"What You Didn't Know and Didn't Need to Know about Escaflowne and InuYasha" Reviews/Comments [ 11 ] | Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: May 09, 2004 18:40 CDT Comment/Review: XD Nice to know Miroku is capable of keeping his head in a tough situation. Heh... and oh my God... it's Quatre! ...If you only had any idea how many times I've picked on poor little Kitty-Quatre and his fondness for tea... reading this was like a flashback to my golden years of G-Wing obsession. XD Anyway... wow, Quatre, way to protect your girl! Who'd have thought he'd be so... chivalrous? And... this is where it ends? o_O Well, I have to go start up the sequel then... but first I have to go and pick up some Chinese food, since we have my aunt and cousins visiting this lovely Sunday evening, and things have gotten rather hectic. So, I'll be back in a little while!
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: May 09, 2004 18:36 CDT Comment/Review: And now Penguin-chan has officially frightened me. XD And, to add to the list of other mildly disturbing things... Dornkirk actually met a girl at a party? o_O That's just wrong on many, many levels. Well, the last chapter should be interesting... will they kill him? XD Let's hope so!
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: May 09, 2004 18:11 CDT Comment/Review: ...what is lefsa? XD Anyway... LOL at the girls' continued use of the phrase "search me" and Miroku's continuing to rise to the occasion. And also, at the way that Hiraikotsus and mallets keep appearing to be used against the poor hapless males. Sigh... but anyway, extra LOLing at Viole, who's just... so... obsessed and... generally weird. XD Heehee... and lastly, Dornkirk has officially frightened me now. Okay, so what have we learned from this? Why, that the "will you bear my child?" line only works if you're hot. Uuuugh... ::shudder::
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: May 09, 2004 17:59 CDT Comment/Review: "Isn't I cool?" = XD. "Does he have anything but a blank space between his ears?" = XD. (Inuyasha's having entered this fic has made for a pretty big increase in sarcastic insults, which I am greatly enjoying. ::grin::) Ahem. "Ooh, kinky" = XD. "Uh, in case you haven't noticed, your brother is really hot" = XD. (Man, Sango is sure speaking her mind today. =P) Mentioning of the sandwich and his weird, kinda blinded crush on Kagome = XD. Dilandau being an it, a he, and a she = XD. In conclusion... it doesn't get much more exdeeish than this. ...XD
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: May 09, 2004 17:52 CDT Comment/Review: Hitomi: "I wish I could do that on Van!" LOL... it just occurred to me just how many animes would be completely screwed up if more female characters could osuwari their bishies. The world would be a dangerous place... anyway, heh, this chapter was funny. First of all, gotta love all of the Esca people thinking that they're each the main character... ah, delusions of granduer, eh? Folken being the only realistic one cracked me up too. And Hitomi's *still* not knowing who she actually frickin' loves (god, she's got to be one of the most indecisive characters I've ever seen) was great. And welcome all the rest of the Inuyasha characters! I guess poor Miroku's time in the limelight all to himself is over now, huh? =P Oh well.
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: May 09, 2004 17:45 CDT Comment/Review: Okay, so I'm finally back to finish this up. =P Wow... Miroku is so freaking dead. XD Inuyasha ought to know that the show could never survive with just him... but then again, if I was the main character of a show, and I found out my sidekick had been going around telling other people that he was doing my job... well, I'd be pissed too. And Inuyasha is Inuyasha... so naturally he's doubly pissed. So to reiterate: run, Miroku, RUN! XD Heh... anyway, by far my favorite part of this chapter was when it was mentioned that Miroku is his black-and-white manga self and not fitting in with anyone else there. LOL, for some reason the sheer zaniness of that totally cracked me up.
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: April 30, 2004 16:31 CDT Comment/Review: ALL of the Dragonslayers are gay. So very gay... XD Anyway, this seems as good a time as any to randomly bring up the fact that Allen really isn't as badasa a playboy as he seems to be. I mean, none of the women he's won over have seemed to be particularly hard to get. Obviously the princesses have some sort of genetic thing that somehow renders them completely vulnerable to his charms (well, I can't figure out how else to explain the fact that he seems to have played all three of them XD), and as for Hitomi... well, he all but passed her off as a whore when Dilandau first showed up, and she seemed completely dazzled by it, so there's obviously just something wrong with her. Therefore, I propose that Miroku is not as hopeless as he seems in comparison. I bet Allen would have a heck of a lot of trouble wooing Sango... and as for the Esca girls, well, I can see it now... "MIROKU: Dear Hitomi, would you do me the honor of bearing my child? HITOMI: ::goes all twinkly:: *Could he... could he be the one??*" XD Anyway... I'm sure that exchange came out looking rather stupid thanks to the fact that I can't figure out how to add paragraphs to my review, but... oh well. I'm having a lot of fun with this story so far; I'll be back to read some more later. ^_^
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: April 30, 2004 16:19 CDT Comment/Review: Chapter 4 and still going... your friend Penguin is really weird. XD Heh, my sister has a similar Folken obsession (just what is it about the guy, anyway?), but not even she has ever had any fantasies about him spanking her. o_O Or at least, not that I know of. And... I don't really think I want to know. ::sweatdrop:: So, where was I? Ah yes, the chapter. Well, this really was an odd, odd chapter. So I'll just get moving along to the next chapter...
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: April 30, 2004 15:55 CDT Comment/Review: Now this chapter was funnier than the previous two combined. ^_^ I can't even pick two or three favorite quotes from this one, because they all had me cracking up. Especially when Dryden came into the picture... Dryden who is, incidentally, at least as sexy as Folken and Van, easily. Van has better hair, though, but Dryden just has that... air of seximitastic...ness to him. Anyway. XD I loved when he met Miroku. "So, you're a babe magnet, eh? What a coincidence? So am I!" ROFL. And also, "I like to tell a woman about myself in great detail with lots of exaggerations so that she thinks I'm a total god." Again... ROFL. I guess both of those are probably in competition with Miroku's "I'm on a mission of love!" line for my favorite. Miroku was acting like a friggin' Sailor Senshi in this chapter, almost. XD Atashi wa? I guess he's getting in touch with his feminine side? =P Heehee...
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: April 30, 2004 15:44 CDT Comment/Review: I would have let him help me up and/or feel my butt. XD But I'm just weird. And in love with him. So... wait, what was I talking about, anyway...? - Oh yeah, review. You know, I really hate the formatting in these reviews... I try to write things in more than one paragraph for easy readability, but they all end up getting squished together into one big blob. I'm sure this one's going to come out all weird-looking too. It's like they want people to write short, one-or-two sentence reviews. But that just seems to be virtually impossible for me. Anyway, so here I am, still rambling... well, this fic is very amusing so far. "I'm a Buddhist monk from Inuyasha--which is an anime, not a place!" LOL, that's about as quotable as anything gets. Well, onward...
| Reviewed By: Hikari no Spectrum [MediaMiner Member] On: April 30, 2004 15:34 CDT Comment/Review: Jesus, that was insane. XD Well, admitedly, I do prefer fics that aren't written in chat-style dialogue. But... oh man, where do I start? It still cracked me up. Poor Miroku. And d00d, Dilly-o is cute, really! Well, he is kind of creepy-looking in the anime... but he was one of the only characters who actually looked *better* in the movie! He was hot in the movie, c'mon! I mean, I could have done without the finger-breaking scene... but still, so hot... ::cough Er, anyways. "I've NEVER seen clothes like YOURS before!" ... ::dies Man... well, onward to chapter two...