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"Mea Culpa" Reviews/Comments [ 9 ]
 Reviewed By: CC  On: January 25, 2005 13:08 CST
I realize that I'm a little late on asking this but WHY DID YOU STOP WRITING THIS!!!!!!! I sincerely hope that you will get back to this fic. The suspense is killing me.
 Reviewed By: Zeto  On: May 04, 2003 01:35 CDT
Oh, god. What-Who-Oh, hell. This is terrible. Ran's gonna fall apart, Callan will have very good reason to hate him and then-oh, it's all shot to hell! I hope Ran doesn't push Ken away.
 Reviewed By: Akari  On: January 14, 2003 11:40 CST
.... *slow blink* I can't believe you just did that. You're so evil! ;-;
 Reviewed By: CherubKatan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 08, 2003 07:06 CST
You know Isachan already that i love this fic... lol but i just wanted to review it on here for ya ^_____^ *glomps isachan*
 Reviewed By: Akari  On: December 12, 2002 23:39 CST
Ahh! Where's the rest!? I need more more more!
Please hurry up with the rest. This is really good.
 Reviewed By: Akari  On: January 10, 2003 21:04 CST
I can't believe you left it there! *hissy fits*
Give us the lemon!
God this fic is so great. I've been laughing and crying and drooling. ^^'
PLEASE hurry with the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: kamibukurosama [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 11, 2002 15:43 CST
^________________^ Yaaaay! I love this fic, I'm glad to see it back!!

*glomps you*

ps: don't forget to send the rest!! ^.~
 Reviewed By: kami-chan  On: October 04, 2002 22:05 CDT
Ne, this looks familiar ^.~ No matter how often I read it, I still love it!!

Hey, I decided to get off my ass and study my Latin (I take Latin, American Lit, AP Spanish and Japanese). Mea Culpa is translated as 'my fault' in Latin

"I am culpable" in Latin is: Sum culpabilis

"Mea Culpa" means:

'Mea' is neuter, nominative, plural, meaning, "belonging to me"
'Culpa' is ablative, singular and feminine, means fault

You learn something new everyday! Just thought this might interest you ^.~

 Reviewed By: la blue kitty [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 17, 2002 21:20 CST
interesting begining. I'm looking forward to seeing where you're going with this.

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