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"Whispers of a Banshee" Reviews/Comments [ 8 ]
 Reviewed By: lell [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 27, 2011 22:26 EDT
How could you leave it hanging there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
 Reviewed By: Elenek [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 27, 2004 17:59 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Somebody really needs to update this.
 Reviewed By: Soo  On: July 18, 2003 05:43 EDT
I love this story. Its just how things should go after Gt
 Reviewed By: LiL Pixie  On: January 01, 2003 19:19 EST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awwwwww, this is soooo cute. Veegee needs wish for the age processing of a saiya-jinn, not immortality!!! Oh, btw, i know you had determined that a stroke was to severe for Bulma to have,(b/c you wanna keep her genius and all, lol) so she had a heart attack....but i noticed in chapter three when Goku's talking he says about "her stroke"
just thought you might wanna check that out
other than that, you're stories soooooo wonderful!!!!! ahhhhh, i need more!!!!
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: September 11, 2002 04:16 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Well this chap was a breather compared to the last one. I was able to have a chuckle here and there, especially when it came to Veggie's reactions to his grandkids. I think he's got an admirer in little Vegeta. Before I forget, after asking you Bulma's age I remembered that she had Bra when she was 47 O_o. Jeez, talk about being masochistic. Anyway, I don't think that it's essential to have the age right on. I was just curious. Oh yeah, and the crack I made in my last review...of course I was kidding. You should know by now that I'm a major jokester. TTYL-Sue
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 06, 2002 03:17 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
JB: *munches cookie and smiles at Vegeta* You're so nice lately! And it's chocolate chip my favorite! Thanks Vegeta!
Vegeta: *looks at Kahlan and smirks*
JB: *chokes on cookie crumb* Hey Vegeta, you wouldn't happen to have a glass of milk would you?
Vegeta: What do I look like? Your maid?
JB: *frowns* You just had to be a jerk and right when I was about to let you remain my co-reviewer but now you can forget it! *tosses what remains of her cookie at Vegeta then changes her mind and picks it up of his shoulder where it landed and pops it in her mouth*
Vegeta: *frowns in disgust* What happened to Kaka-clone?
JB: Who Goten? He got hungry so I sent him back to ChiChi, but he'll return. I think he has a good shot at your job.
Vegeta: *snorts* Yeah if it weren't for all his lunch breaks.
JB: True but I have the perfect stand in for such occasions. As a matter of fact he's perfect for this chapter.
Voice: Can I come in now?
JB: *smiles at the door* Sure, have a seat.
Vegeta: *narrows his eyes at the visitor* Traitor.
Chibi Trunks: *shrugs as he takes a seat between JB and his father* Sorry Dad. She threatened me with her writting pen of doom.
JB: So what did you think of the chapter Trunks?
Trunks: *frowns* I can't believe I'm whipped by a girl.
JB: *pats Trunks' shoulder* It's okay Trunks because you love her. There's nothing wrong with being whipped by the woman you love. Look at your father.
Vegeta: *growls dangerously*
Trunks: *shrugs* I guess. Anyway I like my kids. Well except for the middle one. He seems like a lot of trouble.
Vegeta: Oh how the tables have turned.
Trunks: Hey! What's that suppose to mean?!
Vegeta: Means you're a lot of trouble.
JB: Vegeta what an awful thing to say about your son!
Vegeta: I only speak the truth.
JB: Well I like the little one! She reminds me of...hold on *runs and checks story* Nevermind.
Trunks: Can I go now?
JB: *scrolls through review* Yeah I think it's long enough. Bye Trunks and thanks.
Trunks: *hops off his chair and ignores his father's glare* No problem. See ya.
JB: *Sticks her tongue out at Vegeta again before turning to Kahlan*

Can I really have him?! But wait that's a long time away because B/V aren't even together yet. Oh well I'll wait. *sits down to for the 18-20 year wait*-JB
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2002 05:00 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your five-year-old brother inspired this?! *narrows eyes at Kalhan* All right have you been torturing the kid or something. My five-year-old brother could never think of something this deep. Does he hate Kakarot too? Speaking of which, that's so sad! I can't believe Kakarot is all alone. It's kind of a flip when you think about it. He kept leaving her all the time and now she left him. So sad...oh yeah!

*JB slaps Vegeta's arm. Vegeta looks at the spot then frowns at JB*

Vegeta: What the hell did you do that for?
JB: How could you tease Kakarot like that just so you could get a good fight out of him?! That's so like you!
Vegeta: That's why I did it.
JB: *blinks in confusion* What do you mean?
Vegeta: I did it because it's so like me.
*JB shakes her head.*

Bulma's old. That's so sad. I love the TLC Veggie gives her in this. So sweet of him...Trunks has a wife that had his kids! *sighs* I've always wanted to be a wife that had Trunks' kids. Wait what was I talking about...Oh yeah Bulma being old right! That's so sad. And guess what?! I know what a banshee is! I bet you didn't think I did, did you? I'll show you who's the Kakarot! See ya next update.-JB
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: September 03, 2002 01:52 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, this is pretty interesting. I already know what a banshee is so tomorrow I'm gonna go out and buy some "happy pills". By the look of where this is going I think I'm gonna need them -_-. Since this takes place after GT just how old is Bulma. I believe she was in her early 50's when GT took place. Just wondering. I love how Veggie is so sweet and caring with her, and despite her age, they're still doing the nasty ^_^. So your lil bro suggested this...smart kid. Must take after your mom j/k. Anyway, I hope you update this soon cause you've managed to peak my curiosity. TTYL-Sue

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