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"One Way Street" Reviews/Comments [ 65 ]
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 Reviewed By: super_JM [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2003 13:01 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ooh poor Tristan and Seto. can't wait to see what happens
 Reviewed By: Katmon [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 03, 2003 15:37 CDT
*is bouncing around and squealing* Tris ain't been calling Seto-chan amante!!! I was thinking it was that he hadn't been saying 'I love you", but he had! And then, it hit me! And I was like, 'How did I MISS that?!?" YAY!!!
Neeways, GREAT new chappie!! Can't wait till next chappie!! Poor Tris. *sniffles* Poor, poor thing.... *gets an evil smile* I'll be back next chappie. I have something to do right now. *grabs her darker half and transports them to the Shadow Realm*

 Reviewed By: Katmon [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2003 13:53 CDT
WOOHOO!! Another FAB chappie!! lol Can't wait for the next one, as always!! Cheers!!

And, I know where Baku is. *smirks*
*all hear shouting from KK's closet*
Heh.... *sweatdrop* None of you heard that!

 Reviewed By: QueenOfGames  On: July 21, 2003 22:59 CDT
Ok can anything be beyond perfect? Ahhh ::bows to the masters:: You sure know how to kill a guy off... remind me to never flmae you...... ::big grin:: Oh Seto ::swoons:: I never knew you were such a manly man! ::claps:: Ahh this was just a perfect ending...... IF YOU DARE TO KILL TRISTAN NOW I'LL KILL YOU ALL! ok I know you just updated today but i wanna know what happens to poor Tris so HURRY UP DAMNIT !!

The Queen Of Games
 Reviewed By: Katmon [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 21, 2003 14:20 CDT
*snickers* Hey, Bakura, can I borrow you if I get any flames? You and Pugio would get along fab! lol

It was GREAT, you two! And dentist. Eww... Did that last week. *gags* Hated it... I hate my dentist... -_-*

ANYWHOO!! Fabulous! Can't wait for next chappie! Till then!

KK/Junshin(Now also know as Noa Girl)
 Reviewed By: clhuff [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2003 20:10 CDT
This is written very well! Just the right amount of angst and romance and not just pure smut! I am sooo waiting for the next chapter. Is Bakura going to get with Joey? Cool! I don't think I have read any fics of them together anywhere. Keep up the good work! And Congrats on the handfasting!
 Reviewed By: QueenOfGames  On: July 13, 2003 17:36 CDT
::cries:: No you can't leave it there what the hell do you think you're doing? Get back into word and finish what you started RIGHT NOW DAMNIT!! ::glomps Tristan:: poor booboo!!

The * Queen Of Games *
 Reviewed By: Katmon [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2003 14:01 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I felt like messing with the ratings. Fun! lol Boy, am I hyper!! CONGRATS, by the way!! I wish you much luck!! And I am happy for I just got a girlfriend! YAY ME!! *huggles said girlfriend*
YEAH!! Bakura/Jyou! Good pairing! Hope it works well in this fic!(Of COURSE it will, with such FAB authors!!)
YAH!!! *bashes Brad with loaf of bread, then looks at bread sadly* There goes another on, just like the other ones. There goes another one, all day long.... *sniffles*
GTG now!! See ya next chappie!! YEAH!
KK =^.^=/Junshin
 Reviewed By: Talented Torture [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 11, 2003 17:17 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
the ratings should be much higher than that! this story is amazing..it like the best yugioh fic ive ever read!!! such a drama so sad so touching.....so SEXY! dont break them up! you cant!! and tease joey more...i love it!! my yami think's its hillarious (she doesnt like him)...good work keep going!!
 Reviewed By: QueenOfGames  On: July 10, 2003 21:56 CDT
::red face:: Oh girls you did NOT just pull THAT shit on me! First things first

EEEEE Joey and my Baku?? I can actually see that and eeeee KAWAII! ::happy dance:: can't wait for that start.... ::galres:: It'd better get graphic!

AHHHHH ahahahahahaha :dies of laughter:: Poor Joey! I was DYING when he left to check on them I was like OH SHIT OH SHIT he's gonna find them! 3 some!! AAHHH lol no no no no!

Oh My Giddy Goshers! Brad grrrrr GET YOUR HANDS OF SETO'S MAN, SNIZZILE BITCH! i shall kickah yo' ahss!! Ok I know in my heart that Tris is really fighting him off so I wont be mad at him butHOLY SHIT TRISTAN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING??????!?!?!

Ohhhhhhh things 're bad! ::hopes for angsty chappies!!

The * Queen Of Games
 Reviewed By: purplechaos04 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 10, 2003 19:31 CDT

That's my virtual knife, Terence. Yes, I name my knives. They're purty ^_^ Anyway, I just might use that knife on you if you don't update soon. J/K. I hate violence! That was awesome when Joey got turned on by Tristan and Seto, lol. Oh, and I *think* Pegasus is dead, but I don't know. I hope not! I liked him! *drools* Hehehe... Wow, I'm scaring myself -_- Awesome ending, even if it was a cliffy. I like the suspense that you built up with dramatic irony, knowing that Brad was around but Tristan not knowing. One thing, I don't think Seto would really run off just walk. Lol, I have to say these little things, but just ignore them ^_^ Good job! Thanks for the email, I can't wait for your next update!
 Reviewed By: purplechaos04 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 01, 2003 14:18 CDT
Awwww, that's sweet, almost a little too mushy for me, but hey, what's life without some mush? Wow, I didn't even think of Tristan having a younger brother, that makes so much sense. And Joey's finally nice now! Yay! Is he really gay? That's be great, he should get together with Bakura, lol!! Hmm, when's Tristan gonna see Brad again? I hope he doesn't leave Seto for him =( Great chapter!
 Reviewed By: Katmon [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 29, 2003 16:10 CDT
Goodness!! *huggles* Now I must wait for the next chappie!!
*hands YD the plushie she wants* Yes, yes... You get the plushie... *sighes* I'm tempted to pat you on the head, but the last time I patted a yami on the head, I almost had my hand ripped off. Was not a pleasant experiance. Fun! But not pleasant.
 Reviewed By: Katmon [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 25, 2003 02:10 CDT
*sniffles* Noooooo... Can't stop!! Must know what happened!! *smiles suddenly and holds out a Seto plushie* I'll give you this Seto plushie if you update within a week. So, update by the 2nd of July, and I'll give you a Seto plushie. Maybe even a Honda plushie, if I can find one!! YEAH!! lol
Ooh... I've never seen any piccys of Seto and Honda together. Could you send me any piccys, or a site with them on it? (katmon2000@earthlink.net)

~KK =^.^=
(PS~ Remind me about the plushie if you do get this chappie done by my deadline. K? {Note: Tis not a REAL plushie, but I might be able to find a piccy to hold stead, yesh?})
 Reviewed By: purplechaos04 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 22, 2003 14:33 CDT
Oooooooh Seto wearing glasses?? KAWAII!!!! Wait, what's with his birthday and why is he so overprotective of Mokuba? Did I miss something?? Omg... Brad's coming to Domino! What a twist! And he was getting it on w/ Bakura??? Interesting! *smiles* I can't wait for the next chapter, thanks for the email!
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