"Waiting for You" Reviews/Comments [ 3 ] | Reviewed By: pureevil230 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 03, 2005 22:20 CDT Comment/Review: loved it. is there more? i like wufei and relena together can you write more.
| Title: That was the best fanfic EVER! Reviewed By: 8Artemis8 On: November 06, 2003 21:54 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Ten does not describe the full potential of ratings this fic deserves! This is a wonderful WONDERFUL fic, and you did a great job!!! Excellent writers, and only they can do pairings such as these, and you did a wonderful job! Write another with Trowa and Relena, unless you like just the Wufei and Relena ones, or just male pairings for Trowa. But this is very good and i can't wait to read your other works! ~Ja ne!
| Reviewed By: wren_legacy [MediaMiner Member] On: June 28, 2003 11:39 CDT Comment/Review: I can't believe that noone has reviewed this story! I literally have tears in my eyes.T-T That was so sweet! If your 3xR story ends like this then cavities are welcome. Fluff is a wonderful thing! I'll have to try and get other people to read this. i know the 5xanyone fanbase is small, but this was wonderful! @.@ I can't wait to read more of your stories. ^_^ I loved this story and can't seem to find the words to describe it. I'm a fluff magnet. And,and,and... I THINK I HAVE A THING FOR WU-CHAN! *whimpers* Why can't I just pick one? Wahhhhh! *ahem* I seem to be ranting again...SORRY! Heh? Ummm... I'm going to stop now. Update your other story soon! I'll work on getting you some more reviews because you certainly deserve them. Happy writing! ^_~ |