it but told Sesshoumaru. Probably told him a giant lie, like the baby was Inuyasha's and he kicked her out, and she probably had an abortion but told him she miscarried. There's a zillion different possibilities so I'll just wait to see which route you decide to take. Either way, I know one thing for sure, and that's that Kikyou's a bitch, LOL. I'm also pretty sure you plan some Inu/Kag drama of the Kikyou persuasion, but just so long as you give us a happy ending I'll go along for the ride. Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 20, 2016 18:50 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Good update! I'm glad Inuyasha made a reasonably good first impression on Mr. Higurashi. Probably even more so since he went to apologize for the momentary pissing contest during dinner. I don't think it's all that unusual that Inuyasha hadn't told Kagome about his father yet, all things considered. It's not like the guy had passed years ago so it could've been brought up in an 'oh, by the way' kind of conversation. Besides, Kagome hadn't told Inuyasha about her father yet, either, so there you go. She can't be mad at him because that would make her a hypocrite. Now that they're finally in a good (if sexually frustrating) relationship we don't need any petty misunderstandings messing things up. What's this about humble pie? And as Mrs. Higurashi thought, Kagome's no stranger to a traumatic death. So what, Inuyasha will reveal the story, a bit bitterly, but then Kagome will tell him about her father's death in turn, making him feel like an ass for thinking she wouldn't understand his pain? Just so long as they get it all out in the open and continue to be in a loving relationship afterwards. And yes! That was Kikyou! This ought to be interesting. Just why is she butting into things? Plotting on how to get Inuyasha back? What makes her think he'd take her back after he kicked her out before when she showed up pregnant with another man's baby? And is hooking up with Kouga a coincidence or does she know Kouga has a connection to Inuyasha and Kagome? And I guess we know Sesshoumaru was that 'other man' but does Inuyasha know that? Not that the brothers don't already pretty much despise each other, anyway. Maybe, if Inuyasha finds that little tidbit out, he can perhaps look at the broader picture. Yes, Sesshoumaru was an ass, but if memory serves Kikyou had already more or less walked out on Inuyasha because he wanted to be a poor drummer and Kikyou was more in love with money than with him. It's not like Sesshoumaru stole her away or anything. And if it hadn't been for him being single, well then he wouldn't have ended up hooking up with Kagome, who is so much better! So really, Kikyou being a slut bitch was for the best, since Inuyasha and Kagome were meant for one another. I am definitely curious about what she's plotting, though, especially if it has to do with sleeping with Kouga, LOL. Can't win Inuyasha back by sleeping with his enemy. But maybe she has something else in mind other than winning Inuyasha back. And what of the baby? Did she keep it? Oh! This is getting exciting! Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: StoatsandWeasels [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 20, 2016 13:51 PDT
I have the worlds worst memory, so after reading this chapter I had to go back and re-read the Sess/Kik phone conversation AND the description of the fallout between IY and Kikyo near the beginning of the story. OH. SNAP. So much drama...and it's sort of fresh too, it seems... Something is about to hit the fan. Probably shit, but who even knows? I can't wait to find out.
 Reviewed By: pretty in punk [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 19, 2016 16:48 PDT
I was just thinking of your story so I checked my email and there was an update! A great one too. I wonder what has Inuyasha acting so weird at the end there. If anyone can relate, it sounds like it's Kagome. I hope they can open up to each other especially about something as painful as this! My first reaction to you saying someone will be served some humble pie....is Inuyasha haha. Just because of how cocky he can get ;) But maybe it could be Kouga?? Or someone else!? Haha I love this story so much and once again I'm so thankful that you have chosen to continue writing new chapters! Even though I'm not sure I caught it the first time around, I am definitely enjoying it right now. Can't wait to see what happens next :)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 05, 2016 09:32 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great update, as always. No worries if real life makes the next few updates take a little longer than normal. You never finished this story the first time around? I guess that explains why I couldn't remember how it ends, then, LOL. I could've sworn it was finished, or at least further advanced. I thought I remembered the mystery woman would turn out to be Kikyou, like once upon a time she'd left Inuyasha to be with Sesshoumaru until he too wanted nothing to do with her, and also that there was some kind of scandal involved with Inuyasha's father's death, like it wasn't just an accident like everyone thinks and he was actually murdered by Naraku in some bad guy fashion or another. I guess I must have been mixing story plots if this is as far as this story ever progressed. I have absolutely no concept of a headcount of just HOW many Inuyasha fics I've actually read throughout the years, but boy howdy, is it up there, LOL. Well good then. Then I'm totally looking forward to finding out if that's Kikyou or Kagura (two most logical choices, anyway) and even more importantly, what happens with Kouga from here on out. That guy STILL isn't out of the picture. He might finally accept that Kagome doesn't want him, but that doesn't mean he's prepared to give Kagome up, and he might just shift into an 'if I can't have her, neither can he' mode of thinking because he's definitely not just going to let Inuyasha win. At least it looks like things are thankfully worked out between Inuyasha and Kagome and so their relationship, sans Kouga-related interruptions, can continue to progress at a healthy rate. Update as soon as you're able. I'm super looking forward to it!
 Reviewed By: pretty in punk [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2016 18:24 PST
Aw dang Inuyasha got a little roughed up didn't he? I agree with what another reviewer said though, it was probably best to happen that way so that Kouga could see Kagome's reaction to seeing Inuyasha like that. Now he can really see Kagome's feelings towards Inuyasha though I know he isn't giving up anytime soon. Had Kagome showed up and Inu was beating the crap out of Kouga....well sadly I think a part of Kagome would have been somewhat pissed at Inuyasha since she was currently being brainwashed by Kouga's manipulative ways. So even though I hate to see Inuyasha get hurt like that, I think the way this chapter unfolded was for the best. Now that Inuyasha knows about what really happened on that fateful Sunday talk, I hope Kagome and him can get everything straightened out! I was majorly stressing out about all that confusion and secrecy that was in the air!! Haha thanks for the update, can't wait until next week!!!
 Reviewed By: StoatsandWeasels [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2016 12:12 PST
So, I'm glad Inuyasha shares my sentiment about Kouga being an asswipe. Lol. I really wanted IY to beat him to a pulp, but it kind of seems like things worked out in Inuyasha's favor. Since Kagome showed up and saw that Kouga isn't so harmless afterall. It just put another nail in his already sealed coffin. Also, Sango's dad seriously needs to get laid or something. Dang, get a life dude...
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2016 08:31 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great update, as always. I remembered a little bit more about this chapter in advance as I started reading it than the others, but it was no less entertaining. I knew Sango was going to sneak out of her bedroom and that Miroku was right there waiting for her. I'd forgotten they all met up in time to witness the fight until Sango's call to Kagome, but then that part came rushing back. I can't really remember exactly what's going to happen next, but I bet once the shock wears off Kagome will be none too pleased to realize Inuyasha had deliberately kept part of Kouga's text message a secret from her, and that the entire thing, her at his apartment, had been orchestrated so that he could go meet Kouga. In Inuyasha's defense, though, he didn't know at that time that Kouga had mind-fucked Kagome and that she thought they weren't 100% broken up yet. He'd thought Kagome had completely broken up with Kouga, and Kouga was just being a stalker now. I can't really say I blame Inuyasha one bit. Looking forward to seeing how everything unfolds! Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: pretty in punk [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2016 10:59 PST
Haha I knew that couldn't really be Kagome talking to Inuyasha that way! Drunk or not, she was being way bolder than someone with almost no sexual experience haha. Or maybe I'm wrong but either way it was kinda funny seeing Inuyasha suffer from one of those types of dreams ;) He tries to act smooth and smug at times but I like how Kagome is kind of making him act like a boy in his first relationship all over again. It's totally adorable! I'm not sure how the upcoming confrontation with Kouga is going to go but I'm sure it won't be pretty! Can't wait to read it!!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2016 21:50 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You're right, of course. We do need to remember that Kagome's a little messed up when it comes to perceiving relationships. I wish I could remember what happens when Inuyasha confronts Kouga! Trying to think about this story and remember what happens next, or how it ends, I'm really drawing a blank, but then reading each chapter as they come there's little bits of 'oh yeah!' here and there that I recognize. I can't even remember how many chapters this story was, but I will gladly, and eagerly, read each and every one of them as they get reposted. This story is awesome!
 Reviewed By: StoatsandWeasels [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 13, 2016 18:39 PST
Kouga's such an ass wipe. I hope InuYasha harvests his organs...
 Reviewed By: pretty in punk [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 07, 2016 18:55 PST
Well that got hot and steamy ;P Haha I love how well you write those types of scenes. It's not strictly pornographic like in other stories where I feel like they lack the emotion and feeling behind it. Yet at the same time, I'm still blushing over here ;D Your writing is do detailed and fluid and just overall amazing! Can't wait for more!!
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