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"Side Effects" Reviews/Comments [ 8 ]
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2017 16:55 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay! So good! I'm not surprised Inuyasha asked Kirara to drop Kagome through the well, stubborn guy that he is, and I'm also equally not surprised that Kagome thought of a way to avoid it and stay in the past with him, where she needed to be. He very well might have lost the battle had it not been for her presence, yelling at him not to give up, holding his hand, etc. LOL, I had completely forgotten that she was naked under the suikan! That was a nice touch, and it really was like he was possessed, in a way, so I loved the way you did it, his mental struggle, and how he expelled out the evil youki. Considering WHAT had really happened to him, after all, that he hadn't really been a full youkai after all but just a possessed hanyou, his humanity suppressed due to the foreign youki bolstering his own inner youkai, I'm sooooooooo glad he's his hanyou self again. I was accepting him as a full youkai only back when I thought he really was a normal full youkai who just needed to pull his head out of his ass, but now we know that wasn't the case at all. This was a wonderful conclusion to the story. LOL, Miroku's sex-dar. Kagome got that right. We don't need to see the reunion between him and his friends, I think you ended it in just the right place, but I can easily imagine how it's going to go and she's right, if he blushes or flusters just once... I can see Miroku teasing him about the blush, like why, what are you thinking, Inuyasha? And then a knowing Shippou wanting to get a little even can "innocently" go and why do you smell so funny? LOL! Anyway, wonderful story, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2017 14:42 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful! *applause* For some reason I wasn't expecting a sex scene in this particular chapter, but it made absolute perfect sense. They don't know what will happen when Inuyasha gets his youki back, so this was quite literally a possible 'now or never' moment, and if I were Kagome I would have made the same decision. In fact I've had Kagome make that same decision more than once, LOL, but I absolutely loved the way you did it here, and so realistically! Too many people write sex scenes as if through rose-tinted glasses. They're both virgins here, people! It's going to be awkward, and at least for Kagome, marginally uncomfortable. You handled it beautifully. Really looking forward to seeing what happens next! Will his full youkai side rear its ugly head at first and there will be a battle of wills Inuyasha must win, or will he just automatically be himself? Full youkai but himself and he has to will the foreign youki away? Or will he have his full youkai personality but then somehow that side of him gets a soft spot for Kagome (gee I wonder why) and voluntarily concedes defeat and lets the hanyou persona take over? There's a few different ways the 'morning after' with renewed youki can go down, so I can't wait to see what path you took!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 20, 2017 18:11 PDT
Yay! *happy dance* It's like a meth addict coming down and realizing the horror of what he's done. But what's going to happen when being human wears off? Is that the one thing Kagome realized at the end there? Surely this can't be permanent, especially if it wasn't solely the result of her spiritual energy. If his heart and soul somehow beat his inner youkai into submission, it can only be temporary, and if he really did permanently bond with that extra youki, then he'll become a full youkai again instead of a hanyou, when his youkai blood restores itself. But, as Kagome pointed out, his heart and soul won out, he "woke up" because the real him shined through, even if only for a moment. The real key, then, is going to be becoming stronger than his inner beast, and not letting his youkai side take control of him again. Maybe Tetsusaiga didn't work as a shield because it had rejected him, so maybe if he can make amends to his sword (or maybe if Totosai can make adjustments) it will better protect his mind and he can keep his new full youkai strength without turning back into a colossal asshole. Also, like they both acknowledged, the longer he stayed full youkai the worse and worse he got, so maybe when he first changes back he won't go back to where he left off, but it'll be like that gradual build-up again, so maybe right when he changes back he can just keep reminding himself that he knows Kagome and the others were right, he did change, and he can vow to himself to not let himself change again. Unfortunately, depending on how strong the influence of that foreign youki and his youkai side is, it again would be like my analogy of a drug addict. This time will be different, honest! Except it never is, and once high, Inuyasha would go right back to being the bitter, paranoid dick he became, who doesn't believe his friends care about him and who doesn't believe he cares about his friends. This is quite the emotional roller coaster you've got going here! Keep it up!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 20, 2017 17:18 PDT
Whoa, I had not been expecting that. In regard to chapter 5. Stupid MM logged me out and I had to go log in again (well I didn't have to but I wanted to post my review logged in) and then I saw you JUST literally right now uploaded chapter 6, so I will be reading that shortly! But in the meantime, to get my thoughts for chapter 5 out, I was really starting to think about my roid rage analogy, and as he was storming away, running away from his troubles, I was thinking, check that, he's not on steroids, he's on meth! Does the same damn thing. Makes you totally turn against your friends, thinking they are the ones who turned against you. When he started fighting the phantom oni I wasn't sure if maybe it was the ghosts of the youkai that originally owned the youki he's absorbed, like he's got literal ghosts haunting him, but maybe it really was just his imagination like he concluded. I wasn't expecting you to Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde him. For a minute there, I was thinking yay! He successfully realized what an ass he was! And well, he did, but then it turns out it was his youkai side, and from that ending there (can't blame Kagome for zapping him one bit, because we all know he would have broken the well, and temporal paradoxes notwithstanding, she really needed to avoid becoming trapped in the future) I'm now fully convinced that he's still been a hanyou all along. He's capable of becoming a full youkai all by himself, after all, if his youki gets stronger (or later in the manga, when Tetsusaiga helps him, and he has a clear head then, too) so it's possible for his human blood to go dormant, just like his youkai blood naturally would go dormant on the new moon and he seemed fully human. Had he truly gotten rid of his human blood and become a true full youkai, Kagome would not have been able to turn him human, he would have just died. He would have puffed away into sparkly dust as pure youkai do when they are purified. Instead, it seems to me she purified out of him the extra, foreign youki, and also his own, but just like with the barrier of Mt. Hakurei, it's a temporary purification which made him human. Kinda wish he'd have come across Sesshoumaru before this happened, but I don't know how close this is to the end yet. On the one hand it could be almost over, but you mentioned in your author's note that you've gotten ideas for a few changes in later chapters, so that tells me it might not be almost over. Guess I should go see what happens in chapter 6, huh? Here I go!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2017 16:27 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh man... You've got me crying right along with everyone else, you bastard, LOL. Damn you're a good writer! And Inuyasha is a total and colossal asshole. I can only hope he eventually realizes this for himself. Even Tetsusaiga stopped working, and he knows, or at least should remember, that the secret to the sword working is his desire to protect his friends, protect Kagome, and the general goodness in his heart. That said, yes Sesshoumaru forced it to work against its will, once (twice if you count the third movie), because Sesshoumaru is cool like that, so that should tell Inuyasha not only that his sword now finds him unworthy, but also that he's not as strong as he thinks he is or else he would be able to force Tetsusaiga's compliance. What Inuyasha really needs is Sesshoumaru to show up and hand him his ass. Like you said, he should have reflected inwardly, wondered if maybe, just maybe, he really was different, especially after his sword rejected him, because Tetsusaiga wouldn't jump to paranoid conclusions like his friends might, but he just can't see it. He's not just a petulant teenager, but he's a petulant teenager during a roid rage. It's starting to look more and more like he's not going to snap out of it while full youkai, so maybe changing him back to hanyou is the better course of action. And maybe it's not even really 100% his fault, because it's not like it's all his youki, after all. It's not like he just somehow managed to eliminate his human blood and his youkai blood filled the gap. He absorbed and bonded with a conglomeration of random, mixed, foreign youki, and my 'roid rage' analogy might be closer than I realize. Maybe Myouga or Totosai will show up and sense the unbalance in him. Or maybe my love of Inuyasha as a whole is just grappling for any plausible excuse to forgive his behavior, LOL. At any rate, you've got quite the talent for pulling the heartstrings and this story does not disappoint. I can tell from the pace of it that we're not looking at a huge story, like some of your other epics, but there's still a lot of ground to cover. You will ultimately give us our happily ever after, won't you? Real life does suck, but Inuyasha lives in a fairy tale whether he realizes it or not, LOL.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 18, 2017 15:21 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Whoa! Crazy-intense third chapter. I figured you'd have Inuyasha transform into a dog eventually, but I wasn't expecting it so soon, and I had figured that Kouga would show up at one point, but I hadn't expected that so soon, either. There is definitely something wrong with Inuyasha! Or, well, there's not really anything wrong with him except the age-old expression "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Kouga and other 'nice' full-youkai (let's conveniently ignore the fact that they used to eat humans) were born that way, and they are what they are. Inuyasha, having spent his whole life...well we know his back story, so it's no wonder why he's reveling in his newfound power now. But jeeze, Inuyasha, you're being a royal asshole! Plus I think you're right, I mean Kagome's right, in that he hadn't really been trying to kill Kouga before now, so his attitude has definitely changed, and while Kagome needed to use the rosary, we now also have a problem in that it's broken. Um, make a new one? Like, now? Or, if you're including bits of anime truth in this, then she can just fix it again, like at the end of the third movie. Assuming she can collect all the beads. At least he's out cold, so that gives her time. LOL, I also liked the comedic relief of him turning back into his humanoid form sans clothing. I wasn't expecting that, 'cause I just figured the clothing getting absorbed or changed in the flare of youki was an automatic part of it all. Didn't think it was something he had to learn how to do, LOL! That'll be fun to explain, when he wakes up wondering why he's wearing his robes as a blanket. Also looking forward to finding out how much of the battle he remembers. I don't think the manga or anime ever really explains point blank, but I think it's presumed Sesshoumaru remembers what all happens while he's in dog form. He's switched back and forth in battle and not ever seemed confused, so it would make sense for Inuyasha to remember, but it might also be fuzzy because it was his first transformation, so however you play it is fine with me. Also yes I agree, no zigzagging pink balls of energy, LOL. Although if he could learn how to fly in his humanoid form, that'd be cool. I imagine you will have him do that at one point, if he didn't already. Kagome did say it was like he was floating on air. Maybe he was! Well, I can see this entire story ultimately having one of two conclusions, since I can't imagine you're going to blindside us with an angsty ending where Inuyasha goes fully evil and has to be killed. So, ignoring that unsavory (and hopefully unrealistic) third option, the other two options are either that he finally accepts the fact that he's been an ass, something (like maybe he really does accidentally hurt Kagome - but she'll be okay) gives him a moment of self-reflection and he finally becomes good ol' Inuyasha again, in spirit, while maintaining his youkai body. Or, alternatively, he gets out of control but instead of having to kill him they (either with or without his permission) discover some way or another to suck the extra youki out of him and turn him back into his hanyou self. A hanyou that would then be eating nothing but crow for the next several months. Personally, I'm kind of hoping he somehow pulls his head out of his ass but stays youkai in the end, but if that's not the way you've done it and he turns back into a hanyou that's fine, too. Looks like either way we're in for a long ride of crazy drama, although maybe not that long since we had the Kouga fight three chapters in. However many chapters this bad boy is, I'm going to enjoy every single one of them! Now I gotta wait to see what happens next. Looking forward to it!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 18, 2017 14:32 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Uh-oh, maybe I spoke too soon regarding the whole Inuyasha is still Inuyasha thing. At first I was prepared to comment more on Kagome like well, she's fifteen we gotta remember. We can allow her some selfishness. I can understand her wanting to mourn the hanyou she had fallen in love with, the hanyou she had accepted fully as he was, and I can understand her feeling hurt that her love for him, even if he just thought it was friendship...that that wasn't enough for him. But those are selfish thoughts. I was prepared to let Kagome have the time she needed to come to grips with herself, and truly look inside her own heart. If she loves Inuyasha, truly, and really does want him to be happy, then yeah - under normal circumstances - she should accept him as he is. Can't fault the guy for being ecstatically happy because the thing he always wanted, but then had come to grips with never getting, was suddenly given to him anyway. Yes, he had learned to accept himself as he was. I've accepted that I'm not a millionaire, LOL, but if somehow I was suddenly given a million dollars anyway then hell yeah I'd want it and be happy about it! Now, if I turned into a total rich asshole because of it and shat on all my friends, that would be grounds for them calling me on it and telling me how I've changed and that they liked me better before I was rich. Of course, confronting Inuyasha about how he obviously really is changing is much more dangerous than just telling a suddenly rich friend they've turned into a dick. He truly is becoming like Sesshoumaru. Which earlier had me wanting to point out that Sesshoumaru walks at a pace plenty slow for Jaken and Rin to keep up, but I honestly think Inuyasha was unaware of how fast he was walking. But had some stupid bumbling forest sprites gotten in Sesshoumaru's path and threatened him he would've just busted out the youki whip and been done with it. Those tree youkai did threaten them, and the sprite was making the girl sick, but I also agree that just beating them to a pulp should have sufficed. That Inuyasha seems to have enjoyed killing them, rather than being indifferent to it and chalking it up to logic, is even more unsettling. Looking forward to seeing what happens in chapter three!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 18, 2017 14:02 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sooooooooooo glad to see a new story from you! I actually started to read chapter one back on the day you first posted it, but real life got in the way and I had to step away from the computer just at the part where Inuyasha ducked out of the way of the first ball of youki, in the hamster's den, but before the rather explosive conclusion of his fight with the hamster. I kind of suspected what you meant by him finally getting what he always wanted, but I was curious to see what you had in store for us. As soon as he fell into the pit of youki I knew what was happening. I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing where you take this story, and Kikyou's reaction, since she's still alive, and Inuyasha's reaction to Kikyou's reaction, and what it might help him realize about Kagome. I can understand Kagome's initial reaction, of course, and I don't doubt Inuyasha's going to let his increased power go to his head and be an ass about it for a while, LOL, but the fact that Tetsusaiga still works (which actually makes perfect sense since at this point it's truly his sword, having been repaired with his own fang way back when, and besides that he still has his desire to protect his human friends in his heart) shows me that he's still a good person deep down inside. I'm sure Kagome misses his ears, will miss his softer side like during the new moon, but she's Kagome, so she still loves him. She's just worried about how he feels, if he's still the real him or not, and if he might not be capable of softer human emotions anymore, but I'm not worried about that. Like he said, he's still Inuyasha. He can be an idiot, but he truly cares for Kagome. I haven't read chapters two or three yet but I'm going to right now! One good thing about not being able to finish chapter one the first time around is that I now get three for one! Just decided I'd review it one chapter at a time, and review it here on MM since probably no one else will, LOL. So, off to read chapter two I go!

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