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"Welcome Home" Reviews/Comments [ 3 ]
 Reviewed By: Erie Val  On: September 08, 2005 15:22 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
Your story was definately hot! I just dont have a passion for Guandam Wing, but i do LOVE Yaoi! I think i would have enjoyed it more if there was a little more background even though it is a PWP ... i think a little mor would have helped
 Reviewed By: colie  On: June 12, 2003 21:58 CDT
mmmm. pwp lemony goodness. fun! i liked this fic. it's so nicely done. i hate boring pwp's.
 Reviewed By: Erin the Art Chick  On: January 15, 2003 22:44 CST
Oh my. You don't waste any time, do you? ^_^

This fic definately lives up to it's PWP label. And that's not a necessarily bad thing. Even though 1x2 ain't my cup o' tea... I still like the spontaneity of this fic. Hooray for randomness!

::does a backfilp::

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