"Boys in the Attic" Reviews/Comments [ 52 ] |
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Reviewed By: Sky_Rat On: April 01, 2004 11:34 CST Comment/Review: I think I'm gonna cry ;____; I guess it looks like Ken's gonna end up with Omi, after all? I'm actually starting to be glad of that. Yohji's beginning to piss me off to the point where I don't -want- him to get with Ken. Wow. Imagine that. Great, as always.
Title: fluffy Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: April 01, 2004 08:47 CST Comment/Review: Go you ^_^ Thanks for the new chapter.
Reviewed By: Sky Rat (nli) On: March 23, 2004 20:54 CST Comment/Review: Aaaah. It's getting SO frustrating that Ken won't tell Yohji what he feels! And that Yohji's too dense to figure it out! Ack! It hurts! What's wrong with them!!!! Can't wait for more, hehe....
Title: dedication Reviewed By: Pagoda On: March 22, 2004 13:43 CST Comment/Review: Although you seem to have quite the following... this is getting too close to our reality. Why did you let Chong leave the other night? Anyway another great chapter by my love. You're practically famous (giggles).
Title: ... Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: March 22, 2004 00:31 CST Comment/Review: How the hell do you do it?!? You write so well and beautifully. I have no idea where this is all going, which is an amazing thing!! I love that I can't predict all the twists and turns. So talented!! Okay, so gush gush, genuflect genuflect. Another lovely chapter written. Thank you so much ^_^
Title: I love you Reviewed By: Pagoda On: March 17, 2004 20:26 CST Comment/Review: Wow, is all I have to say. I love the stripper complex... it adds a bit of humor to the whole story. I can't wait for the next chapter! Call me... my love.
Title: Not to sound like a grammar nazi Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: March 14, 2004 22:14 CST Comment/Review: Now that I've singled myself out as a psycho for grammar/spelling, I'd like to now say how engrossed I am in your story. You know how to keep a person coming back for more!!! ^_^
Title: official editor Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: March 14, 2004 22:13 CST Comment/Review: I think I decree myself kinda sorta officially unofficial editor. And, as is your perogative, you can tell me to piss off. So, here is yet another technical thing: masseuse, not misuse. Ken should be a masseuse (person who gives massage, NOT to be confused with a Massage Therapist. Masseuse has a VERY sexual connotation, Massage Therapist is like a physical therapist who gives massage.).
Title: sniffle Reviewed By: Sky Rat [MediaMiner Member] On: March 14, 2004 22:02 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: ;___; Ken better be DAMN happy by the end of this fic to make up for how much you're making him suffer. It's -maddening- that he hasn't said anything to yohji yet ::twitch:: please please please start making things better for ken soon, it's making me so sad!!! (and this story's EXCELLENT, I wouldn't be getting so worked up over it if it weren't) oh yeah, and ryu and juro are going to get together, RIGHT?!
Title: hi there! Reviewed By: Talyssa_ On: March 13, 2004 04:45 CST Comment/Review: just some little notes: annunciation should be pronounciation, and when you wrote misuse you meant masseuse which sounds similar but have er, entirely different meanings. And that would refer to a female massage-person. A male one would be a masseur. ....I might have the e and u backwards there but I don't think so. other than that - fun chapter but no aya and omi? ? ? ^_^; Sad! They'll be in the next one though right?
Reviewed By: Amanda. On: March 03, 2004 21:54 CST Comment/Review: This is one of my favorite fics. I usually don't follow updates and stuff, but this one is on my favorites :) I'd also like to point out that this is the best title for a fic I've ever seen. I don't know why I like it so much, but I do :)
Title: Praise and technicality Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: March 02, 2004 14:58 CST Comment/Review: Yet another amazing chatper written. I honestly do wait with increasing anticipation for each chapter you write. I really love this story. So there's your praise ^_^ Now the technical bit: "Yohji released the pressure of his thumb from Yohji's.." That was when Aya was going down on Yohji, so, "Ran released..." That's all. You are amazing ^_^
Title: 1 Reviewed By: angelbabe17 [MediaMiner Member] On: February 18, 2004 23:24 CST Comment/Review: poor juro
Title: Backdoors rock Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli [MediaMiner Member] On: February 15, 2004 14:26 CST Comment/Review: Yes, found a backdoor through mediaminer that allowed me to read the newest installment. Anyway, very cool dynamics between Ken, Yohji, and Aya. Well, not so muhc Aya, but Ken's attitude toward him. I cannot wait to see how, IF, Ken and Yohji cna work this out. And I am on the edge of my seat to know when the non-con warning will come into effect. If it hasn't already in the early chap with that ewwy customer Yohji had. Anyway, keep it up please!!!
Title: Oh I wish I wish.... Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli [MediaMiner Member] On: February 15, 2004 14:02 CST Comment/Review: So, mediaminer has it out for me...as per usual. Thus, though I have been bouncing in my seat for the next installment, I am unable to read it. Thank you mediaminer. But, rest assured, I will have rave reviews for you the minute mediaminer deigns to give me the privelege of reading you fic. Stupid mediaminer!! >_
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