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"DiD v. tKiSA" Reviews/Comments [ 149 ]
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 Reviewed By: priscel (^_^)  On: August 04, 2004 23:52 CDT
*crackin up* man I'm speechless and the names Fabio and Reiko's crazy name lol my gosh where Tro's face landed *coughs* and the class rolling assumptions of lesbians and then all of them classifying Duo as a girl...*snickers* why didn't Duo Object, they were calling him a 'girl' and I remember earlier he objected to be called such? Quat sure lucked out they didn't call him a girl but they did Duo?? *huffs wanted Duo to be recognized as a man* and reiko at the end was creep and I wanna know what she intends to do! so update again soon.
 Title: LOL
Reviewed By: pyrzm [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2004 09:46 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What justkat said. And why is it that poor Trowa always ends up a pervert in our stories? Poor, poor perverted boy. :-)
 Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2004 06:55 CDT
You single-handedly put me in a good mood for work ^_^
 Title: Ch 16
Reviewed By: justkat [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2004 04:49 CDT
Naughty, naughty Trowa! Just hope that he and Heero manage to calculate the curve of those perfect butt cheeks, establish entry velocity and determine the trajectory for making a perfect landing before Wufei gets back from the bath. Who said calculus was boring?^^ * This story just keeps getting funnier! Muffie...how do you do it?!!! Just please don't stop!
 Title: Oh yeah, and . . .
Reviewed By: pyrzm [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2004 10:54 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
"The second time, there was no mistaking that Khushrenada, Wufei, and Zechs were copulating. Zechs had dismounted and settled on the bed to enjoy the entire episode with his erection still wet from Wufei's body. Wufei hadn't been quite so accommodating. Heero had to physically remove Wufei from Treize and Wufei had been vocally less than pleased about it. Heero had been forced to calm Wufei with a nerve pinch. " Great moments in DiD history! I just love your deadpan delivery! Enjoyment factor 50
 Title: You teaser!
Reviewed By: pyrzm [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2004 10:51 CDT
*pant* Yup that's all I can think to say. Oh yeah, and "More pleaase!!!!!!!"
 Reviewed By: ChiisaiAngel [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2004 10:03 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is really funny, you had me getting weird looks from my family for laughing at seemingly nothing! ^_^ I love the way Duo is portrayed, he's hilarious, and even though Heero is a bit stiff, I like him too!
 Reviewed By: priscel (^_^)  On: July 28, 2004 16:21 CDT
"Heero narrowed his eyes and glared at the guard's butt. "Chang, do you think his butt is cute?".... "You are correct, Chang. It is irrelevant." Heero de-cuteized the guard's butt anyway." *snickers* Woohoo!! for once Duo and quat are under cover as guys, I'd notice that alot of times when crossdressing was required for a school cover Duo and Quat would have to dress as girls (^_^) *sigh* I feel bad for Hee-chan though, why won't someone just sit him down and have a question and answer session with him about sexuality and the act of sex. Zechs seems really nice to do so. Oi update again soon!
 Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 27, 2004 15:23 CDT
Oh poor Wufei got squished! There were some other truly golden moments/phrases, but I started reading before work and just finished this chapter after it. So forgive my forgetfulness. But know this, you are awesome!! I really hope that you get out the next update soon. No pressure though, I'd rather a late but long/good chapter then a crappy/short fast-out chapter. ^_^
 Title: ch 15
Reviewed By: justkat [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 27, 2004 05:24 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Agghhh!!! Soo clooose! Will somebody just please take Wufei away somewhere and squish him?!! And just when Heero was being so cute; making his baka a comfy bed of leaves and all, and letting him be the boy. Awww... Have to say that the thought of Heero in a blouse and skirt is just too hideous to contemplate (did the blouse have teeny little flowers? that might make a difference...)... gonna go think about keeping things safe in Heero's spandex instead. Purely for educational reasons... Thanks Muffie!!!^^
 Reviewed By: MelizaMac [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 27, 2004 00:09 CDT
OMG - it was only a matter of time before you sprang 13X5 on us (with a little 6 tossed in for flavor), and as usual, you did so with gusto. I could almost hear Wufei squeal a'la Carlton Banks... Yeah, Treize does seem to be infected with the curse of the over-eloquent tongue, or something like that, doesn't he? And we mustn't forget to call Wufei 'dragon' every other sentence, ne? "Delusions of dominance..." oh jeez, now the dog is giving me strange looks: 'Why is the human laughing at her computer?' It's all priceless! But what's this? Are you going to poke fun at mpreg fics next? *Gasp!* Well, it's all in good fun, and you have such a gift for exposing everything in such a humorous manner, I guess I'll wait to see where you go with that theme. The fun just keeps getting better and better!
 Reviewed By: RaceUlfson [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2004 23:10 CDT
I should have known, with the way the rest of the fic was written, that eventually you would be doing a parody of every bad (and some good) 13 x 5 lemon. Hilarious as always. Comedy aside, this is a dang good fic, well plotted and brilliantly detailed. I'd miss the comedy, though...
 Title: Ch 14
Reviewed By: justkat [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2004 19:24 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You really have to feel kinda sorry for the not-princess. Lucky Heero's big and strong and very, very cute, with a large, well-lubed/cleaned/did-I-really-say-that? gun. Going now to look for a mailing address for the castle so that I can send Wufei a toothpick. I have a feeling that a grave injustice is about to be done...~*~ Great as always Muffie!
 Title: ahaha
Reviewed By: spoony [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2004 14:45 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my god, the backstreet boys? you managed to work in bsb lyrics into this. ahahaha, I don't know what's funnier and sadder the fact that you were able to do that or the fact that I was able to pull the lyrics out. You're a genius! LOL, this is waaaay to funny ::is laughing so hard she is crying::
 Title: hilarious
Reviewed By: spoony [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2004 09:31 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
and just think if I didn't have insomnia I may have never come across this fic. Oh my god, I only read a few chapters so far but Heeros obsession with whether his butt is cute or not is just tooooo funny, and Duo watching Heero clean his gun on top of that as well. I can't stop laughing ^_^ This is great, most deffintly the funniest and most amusing fic that I have ever read.
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