"Sailor Sun (Princesses of the Moon)" Reviews/Comments [ 7 ] |
Title: Shorter than a piece of ant leg... Reviewed By: jcmver2oo4 [MediaMiner Member] On: March 17, 2004 17:09 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 7 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 4 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 6 of 10 Overall Rating: 5 of 10 Comment/Review: Gotta hit ya with the hard truth: this story has its BIG issues, not the least of them being the pailful fact that I see a misspelling in almost every sentence. Also, these chapters are really short. They're almost as short as the prologue. Also, possibly due to the shortness, there's a serious lack of emotion and show of character. They feel almost lifeless, like if an actor was reading straight from the script of a poorly translated story. All that said, you have some interesting ideas on the story. Now, all you need to do is spend more than 10 minutes per chapter to develop them better.
Title: Greatly good Reviewed By: Moon Fairy [MediaMiner Member] On: January 02, 2004 19:09 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 9 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I love it!Please update soon.ICIFU (;
Reviewed By: Lock [MediaMiner Member] On: January 01, 2004 08:33 CST Comment/Review: Love it.......a little I don't get still great!
Reviewed By: Salior Star Universe [MediaMiner Member] On: December 31, 2003 20:37 CST Comment/Review: I like this story alot I can't wait to read more!
Reviewed By: ssakuracheery On: December 13, 2003 07:04 CST Comment/Review: GREAT fic, But can ya update soon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Title: Cool and cool! Reviewed By: Running FP On: December 10, 2003 18:48 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 6 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 3 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 7 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10 Overall Rating: 7 of 10 Comment/Review: I like it and it mayt need some looking over (sorry but i can't hide the truth!) please try tyo make them a little bit longer but kewl is my favorite word for it! sincerely, running FP
Title: Hello Reviewed By: Slywolf9 [MediaMiner Member] On: November 26, 2003 20:32 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: GAH! i FINALLY got around to reading this! Gomen nasai for taking FOREVER! been soooo busy, damn authors keep updatinng, and demanding reviews....@-@ but, this was AWESOME! Sailor Sun seems pretty cool! i think ya might need a btea reader tho..no offense, just got a lil confoosed cause i think ya forgot ta put in a fe wowrds...plz dont be angry! DOZO! (please!)...newayz, this is a good start hun! i hope ya update soon ,cause ya got a faithful reviewer! -Lani