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"Taking Requests: Mokuba and (almost) Anything Goes" Reviews/Comments [ 25 ]
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 Reviewed By: dukesgirl13 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 20, 2006 23:50 CDT
please a seto/mokuba or a seto/joey/mokuba. i know its weird, but, everyone came out with it so why not me?
 Reviewed By: ???????????????????????????????????  On: August 06, 2005 02:59 CDT
Jou mokie and Seto love triangle
 Reviewed By: mercynre [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 02, 2005 11:48 CDT
Okay, well, everyone thinks I'm weird but... um, WeevilxMokuba if you feel like it... I know it's totally NOT a normal pairing... but well, they're both hot. Um... I like NoaxMokuba too. I'd say SetoxMokuba but the other 20 people who reviewed already asked for that one LOL.
 Reviewed By: JinxedKitsune [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 17, 2005 12:57 CST
i'm not really all that into other pairings, but i totally suppot Mokuba/Seto or Seto/Mokuba.... poor mokuba, no pairings at all.... PLZ PLZ PLZ!
 Reviewed By: Yaoi_Anime_FanGurl [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2004 22:52 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm trying that font color deally lol I've never tried it before so don't laugh if it doesn't come out right. Ok ok...you may laugh if it doesn't come out right. ^^ Oh Boy MOKIE!! Me love lil Mokie ^^ Could you possibly do a Seto/Mokie fic pretty plz with sugar ontop. ^^ I love Seto/Mokie so sue me....*thinks for a minute* wait I take that back plz don't sue me. ^^;; heh heh..
 Reviewed By: YEHUDIS  On: December 13, 2004 12:51 CST
 Reviewed By: Shaylo [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 29, 2004 07:15 CDT
I happen to prefer Seto/Mokuba myself. when Mokubas little like 11-12. Though I like the other reviewers idea of Seto/Mokuba/Joey I've never seen one of those at least not in a full out yaoi/lemon setting. I did read one Seto/Mokuba/Joey but it was nothing much just a simple lime enough for PG-13 rating. I hope you chose to do this story!!
 Title: My Pairings
Reviewed By: Alraune [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 26, 2004 14:28 CDT
Well, I'd like Seto/Mokuba, Duke/Mokuba, Malik/Mokuba and Bakura/Mokuba... As long as he's not young, and older then 18. ^_^
 Title: XD
Reviewed By: T3h Authoress Youkai  On: June 10, 2004 15:56 CDT
Mokuba/Joey. I did have one were Joey babysits Mokuba and videotapes him doing all sorts of sexual things (just to be mean and laugh in Kaiba's face) the end was kind of creepy, though, and I'm not the only one who uses this computer, so I could never write it myself. XD Watashiwa hentai baka, ne?
 Reviewed By: anubiset  On: June 04, 2004 12:44 CDT
I think I would like to see MokubaxDuke. Duke looks good and you could make it when Mokie is 16. Like a little or big present for Mokie.
 Reviewed By: SweetasStrychnine [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 21, 2004 21:21 CST
ewww, he's so young. poor little guy...but since i'm a hypocrite seto/mokuba pretty please!
 Reviewed By: Pyro Oranges  On: February 17, 2004 15:54 CST
i just went back and read the noty thingy and it said no yugi so ignore that i my last request. How about Joey/Mokuba instead.
 Reviewed By: Pyro Oranges  On: February 17, 2004 15:51 CST
Could you plz write a Mokuba/Seto pair? I would like that! I know it's weird but hey I'm a weird person!! Or maybe a Yugi/Mokuba since they would be about the same height. =)
 Reviewed By: HappyFunLovingBunny  On: February 15, 2004 19:00 CST
Can you make a Yugi/Yami/Mokuba pairing please? that would make me happy if you did! And maybe if you could, a Honda/Mokuba!
 Reviewed By: YGT  On: February 15, 2004 18:57 CST
I would like to see Mokuba x Joey. Yea you heard me right. Mokuaba x Joey. Can it have bondage in it too? please? ^-^ - YGT
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