Title: my digimon character Reviewed By: Youkai Youko [MediaMiner Member] On: September 23, 2003 10:36 CDT Comment/Review: here is my digimon character for your story. please, email at fox_spirit01@yahoo.com.br if you liked or not, ok? Character Name; Himura Tsubasa Age; (12-years-old) Spirit Element; Dark fire Spirit Key; Himura finds his spirits of dark fire on the howling montain- a place where lives canine digimon and when he was attacked by a virus Garurumon Spirit Digimon; Fron Ancient Canismon- a black werewolf/dog that controls the darkness and the fire at same time withou a problem. And Acinet Mega form of Inumon ( my digimon) NAME(Human) - Jackalmon ( thinks a Wolfmon/Lobomon wearing a Egypcian bacl armor and wearing a Sakuyamon's mask but black and more jackal like, and having a long black hair. His weapon is a pair of twin japanese sword. NAME(Beast) - SpecterHoundmon (Thinks about a dark version of Garmmon/Kendogarurumon but in the place of the swords on his backs, theres huge dragon wings NAME(Fusion)- Knight Anubimon ( Thinks about An anubimon wearing a heavy armor and with dragon wings) NAME(Z-Type)- no one for now..... D-Tector; Black and Yellow Side; Himura is a good guy but hes arrogant and he prefears to do things by himself, without help Hobbies; He likes to draw manga and he wants be an artist manga one day. And he fights Kung-fu Items; A cover eye on his left eye ( he lost the sight of his left eye when he was in a car accident that killed his parents and he lives with a foster family) Hair; a short black hair, blue eye he wears all in black. Digimon Attack; Jackalmon- Hades swords, dark fire arrows SpecterHoundmon - Shadow fire, dark howl, wing blade Knight Anubimon: hounds of 7 hells, scar wind ( that attack can destroy 100 digimon with only attack) I hope yu like it .^^