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"Beautiful Dawn" Reviews/Comments [ 48 ]
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 Reviewed By: Lilyblue [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 19, 2003 00:39 CST
Very sweet! I'm glad you updated. I'm really looking forward to more!
 Reviewed By: Ita-chan  On: March 16, 2003 00:25 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OOOOOOOhhhh,......MMyyyyyy,....GGaaawwdddd,....*shiver*....this latest chapter,...the lemon scene is SSoooooooooooo Innnteennnsseeeeeeee and HHHHooottttt,.....*shudders*...*drools*...ya should continue soon,...can't wait to see what happen next,...will heero finaly love zech???...will ya put more YYYuummmyyyyyy lemon scenes between these two in the next few last chapters??...*hentai leers*...keep-up the good work kay,...and hurry-up with more new chapters,...till then,..JJaaaaaaaaaaaaa and GGGaaaanbbbaaaateeeeeeeeee-Neeeeee!!^.~!!

p/s:Zeechhyyyyy is SSSooooooooooooo Daaamnnnnn
SSeeeexxyyyyy in here,...*drools*...^O^
 Reviewed By: MookieNH [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2003 10:46 CST
Making my way through these chapters until I finish! Oh, man. Duo was...absolutely wonderful in this chapter. His acceptance, but more importantly, the deep feelings he has for Zechs, really shine here. Why else would you step aside and let someone else take your love away, unless you loved them enough to want to see them happy?

Who knew I was going to need a box of tissues for these last two chapters?
 Reviewed By: MookieNH [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2003 10:39 CST
I haven't caught up with this one for a very long while. The way you wrote the "Duo-angst" was very moving - I got all sniffly as I read it! I was surprised Heero didn't realize where he'd "seen" Duo before - but Duo's sudden realization of just who Heero was...wow.

I really like the pairing of Zechs and Heero, and the past relationship of Zechs and Duo. Not seen very often, and it works very well as you've written it.
 Reviewed By: GoldenRat [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2003 22:49 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
This fic has been really good. I think Heero gave in a little to easy in the end (but I'm an angst fan). Is Ch 30 the last? or will there be more?
 Reviewed By: zechsluvheero  On: March 27, 2003 01:01 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is my favorite zechs and heero fanfic ever it is just so sweet and hot and the 30 chapter was so hot especialy when heero serrendered to zechs. The lemon scenes in all the fanfic was so hot I hat to turn on the airconditioner in my room.

Please hury update i cant wait for more *drools*
 Reviewed By: Rude  On: February 24, 2003 18:27 CST
AAAAAAAhg!!!! I'm doing the lemon dance, woyoyoy
 Reviewed By: rude  On: February 24, 2003 17:19 CST
Wow! °_° There is a site about Soursop!!, jeje I live on a caribean Island myself and now I cant see the fruit in my grand parent's the back yard without thinking of sexy Zech an Heero under the tree..oh gosh..hentaihentaihentai....
 Reviewed By: Ita-chan  On: February 21, 2003 22:07 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WWWWWoooHHHoooooooooo,...*huff,huff*....anybody feels the HHHHeeeeaaatttttt???...is it me,..or is it sudenly SSSSooooooooooo HHHHoooootttt in here??...*wink,wink*...^.~
i guess it's safe to say that yer-next chapters gona've these two screwing like WWWWillldddddd-rabbizzzz Neeee???...*hentai grins*....HHHHHmmmmm,...zechy almost naked,..only wearing a TTTiiinyyy bath-towel,...heero in a sleeping-robe,..BBBaaareelyyyyyyy concealing anything,...poor hee-chan,...he's gona be "eaten" by BBBiiggg,..BBBaaaddd,..SSSSeeeeeexyyyy,...ZZZeecchhyyyy-wolf Sooooonnn,...*giggles*..CCContinueeeeeeee Soooooonnnn,...OOnneegggaaaaiiii??...and keep-up the good work kay,...till yer-next chapter,..JJJaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and GGGaaaanbbaaaatteeeee-Neeee!!^.~!!

p/s;poor duo-kun Neee??...*sssssiiggghhh*...
well,...he can't have EEEveeryythingg can he?..
at least he's tryin to be understanding,..
and trowa is SSoooooooo Veeerryyy "helpfull"..*giggles*..wonder what
quatra gona think when he found-out what his koi been up to,..to help our poor
starcross lovers,..CCCoontinueeeeee soon,...i DDDeeeemmaaaanddddd it,...*grins*..gona give some Yuuuummmyyyy pokky if ya do,..*puppy-dog-eyes*..U.~
 Reviewed By: Lilyblue [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2003 19:58 CST
Lovely fic Michalyn! I really am looking forward to the next chapter. Wow, Duo vs. Heero. For some odd reason I'm picturing *blushes* a threesome lemon in my head. Either way, please update soon!

 Reviewed By: Elle-FaTe2x1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 12, 2003 10:40 CST
oooooooooooo!!!!!! This is getting good! I love it so far. Is there going to be a show down between Duo and Heero? Pleaseeeeeee update again soon this is such an awsome story!
 Reviewed By: Ita-chan  On: January 12, 2003 02:42 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OOOOOOOhhhhhhh,...seems SSSooooommeeoneeee a lil GGGrrreeeeeennnnn on the eyes,..and duo sure got it BBBaaadddllllyyyy,......*smirk*....HHHHHHmmmm,......things're getting much more intresting somehow Neeeee??...let's see;....zechy want's heero,...duo want's zechy,...heero hates zechy,....heero loves zechy,....duo hates heero,...duo seems abit attracted to heero???....maybe????....HHHmmmmm,....what about a threesome???...zechy+heero+duo,...*evil hentai grins*...i usualy don't go for threesome,.....i'm a big 1+2+1 fan after all,...but i don't know,...these threesome seems a bit intresting to me sudenly,....*ponders*......*shrugs*...all in all,...another GGGrreeaaatttttt and Innntreesstinnggggg chapter,.....*clap,clap*....LLLLooooooovveeeee it,....keep-up the good work,...and continue soon,...till yer-next chapter,...JJJJJJaaaaaaa and GGGGaaaannbbbbaatteeee-Neeeeeee!!^_~!!
 Reviewed By: MookieNH [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 03, 2003 09:35 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I just read all 28 chapters at once, which should tell you how enthralling the story is.

I love how you've portrayed the characters, and Duo's reappearance at such a critical juncture...wow. I am so glad you didn't make him out to be some total cad.

I feel for them all, as if I knew them...especially Zechs, Heero, and now Duo.

Very well written - exceptionally emotive.
 Reviewed By: Ita-chan  On: January 02, 2003 05:07 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
GGGGAAAAHHHH,....*scowl*....*glared at zechy*......hope heero won't give into him easily this time,...let zechy suffer more,....*grins evily*...let him feel much angst before any happy-ending between him and heero begins,...*grins smugly*...continue soon kay,...want to see how duo feels after he finaly gets to meet the man that took his place in zechy heart,...
MAAAANNNN did that feels weird,...usualy i read fics that featured 2+1/1+2,...i don't normaly likes them bein pair-up with others,....*frowns*....this is one of the few times that i tried to read them pair-up with the other pilots,...and i got to admits that zechy and heero seems cute together,.....but i'm STILL a hardcore fans of 1+2/2+1 though,....nothing beats those two as a yaoi couple in gundam,....*grins*...keep-the good work and continue soon,...till yer-next chapter,...JAAAAAAAAA and GAAANBBAAATEEEE-NEEEEE!!^_~!!
 Reviewed By: SSProcyonShields [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 23, 2002 21:59 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
yes you have updated! excellent, very good continue. Your good work.
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