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"May you live in interesting times" Reviews/Comments [ 5 ]
 Reviewed By: skrya  On: June 09, 2003 05:02 CDT
I like it very much. Tickles my funny bone. Please, could you continue it? I really want to know what happens with the boiling water in the kitchen.
 Reviewed By: paxnirvana [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 04, 2003 21:46 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Yaoi or het? Who can tell with those darn Chinese Springs in the mix! *LOL!* Aya is Ran-ma?! Ken is... Ryoga?! Or ...Shampoo?! LOL! Okay, okay... it has potential! Go for it. You even snuck lechy ol' Schu in there... darn it all. But thanks for the good laugh! And I can't wait for Omi to pour boiling water on Aya-'chan' right in front of Yohji's eyes...
 Reviewed By: MookieNH [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 04, 2003 21:05 CST
LOL! Too funny! Love Yohji's "welcome" to Ran(ma) in this. And Ken is Ryoga! Bahahahaha!!! Let me wipe the tears of laughter away for a moment...

I would certainly be interested in seeing more.
 Reviewed By: Sardius [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 04, 2003 05:28 CST
Well I already told you this was great and definitely made me smile! A very good mood fic, which I think we all need with the amount of angsts we are all dishing out. Thanks! And *snickers* I still can't get over the Yohji bit. He's such a baka! *hugs*
 Reviewed By: tlb  On: February 03, 2003 21:57 CST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
You actually made me laugh out loud a couple of times! I'm a big Ranma and Weiss Kreuz fan, and this is the first fusion I've seen. I liked your writing style so far and really enjoyed which Weiss characters you've picked to match which Ranma characters, so far. (One thing, I think you mean "cop a feel", not "cope a feel".) I thought what you have so far was hysterical, and I'm looking forward to more. Thanks!

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