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"Subjects of My Sanity" Reviews/Comments [ 51 ]
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 Reviewed By: Shadow  On: June 14, 2003 23:14 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Hey that was pretty damb good!
yep! yep! yep!
 Reviewed By: Storm_410 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 04, 2003 15:34 CDT
*poke poke*
Still there? Still writing? Still mocking my incompetent spelling? Been awhile since you last updated. I told you I'd be sitting here until you updated next (or if I didn't I meant to) yet you havn't updated? My I just say that this chair isn't as nice to sit in after a month or two. I think my ass has made a permenant impression in it. *shrugs* Not to mention the fact that I *really* need a shower. Phew! Update soon!!!! PLEASE!!! Both I and my entire family are begging you!
- Storm
 Reviewed By: darkmagic  On: May 28, 2003 05:30 CDT
aaaah! you haven't updated in soooooo long!!! where chapter 26?? did you die? (i hope not!!! ;__; )
please update *sniff* my friend and i am im sure a whole bunch of other people would really apreciate it.
 Reviewed By: Page of Wands [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 04, 2003 18:27 CST
XD Super!!! Great chapter!!! And it wasn't to confusing, I thought it was really cool =) The mood was neat, sort of surrealistic and fuzzy =D Nuuuuuu! I wanna see what happens next! What is Duo gonna do?!??! And, Wufei?!?! I'm so glad you get the parts out so quickly =) It really makes my day when i get to read another chapter ^_____^ So, thank you SO much!!! =D
 Reviewed By: Storm_410 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 03, 2003 21:35 CST
*grins* well your only about the... lets see now... 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th *2 hours later* 16,986,345,673rd, 16,986,345,674th... OKay now I can finish that sentance. Your only about the 16,986,345,675th person to tell me I'm odd. ^-^ So I'm pretty sure the majority is right. Know what i think? I think sanity comes back to you when you sleep (believe it or not I'm generally pretty sane in the morning) and it slowly dissolves during the day with friends and stuff so by the time night time comes, I always read your story at night for some reason, all sanity has gone and so I'm, along with every other "odd" person on this "odd" earth of ours, are then concidered "odd". Not to mention I never get enough sleep so all sanity is gone by about... oh noon...

Anywho back to story... ummm I still say poor wufie. Not a really action packed scean with the standing and talking... and sitting and talking... and sleeping and... o.O Well guss talking doesn't go there unless you talk in your sleep but you get the picture! Really liked the ending bit though with Dupo and Heero. It was so CUTE!!!!!! HUGS FOR EVERYONE!!!! *everyone backs away slowly then runs* Fine then. Joe my non replacing replacement author likes me. Right Joe? ... Joe? Well... I guess he really does have a life.

Awsome chapter! Keep up the great work. As usual I cant wait for the next chapter in your endless story with a soon-to-be ending! I hate endings...

If you want to have a clue as to what I'm talking about read previous review and if that doesn't help, then you, like everyone else, just cant comprehend the ingenius of my not-so-genius mind. I wish you a good day and bid you adieu. Adieu! ^-^
- Storm

ps. I swear I'm not as nutty as I sounds. Believe it or not I'm not in an insane assylum nor am I in the "special" classes in school. Contrary to what you may believe.
 Reviewed By: Yue Kisaragi [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 02, 2003 20:26 CST
Keep writing please!!!! It's really good. ^^ mess with your mind type stuff ^^ I just wonder what Heero's going to say about Duo's not dying thingy... and exactly what _is_ Duo???
 Reviewed By: Rudete  On: March 31, 2003 16:48 CST
Agreed, it will be to soon for Wu to talk.
But please dont make him suddenly grow Kung Fu skills and kick the "boss" around, make it slow and painfull for the bastard... but I just could not believe WuFei to all of a sudden be hable to kill the guy on his own, not after all those years of being helpless.
That's my grain of sand (I suspect you tought of this already)

-_¬ nods nods

 Reviewed By: Lethanon [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 28, 2003 23:35 CST
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
HEYA! Well, I have been rather busy these past few weeks, but kept seeing this bieng updated, so of course, it went on my 'to do' list. Am I ever glad I finally got around to reading it. This fis is great! I love the interaction between the boys, and the relationship between Heero and DUo is perfect! (1x2 fan right here, can't you tell? lol) I really like your characterization of Wufei. His determination is perfect, and his outlook on reality and his resilience to his situation is so perfectly portrayed. You haven't shoved their suffering down our throats; you just let it happen. I like that. Your writing style is not usually what appeals to me, but in this case I like it. It is obvious you have put a lot of work into editing your fic (Something I am SO guilty of NOT doing! lol) and I appreciate that, as it makes it a joy to read.

The original aspects of the fic are wonderful; they capture interest from the first page and don't let you go. You have a great thing here, so jkeep at it and I hope to see the end in a few weeks! (please? lol)

 Reviewed By: Bratcat [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 28, 2003 19:52 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
How could I have missed this for so long. This is great stuff - intense, interesting and well written. Love the interaction between the characters. Will be impatiently waiting for the next chapters.
 Reviewed By: Chara  On: March 28, 2003 16:00 CST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
~Chara~ Mor plse. *Car pulls up random guy walks up to Chara*
~Random guy~ sign here plse *holds out clipboard and pen*
~Chara~ *signs* k
~Random guy~ *disappears*
~Chara~ *hands keys 2 T-chan* here, look in the trunk.
~ t-chan~ *Looks in trunk 2 find pocky, and a wiggling bag* *opens wiggling bag*
~Chibi Duo~ *hops outta bag and glomps t-chan*
 Reviewed By: Yume Maxwell-Yuy [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 28, 2003 08:58 CST
-giggles- yay. an update. I can't wait to see what happens nect. Keep up the good work and please write some more 2X1. YAY. ja ne
 Reviewed By: Rudete  On: March 25, 2003 11:05 CST
I was wondering if Wubear got caught again!!
ooohhh 1x2 cuddling!! =^,^=
 Reviewed By: Page of Wands [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2003 22:09 CST
Woohoo!! Awesome!! I come back after my vacation to find not one, but THREE new chapters!! Brilliant!! I really love this fic!! I haven't read many Gundam W fics lately, but this is one that i'm closely following........^^ Oooo, I love the developing relationships between Trowa and Quatre (although Q is kinda oblivious.....), and Duo and Heero (so cute!!!!)!!!! That last scene when Heero went to Duo's house was perfect ;_; *happy tears* And, the return of Wufei!!!! Hm....lucky Duo decided to come home, or they might not have found him~!! And, there wouldn't have been that cute fuzzy scene!!!!!!! Aw, you do a great job writing all the characters, and the POV change adds a lot of different perspectives that make it even more interesting ^______^ Great great!!! I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter!! I hope Wufei's alright~!!!! And.....i probably mentioned this before (i'm such a nag), but I'm dying for them to find out about Duo's not-dying ability........hm.....or maybe they won't ^^. I guess you get to decide, but I do so love angsty situations. *_* Call me a sadist. blah. Anyways, it's late and i'm rambling....and, I guess I should leave a longer comment since this is technically for three chapters........but i'm lazy and I'm avoiding homework. >.> Yes, yes I am. But..........excellent job on the new chapters!! And the whole rest of the story too!! It's one of my favourites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Storm_410 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2003 18:52 CST
*laughs* yes you do hold the power of the pen... and damn. I had thought I'd gotten a nice replacement too. See Joe here *points to left* is a decent author... I think... I figured that he could finish off the story cause he has no life (I say he doesn't so he doesn't so there! HA!) But now that you've reminded me of all the twists ad turns that you know... and ONLY you know... damn... Bye Joe!
That was odd... then again so was your chapter SO WE'RE EVEN! Only difference is that your chapter was good... guess that means you get the point for this round. Not that it is a round... nor do we have points... wow... I think I'm loosing it. That or I'm gaining back what I once lost? o.O
Anywho chapter was odd but VERY VERY good. Poor Heero. I feel bad for him passing out and all and then POOR WUFEI!!!!!! You will tell us how he escaped/where he's been, right? Pwease! COme to think of it poor Duo too. Not only must he now deal with both Heero AND wufie but he's got his own problems as well... I tink I should give them all cheese baskets! That or maybe muffin baskets? With chocolate muffins. I like chocolate chip muffins. They are yummy!

- Storm
 Reviewed By: Talon Sage [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 23, 2003 01:22 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10

And you just LEAVE IT THERE????

*stomps about in a bad temper*

Well, I really shouldn't say anything, seeing as how I don't review EVERY chapter, but I LOVE this fic, I dance for joy when there is a new chapter, and I am DYING here....DYING I TELL YOU!!!


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