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"A Light in Guiding Darkness" Reviews/Comments [ 32 ]
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 Reviewed By: mischievous female [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2007 19:15 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
oh, please update the story! i have to know what has happened!
 Reviewed By: busoshwe [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 28, 2006 22:51 CST
I hadn't been following this story but woo I'm glad I started reading it! Totally didn't get anything I had planned on doing tonight done..but hey I read a good story! For some reason I keep picturing David Tennant as Aragon but the hair doesn't work so well..or it could be because he's my fave Brit right now. The dear angel has been rather silent as of late as well, hopefully he's still hanging out doing his thing? It gotta be confusing to keep all these characters straight not to mention their storylines. Can't wait for the next installment!
 Reviewed By: FallenAngel666 (not logged in)  On: November 08, 2006 01:26 CST
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
So Who's Lee? Anyway I also enjoy this fiction very much it's kinda funny I was telling a friend of mine about this fiction yesterday, then I come home today and I have an email saying you've updated this story I was so excited I think I scared the cat.
 Reviewed By: baka_juju2000 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 07, 2006 10:02 CST
Hey, Don't forget about me SF. I like this story too.
Reviewed By: TaiyouakiKuzume not logged in! (im too lazy and bored....AND I AM DYING FOR MORE OF YOUR STORY!)  On: January 12, 2005 23:18 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
add twelve zeros to the enjoyment factor and overall rating......*flinching* i need more.....I am dying for more! I must know what happens! pllleeeaaassseeee.......i am begging you! PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE W/ SUGAR ON TOP!! *sobs* nooo.... I need more..... more more more more more more more more more more nooo.. *grabs Sesshomaru and hugs him crying into his SHoulder* Sess: 0.o? Ku...zume?? Me: its not fair! I want her to update asap, and i am dying for more of her story! it's not fair sessy! it's NOT FAIR! Sess: 0o um...there there *pats my back* she'll update won't you Ms. Author? *glares at the author* Me: *brightens up* YAY! *hugs SEss and kisses him on the cheek then hugs the author* PLEEZ UPDATE SOON I LOVE YOUR STORY! I think Aragon is AWESOME! and shippo is so unlike his former self...he's sooo kewl! I think (if u havent decided already or i missed it) Aragon and Kagome should be paired! They go sooo well together! ^__^ hee hee! Oh! and You should have at some point Sango is reincarnated, or something realated to that where she HAS all her memories, then she can be paired w/ Miroku, and Kaede with SHippo! ^_______________^ yay! That would be awesome! Oh, and I can't wait for you to update, and I seriously wonder how Kira was brought back to life, i mean, that was so great! it was a happy ending! yay! And maybe...oh...i forgot..ill think of it sooner or later but great story, and please update! *claps hands together and smiles* huggles From Kuzume!! please update! ^_____^
 Reviewed By: StormAZ [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2005 04:52 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
This is an extremely interesting story. I'm rather curious as to how you're going to get Sesshoumaru out of that area so that he can go after Naruku and Inuyasha. After reading some of your works, I'm sure that it will be something quite out of the ordinary ^__~ I look forward to updates! Oh, and for the record ^____^ I must concur with Claidi and hope that you manage to get around to Second Chance also. At the moment, that is one of 4 stories that I am (im)patiently waiting to see what the authors come up with next ^_~
 Title: A Light In Guiding Darkness
Reviewed By: Megan Consoer [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2004 17:24 CST
I really like this story alot. Can you write some more chapters?
 Title: *Whimpers*
Reviewed By: Claidi  On: December 04, 2004 12:06 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WHYYYY?!?!?! Why must you torture me so?!?! You must update on a regular basis please!!! I Dont need to read my mail and see 15 or sumthin mails in my box saying u updated and read all of them in one night (By the way would you mind terribly if YOU UPDATED SECOND CHANCE?!?! I mean really you tend to leave for a long time at the most horrific cliffys and have me awake in the wee hours wondering what happened)BTW you updated chapter 10 for chapter 13 and i would kindly appreciate if you rectify the problem so i can stop worrying about inuyasha's sanity. ~Your adoring fan
 Reviewed By: AngelHeart2122 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 16, 2004 20:48 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love it! I can't wait for you to update this story. I think you are doing a great job of making this story your own while still keeping it as jeffs wanted. ^_^
 Reviewed By: AngelHeart2122 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 07, 2004 20:06 CDT
I have not read this story yet but I had to say this. I LOVED "Kagome, Where are you?" and I am glad that you have decided to continue where he left off on that world. I think you are a great writer and I can't wait to see what you did with this story. Ok NOW I will go read the story. Sorry if I sound stupid but I wanted to say that.
 Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 12, 2004 02:18 CDT
Hey I absolutely love this story. Keep up the great work.
 Reviewed By: lil_rei_chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 22, 2004 23:43 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
~chokes~ you left it THERE! gods above damn you! or force you to post soon.
 Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 20, 2004 23:29 CDT
Great chapter. I absolutely love this story and look forward to reading the new chapters. Keep up the great work.
 Reviewed By: kawaiimiko (not signed in)  On: July 05, 2004 22:08 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey! I love this story! My question is: When are you going to update Second Chance? I miss that fic! Update it soon please!
 Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 05, 2004 21:12 CDT
Good chapter. It sounds like something big is being set up. I can't wait. I miss those skits sometimes they were more funnier than the story. Yeah Angel Sanctuary has a lot on Angels. I know of some websites that do too. I don't know there urls. But google is the wonder all of all things on the net. I think the catholic church dioses sp. have a lot of information on angels, their powers, levels and so forth. Anyways glad to see another chapter. Keep up the excellente work.
 Title: cool
Reviewed By: kikyo372 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 17, 2004 05:36 CDT
Cool so far, but tell me. Is this an inu/kag or a sess/kag? I hope it's an inu/ kag I don't like sesshy ones. I just don't think they go together well. OK answer back and keep up the good work. Try to updare asap please.
 Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 16, 2004 20:17 CDT
Cool. You got a whole bunch to work with too. Just do a google search. Lots of interesting things happened. I know that there is Gabriel, Michael, and some others. But what about the fallen angels? Like Lucifel aka Lucifer aka Satan aka the DEVIL. Or some of the angels who were on his side. there are hundreds of them. But Angel Sanctuary gives an idea as to what they were and who they were though the mangaka does give her own personal twisted side to it. Anways great chapter. Keep up the good work.
 Reviewed By: kikyo372 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2004 17:46 CDT
Hey it's me again. I haven't had the net for a while (that's why I haven't reviewed). Anyway, awesome story! Keep writin. I LOVE it. I just wish the chapters never ended. I can't get enough. Please update ASAP.
 Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 04, 2004 18:40 CDT
As always your stories are top notch. So Raphael is an angel of the christianity kind huh? Props for that and if not then props anyways. Keep up the good work.
 Reviewed By: fireice [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 29, 2004 18:36 CDT
Hey I've got another idea as to who (or what) the voice might be. Could it be the stone that is around Aragon's neck? ne wayz, thanx for reviewing. love what's happened so far and can't wait for the next part.
 Reviewed By: fallenangel666 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2004 14:28 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
you are my fav author luv all ur fics. is the voice miroku or is it ah-uh? o.O it's really hard to tell cuz it said 'my Kagome' and keeps calling her missteress i just dont know im so confused @.@ :Lee: when arnt you :fallen: shut it lee :lee: make me :fallen: argh you are SO dead ((pulls out butcher knife and goes after lee)) :lee: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! :nikki: ((sighs & rolles eyes)) please just ignore them
 Title: 1
Reviewed By: Striking Falcon [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 17, 2004 15:36 CDT
 Title: kikyo372
Reviewed By: kikyo372 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2004 17:53 CDT
Thanks for doin a shout out. I like when authors acknowledge their reviewers. Thanks for updatin! The story's goin great and I can't wait to read more. K til next time. Your story rocks! LOL.
 Title: 1
Reviewed By: Striking Falcon [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2004 16:03 CDT
 Reviewed By: Zhare  On: April 07, 2004 01:01 CDT
I absolutly love it. You have always been one of my favorite authors, and so has jeffs. I was hoping someone would take up the story line and I'm glad that it was you and not someone that would have ruined it. My first guess was Tensaiga, but you said it wasn't, so my second guess would have to be the Shikon-no-Tama. Could you please explain what happened to it after it was used to send Sess to Hell, I think it dissappeared after that but I'm not sure. According to "Kagome, Where Are You", when Kagome was warned, it was her 15th birthday (the same day she had started her quest for the jewel in the actual series), I don't see why you would want to make her any younger than that. Well, bye for now. ~Zhare~
 Reviewed By: NS [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2004 11:55 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this story is awsome!!! ive read Kagome where are you and the vampire world was one of my favorites so im glad you are writing this! its very interesting and I cant wait for more updates!!
 Reviewed By: Dark Neko-chan  On: April 05, 2004 23:37 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
DN-C: Nice nice...even though I got a little lost here and there Sesshou: baka... DN-C: oh shut up! At least I'm safe and cozy at my place, and not nude **drool** and chained somewhere Sesshou: Well you didn't seem to mind DN-C: *blush* whatever...agh! can't take the image of Kagome's mother from my head, I'll make a pic and send it to you SF,so she will haunt you as well Sesshou: really? DN-C: maybe
 Title: 3
Reviewed By: Striking Falcon [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 04, 2004 17:02 CDT
 Title: 1
Reviewed By: Striking Falcon [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 31, 2004 11:59 CST
 Reviewed By: kikyo372  On: March 30, 2004 02:26 CST
I like it. Please update ASAP.
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