"Life is Unfair" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ] | Reviewed By: alexis On: January 10, 2003 19:25 CST Comment/Review: your classmates are mean... of course we're your friends!!! here is where i say things about your classmates...: they're stupid, heartless, don't have any TRUE friends themselves because they don't kno the meaning of wat a TRUE FREIND is, mean, self centered, idiotical, don't have a brain, are never caring, etc... i have nothing else to say. lol. (true meaning of FREIND: a freind is a person who stays by u no matter wat happens, never talks behind your back, and are with u no matter where u are [our heart is with you].) it's too sappy!! now, don't look at me. i'm acting too sappy | Reviewed By: Annie Quan (you should know who I am!!!!) On: January 09, 2003 19:59 CST Comment/Review: Well, i couldn't quite read it clearly (for some reason some of the quotations and stuff don't show up on netscape and i couldn't see all the words on IE), but if its written by the great and almighty Claire, it's gotta be good! We miss you over here and death to Yee-Wen!
oh, and Jesse is as obnoxious as ever, he's driving Mrs. Fickes batty! He eats in class all the time and once Mrs. Fickes said that she'd carve a message to his mom in his sandwich..... |