Title: Awwwwwwwwwww! Reviewed By: wrenlegacy On: December 15, 2003 18:07 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: You finished it! You finished it! *does freakish happy dance* That was so sweet! hon, I love this pairing! Of course, you already know that. Since your not online I just had to write this..... of course I would have written it anyways. ^_^ I love how you had them go to Natural Wonders! Thats was my favorite store when we still had one. Don't know if your planning more of this pairing, but I think it would be well recieved! Also, you Luc. was great, not as stoic as canon, but then again, they were at war in canon, and I can definatlely see her being like this! Welp, i'm going to stop now, cause I could just keep going, but that would be irritating, so...... I'll stop now! Uh-oh, Cherrio!