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"Old Memories" Reviews/Comments [ 21 ]
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 Reviewed By: Kitta0 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2004 19:32 CST
Gues what people I'm getting my grandmother (who is a college english teacher to proofread my story, but I don't know when she will have time. And I have the next two chapters and the half of another writen. So when I get my reviews I will update. I need one more!!! And to Jin-eh, Keo is one of my friends OCs and he was kind based on Hiei, but I made them a little difrent, and he has silver hair, that's was my friend choce. And to everyone else THANKS FOR THE REVIEWS!!!!!!!!!! And if your reading this and you haven't review do so, so I can update!!!
 Reviewed By: kaori sasuke  On: February 24, 2004 16:56 CST
love the plot, its grand. and I'm very sorry but your spelling does need a bit of work.
 Reviewed By: jin-eh  On: February 23, 2004 19:19 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 1 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I think that your spelling could be a little better, but i did read your complaint and that bout of screaming that you went on so im sorry about that... but i like your stories a lot and i think that keo is my favorite:)...is he kinda like a hiei with brown hair?
 Reviewed By: BP  On: February 20, 2004 18:03 CST
It was very good! Please advertise me. Pwease! I have only ten reviews! * sobbs*
 Reviewed By: BP  On: February 17, 2004 12:28 CST
That was the best ever! Keep on going!
 Reviewed By: re-a  On: February 16, 2004 17:56 CST
hello cuz work on your spelling pleaze i loved it......... pleaz update.......
 Reviewed By: BP  On: February 15, 2004 21:06 CST
Hey! I read your 3rd chapter it's cool! Please consider this a review. I want to know what happens next! I went on this site and someone has thier fic named Iris! I'm so mad! I maen I feel betrayed or something. Keep up the good work! ^-^
 Reviewed By: Kitta0 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 15, 2004 18:38 CST
I AM NOT UPDATING TILL I GET ONE, PEOPLE THAT IS ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I MEAN IT AND I WILL TAKE THE STORY OFF IF I DON'T GET IT SOON. (For some reson i haven't been in a good mood latly. *sigh* Blame it on my friend Pheonox. She just pissed me of and i just i shouldn't be taking in off on you people, but I'm just mad. And i do stike to my word I will take it of. And if i do you will have to go to one of my other stories or emil and ask me to put it back on.) SO REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Rowan Girl  On: February 14, 2004 11:53 CST
I love the story, PLEASE UPDATE
 Reviewed By: Kitta0 (the writer)  On: February 13, 2004 16:06 CST
I have one now where are the other two reviews!?!?! I have half of the next chapter done, but I'm not updating till i get at least 5 reviews from other people and when i mean other people i mean people that haven't written one yet.
 Reviewed By: Yuki1000(Too lazy to log in)  On: February 12, 2004 19:27 CST
That sooooo sad she lost everything she held that is just sad
 Reviewed By: BP  On: February 11, 2004 19:59 CST
THANK YOU FOR READING MY STORY!!!! It'll be updated by 9:00 central.
 Reviewed By: BP  On: February 11, 2004 18:19 CST
Hi! Your story is really good. There are a few spelling errors though.I can't wait till you make the next chapter. If you have any free time on your hands check out my fic. It's called "Others like me" by BlackPanther. Please update soon.
 Reviewed By: Kitta0 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 11, 2004 17:00 CST
To Princess of Neptune, it hopefuly will have the YYH charates in it, but right now its about my friends and mine OCs. They wanted me to one for them. *sigh* Why do i have to be so nice. Any way i try to make it none confuseing. But if you think that it is confussing read What Happens Next. And I really now my spelling stinks. I can think I have found all the spelling mastaks, give it to a friend and they will find over 20 mestaks in it. Like today. My friend Keo was reading it (the next chapter to this one) and he found over 20. I just serasly stink at spelling. And if you think you are confused, I even get confussed some times, but it dose help to go back and see what you read. And I do have alot of diffrent point of views. In this fic. I'm trying to keep around only two to three point of views. I just like to show everyone's point of view. I think I have writen enof and if any of you want to talk to me just emial me at robtia@bellsouth.net Bye!
 Reviewed By: Princess of Neptune  On: February 11, 2004 15:46 CST
It's really good. The only problem is your spelling and grammer. IT was a little confusing with that. Also, I thought it was a Yu-Yu-Hakusho fanfic but you have none of the characters in it. I guess that means it certainly is a very original fanfic and I do like it
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