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"Whose Line Is It Anime" Reviews/Comments [ 27 ]
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 Reviewed By: mizaminer [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 30, 2006 05:35 CDT
poor bakura can't curse.
 Reviewed By: Angel of Twilight [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 27, 2005 14:12 CDT
about the girl thing, they are to act out what they think of them. choose which one they do first and so on.
 Reviewed By: Angel of Twilight [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 27, 2005 14:10 CDT
now it can! Name: Amy Muto(Yugi's cousin) Description: Amber eyes that look yellowish with the essence of wildfire(no one but Yugi and little kids can look into her eyes for more than five seconds), short sleeve white t-shirt that says Angel in lavender letters, bluejean shorts, dirty blond long layered hair, and silver shoes with white streaks. Personality: Defiant, protective of Yugi, annoyingly calm, and dont po her! u will regret it!!! and for the scenes out of a hat it is for boys only! they dont choose which girl they are, the host does! update soon plz!
 Reviewed By: Angel of Twilight [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 27, 2005 14:03 CDT
NEAT!!! ok for scenes out of a hat mine would be to act from one of four girls: Tea(die!!!), Kiko(spelling?), Mai or Boton(spelling?). i dont think the review will hold the description and junk. update soon plz!
 Reviewed By: Dragonflame [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 20, 2004 16:44 CDT
oh! And I'd love to be in your story! Name: Shadow, Gender: female, age: 15, looks: short blonde hair, green eyes, glasses, thin and tall. Personality: shy and quiet, though slightly insane when under the influenceof sugar.
 Reviewed By: Dragonflame [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 20, 2004 16:41 CDT
This is the shit! Scenes from a hat: 1) Why exactly DO Yami and Seto hate each other? 2) Jou's favorite tv show.
 Title: meep
Reviewed By: Deme [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 24, 2004 18:09 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YEA, lol, Whose line is it anyway is the SHOW! lol.. and i wanna be in the show/fic!!! ^^ @@ (gender: female, age: 14, eye and hair colour: dark brown, skin colour: light brown (important?? @.@), personality: sadomasochistic like bakura,weird/crazy, and power-hungry) scenes from a hat: what really goes on inside MM's mind, a yami's first encounter with a telephone or tv, or... what would u do if a crab came up and bit u, continuing on with the what would u do's... lol X.x
 Title: I love it!!
Reviewed By: firelung06 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 06, 2004 12:48 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
ideas for the hat thing...1) what the host is thinking now. 2)the cariters imitations of each other. (heeheehee that should be interesting) and 3) rejected amime ideas. I would like to be in your story! gender:female, Age:16, Eyes: green/brown, hair: curly brown, personality: ABSOLUTELY ANIME OBSESSED! not nessicarily a rabid fan girl, I just love anime! (and Jin! * drool * * drool ) ^_^;;
 Reviewed By: DemonandGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 28, 2004 23:31 CST
Ths is sooo funny! Why haven't you updated! Ok, scenes from a hat: 1. What Hiei really means when he says "Hn" 2. Rejected ideas for duel monsters 3. Things Kuwabara would never say 4. Fangirl fantasies Keep writing!
 Reviewed By: Cora, Slayer of Bill Gates  On: February 11, 2004 18:30 CST
Ooooooooooooooooh this is FUNNY! Update soon...
 Reviewed By: Mooselini McSqueegee [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 05, 2004 23:36 CST
 Reviewed By: Rowan Girl  On: February 04, 2004 21:33 CST
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol can I come on as a special guest *bats seductive eyelashes*
 Reviewed By: Mooselini McSqueegee [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2004 16:14 CST
Hello everyone... it's me, just checking on something. Just ignore this....
 Title: This fic is cute!
Reviewed By: TAB [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2004 15:21 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I LOVE the commercials! Though, I don't think I want to call in this time. . . . . I liked it when Bakura was the monkey and jumped on Joey's head. And how Yusuke got 500 points for dieing. ^___^ Oh, can I be in? I have brown hair with blond high lights. Brown eyes. I usually wear jeans with a long sleave t-shirt. I LOVE Bakura, I'm kinda shy at first, but when I get used to certain people, I have these sugar rushes. And, I want to be with Bakura! I LOVE him!!!! Please? Ideas? Well, how about 'What you'll never hear a rabid fan girl say'? That good enough? Well, upload the next chapter soon! ^____^ Can't wait!
 Reviewed By: Reiko Raizano [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2004 13:59 CST
Oh, sorry 'bout that. The bio under Majin Kade's is mine...we were both using the computer and things got screwed up.
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