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"That Blissful Day" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ]
 Reviewed By: SaiyajinPrincess73 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 25, 2002 17:34 CDT
Wow, that was a long message! :D Forgot to comment on your story!! XD It's coo so far, finish it! FINISH IT GOD DAMNIT!!! Yes, I am a very big potty mouth. *nod* Anyways, read my story! Read it! (BTW, I'm gunna repost it in a few mins...I want to edit some of it.)
 Reviewed By: SaiyajinPrincess73 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 25, 2002 17:33 CDT
HI MICHELLE!! It's Jamie! :D Are you going to Lexington?? If you are, tell everyone I said hi. Oh, and by the way, I'm like, totally boy crazy now. I didn't seem like the type to be boy crazy, ne? Least of everyone else at Vessels! ^^ By the way, Ryan is so hot! I don't care what anyone thinks about me liking him! I'LL TELL THE WHOLE WORLD IF I WANT TO!!! There's this really hot guy in my school named Kris. Actually, there are a lot of hot guys, but Kris is the hottest of them all! There's Kris, Paul, and Nick...OMG Nick's eyes are SOOO beautiful!! They are like, the bluest eyes I've ever seen in my life. I actually thought he was wearing colored contacts! Did you know that Anna and Lauren are going to Bell with me? Anna is like my best friend at Bell. We hang around each other all the time. I bitch about Kris not knowing he's my bf (XD !!) and she bitches about Brandon not calling her. Did you know that Anna and Brandon are going out? She thinks that he's cheating on her because like whenever she calls him, he's always "busy". A lot of people at Bell think I'm goth.. I've been asked literally 5 times if I was gothic. -.-; I miss all you guys :( ..'cept for the annoying Patrick, and Salameh, and some other stupid people from Vessels...are you still really into anime?? I'm not so much anymore. Just drawing it, and I draw my own original characters (as you can tell from my art posted on here). Anyways, e-mail me!! saiyajinprincess73@hotmail.com, if you don't, then I'll get people to throw wooden sporks at you until you do XD J/k! ...sort of.... ^-^

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