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"They'd Never Say That!!!" Reviews/Comments [ 96 ]
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 Title: Mroink!!
Reviewed By: Mooselini McSqueegee [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 12, 2004 20:57 CST
Well.... I just want to say this is... HILARIOUS! I was laughing my ass off! Though some of the quotes were rather disturbing.... *coughBUNNIEScough* Ahem.... aaanyhooble... Well, I've got a quot or two for you: "I feel pretty, oh so pretty! I feel pretty, and witty, and GAY!!!" -Bakura, "Oh Ryou! You're soooo sweet! *huggles* -Bakura, "Sweet? SWEET?! I'll show YOU sweet! *bites off Bakura's hand* BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" -Ryou ~~~~~ Well, that's all for now. Ja ne!
 Reviewed By: samurai-ashes [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 06, 2004 15:34 CST
*giggle* amusing.
 Reviewed By: AMK [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2003 14:07 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
OMG! This is so funny! I've got some quotes: Pegasus- I am not gay, I have never been drunk in my life, and that was NOT ME at that srip club friday night! Jou- Man, I am so over that Mai girl. Now Anzu, God KNOWS I wanna piece of THAT! Bakura- Hey! A bunny! *hugs it* Oh boy, just what I always wanted, my own little bunny rabbit, and I will hug him and pet him and love him and call him George. *sappy grin* Yugi- Hey! A bunny! *takes a bazooka and blows its head off* Man that kicked ass! Yami- I have never slept with Anzu. Malik- I'm really allergic to eyeliner. Ryou- *is strip teasing Otogi while I cry my eyes out* Isis- *blows up the Egypt exhibit at the Domino museum* MWA HA HA! Seto- *watching sesame street* la la la la! la la la la! elmos world! Anyways, please continue this fic! I luv it so much!
 Reviewed By: Chibi Kitsune  On: December 05, 2003 09:25 CST
That Wild Thornberrys one... that had me in tears!!!
 Reviewed By: Kyria the fallen angel  On: December 03, 2003 12:21 CST
Ha ha...that's funny...
 Reviewed By: Dark_Angel_2891 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2003 19:02 CST
i love this ficcy!!!it funny!^_^i was laughin and my bro looked at me like i was an idiot!
 Reviewed By: Lady Lynx [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 19, 2003 20:52 CDT
Lol . . . this is quite amusing. Ooh! Pretty bunnnies! -Yami MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Bow before me, you pathetic girl!!!!!! *cackles at Serenity* -Tristan These boobs are real! -Isis
 Title: Not a quote this time
Reviewed By: Inu Inari Kitsune Again  On: October 18, 2003 23:19 CDT
http://www.geocities.com/lizeth_hal/funnies/audition.html ...........This is one funny website... click the link and... *snickers* read... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! THey have the YGO cast auditioning for other anime/movie/whatever.... it was actually quite... funny... since they looked alot alike, that is... hehehe... just o there and see what i mean...
 Reviewed By: FDC im to lazy...  On: October 18, 2003 21:38 CDT
 Title: more quotes from peanut gallery
Reviewed By: sentimental_darkness [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 18, 2003 21:13 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 5 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
LOL i love it ALL *just hates all the stuff with Seto being gay and stuffs. Growls in a mad fit.* Oh i have an idea for your quotes. Pegasus: Ew red is such a bloody color how about pink frills or maybe even........ A PINK BIKINI yes yes that would do just wonderfully!! and then Mai: Do you think this skirt makes my ass look fat? Jou: Mai? Yeah i liked her when she was like the fatest woman in the world but now her slim figure is SUCH a turn off.
 Title: more quotes from peanut gallery
Reviewed By: sentimental_darkness [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 18, 2003 21:11 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
LOL i love it ALL *just hates all the stuff with Seto being gay and stuffs. Growls in a mad fit.* Oh i have an idea for your quotes. Pegasus: Ew red is such a bloody color how about pink frills or maybe even........ A PINK BIKINI yes yes that would do just wonderfully!! and then Mai: Do you think this skirt makes my ass look fat? Jou: Mai? Yeah i liked her when she was like the fatest woman in the world but now her slim figure is SUCH a turn off.
 Title: lol
Reviewed By: Inu Inari Kitsune (Again)  On: October 18, 2003 20:52 CDT
Thanks for using my things again! I have been extremly bored lately so.. I am glad I could help. If you want some more, just ask!!!!!! Smashing, baby-Pegasus///// I'll get you Austin Powers...-Kaiba////////Hello, my name is Yugi Mutou. You stole my grandfather. Prepare to die.-Yugi to Pegasus/////// There's a script?!?!-Anyone//// Great Scott!-Bakura^^//// Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, lets just all go eat worms...-Seto////I see clearly now the rain is gone...-Seto, after Yami banished him to the dark side/// I wanna be one of those sexy Spice Girls!-Mokuba/// Broccoli! Carrots!! Tomatoes!!! Gotta be those VEGGIE TALES!!! YAY!!-Marik/Seto/Bakura///Malik and Ishizu (singing): Yugi is an average kid, and no one understands! Grandpa and Pegasus always giving him commands! Pegasus (to Yugi): Bed, twerp! Duke and Serenity: Doom and gloom up in his room is broken instantly! By his magic little fishies, who grants his every wish cuz in reality, they are his Oddparents! Fairly Oddparents! Mai: Wands and wings! Joey: Floaty crowny things! Kaiba and Noa: Oddparents! Fairly Oddparents! Mokuba: Millenium Rod! Pea Pod! Buff Bod! Hot Rod! Yugi (chasing Pegasus in Hot Rod): Obtuse! Rubber Goose! Green Moose! Gloppa Juice! Giant Snake! Birthday Cake! Large Fries! Chocolate Shake! Mokuba and Rebecca: Oddparents! Fairly Oddparents! They'd flip your lid if you were a kid with Fairly Oddparents! Pegasus: Yeah right! * Mai and Joey turn Pegasus' head into a Petit Angel. Malik: Bom.//////lol, had to put that there...////*strokes Millenium Puzzle* My precious...-Yami//// Yea! I love mud cake!!-Kaiba//*twiddles fingers like Mr.Burns from Simpsons* excellent.... now that I have a key chain I can clone it to make a key chain army!!!-Marik////* run off* bark bark!! *comes back with Seto in his mouth*Ima good doggie!!-Joey///That is all I got for now, so until probably tommorrow, owari! And good luck with your fic!! ^______________^ I have got some funny Chinese proverbs I could put up here but... they aren't really the PG rating... hehehehe...
 Reviewed By: pharaohismiiine [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 18, 2003 19:48 CDT
GO GIRL! IT'S YOUR BIRFDAY! WE'RE GUNNA PARTY LIKE IT'S YOUR BIRFDAY!! lol.. awesome chappy!!! heh.. and since you already have so many other ideas.. i'll let you use their's and i'll give you more ideas for the next chapter after that!! ^_^ hehe.. anyways. thanks for not getting mad at me.. it's weird.. update soon! ~*~Washu~*~
 Reviewed By: Lady_Washu_Of_Evil [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 18, 2003 15:20 CDT
LOL!! yesss!! that was hystarical! MWHAHAHA!!! sorry/.. but i have some quotes for you about you.. lol.. don't kill me!! "bakura!! DIIIEEE!!!" - You " i hate you Psycho!" -Bakura (please don't kill me!! this is things never said) "Llama's RULE!!" -Yami (a man after my own heart) "hello, my name is bakura... i am a spirit.. and i have a pharaoh fetish!" -Bakura " Yugi, YOU ARE A FRICKIN MIDGIT!! I HATE YOU!!"-Anzu " I hate you all.. DIIIEEEE BARNEY!"- Yugi "oh yugi-boy.. will you marry me?!" -Pegasus (*gags and vomits*) "oh pegasus! i will!!! TAKE ME!!" -Yugi (*X.x*) "Yami!!! i'm going to kill you!! *stabs yami, laughing like a psycho-path* MWHAHAHA!!!" -Yugi (GASP!! *kills yugi for harming her yami!*) "i have a confession to make.. i stuff my bra!!" -Mai "aww!! Mai and yugi would make such a cute couple!!!" -Seto "oh pegasus, you are one sexy beast man.. i wuv you!!!"-Seto.. "AHH!!!!! flyyyy!! *cowers in fear*" -The yamis "Bandanas suck man!" -Keith Hope you like the ideas.. you do NOT have to use the ones i made about you.. i was just playing.. *cowers in fear of being killed* anyways.. update soon! ^_^ ~*~Washu~*~
 Title: More
Reviewed By: Inu Inari Kitsune ( Too lazy to log in) Again...  On: October 17, 2003 20:32 CDT
More! I finally have all the DragonBalls!-Bakura They're allways after me Lucky Charms-Yami I found out my dad is some guy named Vegeta-Yugi *looking at millenium puzzle* I wonder how much yen I could get for this at the antique store...-Yugi I have something to tell you all... I'm.. A HOBBIT!! See my hairy feet?-Yugi LIvin la Vida Loca!!!-Yami I WARNED YOU PEOPLE!! There is actually a website called yugioh.com!!-Bakura/Kaiba I'll see you later guys. I need to use my plushies for rifle practice.-Ryou/Yugi Awight! I've been asked to star in a Eminem video!!-Ryou Duel Monsters? Let's go play Duck Duck Goose!!-Yami/Kaiba This one time at band camp...-Tea Yugi, I am your father-Yami to Yugi Silly rabbit, Tricks are for kids!-Pegasus telling Funny Bunny off....^^ I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts didly didly...there they are standing in a row...big ones, small one, ones as big as your head... a lovely bunch of coconuts they are...-Kaiba/Bakura/Yami/Malik...
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