"A Vampires Kiss" Reviews/Comments [ 9 ] |
Reviewed By: SmittyDragon [MediaMiner Member] On: April 30, 2005 08:03 CDT Comment/Review: I really liked your story
Reviewed By: LoveWing On: November 18, 2003 14:35 CST Comment/Review: Its good, keep it coming. I want to know what happen next.
Title: Pls don't give up!! Reviewed By: Princess Priscilla Maxwell On: November 17, 2003 19:34 CST Comment/Review: Hey pls don't give up! I've been following your fic for quite some time...waiting eagarly for updates so pls don't quit. I love the way you've integrated the band idea with the vampire idea, its so original!!! Keep up the good work!
Reviewed By: wren_legacy [MediaMiner Member] On: August 30, 2003 23:38 CDT Comment/Review: I just read some more! Yay! I like this very much now. What was Zechs talkin about? Guess I'll have to wait and see. I thought it was cute with the waterbed. That would definatly be weird to see if you lived 500 years ago. I can't wait to see what happens! *squeels* ~_~0 uh, yeah... can't wait for more! Update soon! Ja ne! |
Reviewed By: Immrotal_hunter [MediaMiner Member] On: August 24, 2003 22:38 CDT Comment/Review: YES this is so cool I love it!
Oh pls any1 read A forbbidenlove!! I need help! |
Reviewed By: PreventerPixie [MediaMiner Member] On: August 01, 2003 17:17 CDT Comment/Review: continue...i like the plot..vampires...lol. good job
})i({ |
Reviewed By: Cat On: July 31, 2003 15:51 CDT Comment/Review: Great story. Relena needs to get lost. Shes like an annoying little sister. Next chapter plese. |
Reviewed By: no name face On: July 31, 2003 12:49 CDT Comment/Review: oooh now the plot thickens
::enter suspense music:: do continue very soon ne? |
Reviewed By: wren_legacy [MediaMiner Member] On: July 26, 2003 00:22 CDT Comment/Review: i'm not confused, just wondering where ur gonna go with this. its like a mix of interview, queen of the damned an gundam with your own stuff added. i kno this isn't the greatest review, but theres not much to go on yet. i do want u to write more though! i would love to see where this goes. till then! Ja! ^_~ |