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"Reign of Spiders" Reviews/Comments [ 36 ]
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Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 16, 2007 02:07 CDT
Hay I'm still here...are you??....you better be writing the next chapter...because this poker has not stoped pokeing..o-ya....so what are ya going to have happen in the next chapter...I bet its going to be good.....ya know you would have more reader if ya updated sooner.....ya know it make peolpe happy when they don't have to wait to long...I don't know is the subliminal messaging/hipnosess working yet?? are ya writing....do these word mean enything......You have proven it befor that you can update with in a year...I soooo get that but I might need another reminder ya know just to make sure....hehehe.....ok that will end this poke untill the next one...Nyuka
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2007 19:47 CDT
It's been a while since I have reviewed.....I think its time for another douse of the Hipnosublimnalmessaging.........Stare deep in to the writen texted....you are not getting sleepy..but you are being filled with the energy to write and new chapter....you will not dissobey this poke for the poke will replay in your mind untill you write another chapter....it will say I want to write an new chapter, I need to write a new chapter, I must write a new chapter, I must, I must.....and the guilt will way heavily telling that You know that you need to update....you will up date and I will continue to poke....Liston to the poke YOU MUST OBEY THE POKE....P.S. this message has been broght to you by Nyuka the enventer of the new black and white lettered subliblemessage Hippnotizume.....JK...but sereously write more.....or else....JK..again...or am I....hehe...write more.
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2007 01:28 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ya my poking is starting to work Yes!...I was expecting the darning escape o-well that just means you have to update sooner and have the escape"s of Inuyasha and Kagome, and Miroku and Sango.....You wrote that to torture me did you.....hehe....JK...........Hojo's gona die...hehe.....I can't believe but at the same time that is what I thought was going to happen when he took her away....its a good thing that Hojo is a coward...heck ya....hehe....I can't wait to see how you get the two groups together....but that wont ever happen if you don't update......also....I'm going to keep poking you do you want that cause I don't have a problem with that...well that is untill school starts and I go through a mentle depression from fan fic withdrawl....hehe....any way you better up date soon...hehe...Please...and Thankyou....keep it shorter that a year....hehe....Nyuka
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 17, 2007 01:54 CDT
I bet you thought I was going to stop poking you didn't you...hahahaha...I've just been doing some thing you will write a new chapter....and you will not take a year to do it.....look at the black words on the screen and obey you will write a new chapter and I will be very happy....you will make me happy...so obey the poke and write and new chapter.....Nyuka....P.S. this has been a sublimidle message you will obey....JK
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 05, 2007 23:28 CDT
Hay whats up! I haven't bugged you in like three whole days! XD I was like suffering form Poky withdrawls....hehe.....So do ya think maybe some time in the nearest future that you can I don't know update this fic ya know if it annt any trubble....Plz O.O....Please and thankyou Nyuka
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 02, 2007 22:14 CDT
Poky, Poky, Poky, Poky, POKY, POKY, POKY, POKY, POKY,POKY,POKY, POKY, POKY, POKY, POKY, POKY, POKY,POKY, POKY, POKY, POKY, POKY,POKY....Sooooooooo are you going to update this story soon.....Cause I'm not going to stop bugging you mostly because I hate to see stories unfinished.
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 01, 2007 17:53 CDT
Im not going to give up that easily...You have to right more on this story and Im going to keep writing you untill you come to your sences and write more I Don't want to wait a year to get another chapter for all I know I'll get hit by a car a die by that time....so you better start writeing or I'll haunt you Muhahahahahaah...JK but serously I'm poking you so write..*evil glar*.....Nyuka
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 26, 2007 18:34 CDT
Just poking to make sure you keep working Muhahahahaha....Hehe...You shall update....Or maybe we should get a demon for you so he/she could force you to write Muhahahahaha...If only If only...Well you'll just have to live with my Poking or write more....XD...Nyuka
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 24, 2007 18:30 CDT
Most exellent See you can write a chapter In under a year if you realy put your mind to it *glint*......NOw all you got to do it keep going you are very talented and this story is realy good...you have to up date soon I just can't wait for the darring escape, Will Inuyasha save Kagome from getting rapped??......ooooooooo I have to read more and I'm deffenetly going to poke at it...hehe.....Now I know that it would be stuped but a though came to mind when Kagome said she wished she could "sit" him well what if some how she got those rosiry beats around his neck....can you see it "heal girl....baka Inuyasha sit boy" hehehe....well I can see that funny stuff though it would probably get rediculous....YOU have to keep going I'll write a comment every week if I have to *smiling almost scary*....Feel the rath of my pokey comments...Muhahahahaahahahaah...Ok update soon.....NYUKA...P.S. or you will have nightmarres of the never endding reviews...Muhahahaahaha...JK..But seriously you got to right more don't let your talent for write go to waist...WoW thats a long P.S. hehe.
 Title: one more thing
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 22, 2007 15:51 CDT
O ya update soon......and if you cant think of eny thing ask you reader for suggestions XP
 Title: WOW
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 22, 2007 15:50 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I like this story its like soooooooooo koooooooo and when I first started reading I was thinking that it was going to be slightly different form the real story and I was like I don't know about this but I kept reading and it blew my mind I'm like on the ground and my brain Is on the floor...I think this has the potental to be a very great fic Its all koo and junk ya know but when I was reading I noticed the the time jumps I mean its like crazy what you started like three years ago and you only of the fifth chapter...*laugh to self*....But it doesn't mean I don't like this story...I realy want to read more on it.....I think it kinda funny to see Kagome getting a piece of her own medicen....lol....I noticed did you like up date yesturday that is so koo I feel all lucky and junk.....you have to keep writing on this fic because I'm a very impationent person when it come to reading more on a fan fic....also you kept on saying in your author notes that you wouldn't take that long and if I'm not misstaken their is nearly a year between each chapter...lol....ok now that I'm reading you have to update like at least every week because my brain (that is still laying the ground by the way) will explode and not another inteleget though will come in my mind.....lol....JK....but seriously I might have to like bugg you go finish this fic because I like I way to much.....I mean look at all the people who are wrighting all those comments from the past they seemed to be upset that you weren't updateing and stuff expeshialy that Cindyve13 that person was with you for a will and you just let them stop reading come one....XD.....This story is to good to let die so if I have to I'll post some kind of message from time to time...XP so beware...Muhahahahaahahahahahah!
 Reviewed By: snowecat32  On: June 21, 2007 22:23 CDT
Get a beta, you need it. The formatting of the last chapter is a horrendous smashed together jumble of lines. You should fix it. This has potential, but it needs work.
 Reviewed By: Jezi futhark [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 17, 2006 13:20 CDT
ohh kay. wow poor kagome but i guess her sit is just as bad. Miroku... ughg and is the girl Sango? update!
 Title: I told you so!!!
Reviewed By: DragonHostile17 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2006 14:44 CDT
Karen you caged fruit bat! I told you 50 zillion times, people are going to start hating you if you dont update! You cant classify ADD as writer's block! To all those who read her fics, I apologize and will personally kick her ass into gear. Hear that karen? I know your busy with the move and all but come on! i saw all those pages on your computer the other day. forget editing, and just post what you have, hell send them to me and I'LL edit them. leave aka alone and write!
 Reviewed By: Cindyve13 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 25, 2005 20:18 CDT
are you ever going to update this fic?
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