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"The Next Generation: For You I Will" Reviews/Comments [ 10 ]
 Reviewed By: Aria Lerendeair [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 04, 2005 12:21 CDT
It's been a while again, will you update soon? Pretty please, just for all your loyal fans like me? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeee?
 Title: FINALY
Reviewed By: Bloodred [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 18, 2004 23:12 CST
I can't believe that you finaly updated this. I was such a big fan of this since xmas surprises and now after basicaly giving up on waiting, I accedentally find the next chapter is done. Good job.
 Title: YOU UPDATED!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Aria Lerendeair [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 05, 2004 16:37 CDT
*HUGS* I love you so much for finally updating! I love the new chapter and it is sooooooooo cute, especially the Orlando Bloom comment, it made me blush. But only because it is true. *snicker* I still wanna know what is going to happen when Hannan tells Quat and Tro that he and Haruka are together. *laugh* *wide eyes* You gave fei, Zechs and Treize kids!! I love you! Can we find out more about them? I hope so, I always did wonder what kind of kids they would end up with. I hope Hannan gets his voice back soon. I hope there is a lemon scene soon, I hope for a lot of things, but I really really, hope that you don't wait a year to update, (though I'll still be waiting if you do).
Reviewed By: Aria L.  On: April 29, 2004 09:06 CDT
Why haven't you written more!!!???? It's been like months since you last updated!!!!! Grr!!! Please write again soon or I will have to email you to death in order to make you write more. It is a promise, so listen well!!!! Love ya, Aria
 Reviewed By: Aria Lerendeair [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 20, 2003 08:17 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You still get all tens. I'm sorry I haven't been around to review, I just got onto mediaminer for the first time in about three weeks. Update soon because I want to know what happens next! Pretty please!!!!!!!!
Love ya lots always,
Aria Lerendeair
 Reviewed By: Aria Lerendeair [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2003 12:01 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Poor Hannan. He got hurt. But I like that computer thingie! It is funny and I love the idea
is there really something like that in the real world? I bet there is. I absolutely love the new chapter because it is just about time we found
out what in the hell Hannan was thinking. He is so cute though. I wanna know what happened with the G-boys talking to their other kids. Oh, I just thought of something, where in the hell did Wuffie go? Did he die or something? What about him, Treize and Zechs, you are going to put them in this story aren't you? I hope you do cause those guys live in my head as well as one girl.
Aria: "Afraid your maleness might be...um how can I say this minimized?"
Wufei: "INJUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

See what I mean? Sorry that was off topic, but he had to make sure he might have a chance in the story. Please write again soon because I can't wait for this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*hugs* I would be happy to help in any way!

Love ya lots,
Aria Lerendeair
 Reviewed By: Aria Lerendeair [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 01, 2003 16:23 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WRITE THE NEXT DAMN CHAPTER ALREADY! I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love ya,
 Reviewed By: Aria Lerendeair [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 01, 2003 16:07 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was so goddamn sappy and I loved it!!!!!! How
idellic is that. That song is perfect. Who in the hell sings it? That scene was absolutely the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life!! He is so sweet(Hannan)! God I can't wait to see his point of view in the next chapter.

Can a few questions be answered though? Like how come Hannan is always hanging around girls if he is gay? Or is he just Bi? When are they going to tell their parents? Is that why you had that whole thing on how they aren't related with the bitchy girl? Will she always be bitchy? I'll stop calling her that if she stops, but not until.
Okay back to questions. How is the bitchy one going to react? Are they (Haruka & Hannan) going to be home in time to announce they are together?
Or are you going to have Hannan get cold feet and say it was all a mistake? I hope not. Poor Hannan if that happens. Excuse me. *Looks up at written questions* *winces* Sorry I got carried away there, but as you can tell your work is something to rant about! Now I gotta go read that
chapter again and melt over all the...um what is a good word to use? All the love? I dunno, but I
will probably end up reading it another ten times before I am satisfied that I have pretty much memorized it. If you ever need to bounce ideas off of someone let me know. Send me an e-mail.

I check it at least once a day. Please write the next chapter really really fast cause I wanna know
what in the hell Hannan was thinking through all of this. Okay, now that the message is like ten pages long I think I will stop here. WRITE MORE!!
Love ya lots, *hugs*
Aria Lerendeair

P.S. God I love your story!
 Reviewed By: Aria Lerendeair [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 01, 2003 14:28 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I dunno what is going on with me. One minute I am
writing my fic and then I have this sudden urge to come back on here and read this fic. I love the idea of those two getting together and I can't
believe no one but me reviewed! This is going to be a great story if Christmas Surprises is any indication. Don't give up on this cause I want to see more and I will get some of my friends to read your work and praise it to the skies. *wink*
Please write the next part soon hopefully in Hannan's POV that would be interesting. Talk again when you update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya,
Aria Lerendeair
 Reviewed By: Aria Lerendeair [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2003 08:07 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
...I think Hannan likes Haruka!!!! He is so cute though, a total innocent, though I am sure that Haruka could and will cure him of that.

WAIT A SECOND! If Quatre and Trowa think their son is straight.....woah, shocker coming up for them in a bit. That will be odd. Though I think Quatre would go, "I'm so proud of you!" On Hannan.
I pity him, that is something no one wants to face
cause with Q-man it is pretty scary. Write more of this story quite soon because I want to know if
they get together or not! Thankies!!!!
Love ya lots,
Aria Lerendeair

P.S. I know I reviewed Christmas Surprises.
Aria = Aria Lerendeair

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