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"Through the Eyes of a Child" Reviews/Comments [ 16 ]
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 Reviewed By: hindo  On: February 04, 2005 15:43 CST
Style of Writing: 7 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
hey! that line was from "the lord of the rings" said by Galadriel at the beginning of the movie!!! So go on with your extra lemon!!!
 Reviewed By: black_dragon  On: July 12, 2003 22:19 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
this story was so original & a great break from the usual fics! keep up the great work! you have a very unique & elaborate writing style that's very enjoyable ^_^
 Reviewed By: alkali  On: December 09, 2002 01:00 CST
Style of Writing: 1 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 6 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 4 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 1 of 10
Overall Rating: 2 of 10
Well. It was extremely gross when five year old "Peter" masturbated, somewhat akin to witnessing a pet masturbate.

The Ran/Crawford thing came straight out of nowhere. Really, what was the point? To create angsty angst when Schuldig's mind returned and he found his lover had chosen another? Oookay then.

Is Crawford a flaming idiot in this fic, or what? Honestly, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Schuldig was the cause of Ran's deadly wasting-away-ness. I've seen Weiß, and Crawford most certainly is not as brain dead as you portray him.

This fic is rushed and boring. You don't even make an attempt to flesh out the characters. I can't believe people actually like it. If you want something decent to read, go to http://www.trowaluvsduo.net/weissweb/wkfics.htm or http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/patternsofblood/mamifics.html.
 Reviewed By: Jade Green [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 02, 2002 00:57 CST
*sniffle* *kicks Schu in the head* Poor Ran.. poor Brad.. Poor everyone.. *sniffle* Ish so sad...
 Reviewed By: Llewlyn [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 01, 2002 18:01 CST
Medz, I can so do that. For you, I can do that.

*starry shoujo eyes* My fan fiction idol reviewed! For Medz I will write a happy story. It will be my greatest challenge ever- nobody will die!

Maybe I'll do two alternate endings. One completely without Aya in it, just SchuSchu and Crawlie, and then one with... wait for it, wait for it... ALL THREE IN ONE BED!!!

This'll take me a while, but I'll try and get it out before Christmas... maybe I'll do the Pocahontas lemon, too...

So CrawliexSchuSchu and a threesome.. now here's the million dollar question- who's in the middle?
 Reviewed By: Medea Dracena [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 01, 2002 14:17 CST
*cries* YOU SHOULD HAVE A WARNING FOR THAT LAST CHAPTER! I was crying. This is NOT a happy ending *sulks* Do you have ANY idea how much tooth rotting fluff I have to read now to get that out of my system? Hmm? HMM?!

Ok, so I know it's angst but... come on! Give me my Hollywood happy ending here! *big, teary chibi eyes*

Well, now I'm going to act like a 5 year old brat and demand that you make a sequel in which Schuldich is happy. I don't care how, but as long as he's happy (and Brad and Aya too of course) then I'll be happy and I won't flood your inbox with virtual tantrums and the likes.

On the whole, a very sad story. I loved it (or I wouldn't bother reviewing ^.^;) but still... Schu-baby's sad *cries* You know what you should do to make up for it? Write Schu and Brad's wedding. What WOULD have happened if Schuldich didn't lose his memories *happy-tears in eyes*

Anywho, I can't wait for more! Because there will be more... right? *glare glare glare* ^.^;
Ja ne!
Medz-chan =^.^=

P.S. I wrote this last night and read your reply to the other reviews... don't make Aya sad for Schuldich's happiness either ;~;
 Reviewed By: Llewlyn [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 30, 2002 10:17 CST
Well, I guess Aya's getting the chop, then! I'll try to get that chapter out as soon as possible. Thanks for your comments, although Akari, if you could tell me more specifically why it 'sucked' that'd be helpful so I can make it better! And a final note, this is posted under 'angst' as well as 'hentai,' and if you read any of the other things I have posted, everything is full of sadness and people dying.
 Reviewed By: Akari  On: November 30, 2002 09:07 CST
GAH! OMG that ending sucks!
And nobody should die that'd suck even more!
I was SOOOO into this fic and then you made Schu cry. That sucked (again with the sucking -.-)
Not to mention this is like de ja vu here, being too close to what's goin on in the Weiß RP I'm in.
So since I'm avidly against deathfics I propose a threesome. ^____^
*cough* but if you insist on someone dying I'd have to vote for Ran.
 Reviewed By: Ann H [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 30, 2002 06:03 CST
Vote? Sure!

Kill Aya! Happy ending for Brad and Schu.
 Reviewed By: anyonmous  On: November 30, 2002 02:07 CST
NO DEATHS! PLLEEEAASSEEE! Can it end with Schu finding happiness? ;_; I can't imagine anyone dying....
 Reviewed By: Talyssa [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 01, 2002 11:51 CST
kya! This was really great and I love Crawford/Aya despite the fact that there are a whole, oh I dunno, 3 fanfics about them. Four now right? ^_^
But yanno....
That can't be the end! its too abrubt! I mean...I dunno what else there can be but.... I dunno. maybe extend the last chapter and add an epilogue.
 Reviewed By: Forsaken [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 30, 2002 08:49 CST
It's really horrible how events in life can change the course of one's fate. This is just too sad. You have to give us more. To end it this way ... Poor Schu. Sad but a great read.
 Reviewed By: Jade Green [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2002 22:45 CST
*whimpers* I dunno whether I should be happy or sad.. Poor Schu.. But Yay for Brad and Ran! but poor Schu... make Schu happy.. pweese? *big shiny eyes*
 Reviewed By: Jade Green  On: October 26, 2002 03:31 CDT
*twitches and screams in pain as Gluhen!Yohji leaps out and gnaws on her brain* NOOO! THE PAIN! MAKE IT STOP!! *falls over whimpering* I can see why Ran left him man. Gluhen!Yohji be ooooogly. But aside from that unpleasentness, I loved it! Poor Braddy and Schuschu.. I said that last time and I'll say it again. Well.. maybe not poor Schu. He's happy being Peter for now. I can't wait for more!
 Reviewed By: Jade Green [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 13, 2002 14:04 CDT
Poor SchuSchu and Crawlie... *whimpers* He'll get better, right?
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