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"All Down Hill From Here" Reviews/Comments [ 47 ]
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 Reviewed By: stix  On: September 17, 2005 17:36 CDT
please update this story soon.
 Reviewed By: stix  On: July 27, 2005 15:32 CDT
i loved this story. it was great. please add more to this story soon.
 Title: I so didn't know
Reviewed By: sango16 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 26, 2004 12:08 CDT
I had no idea you updated again I though it was my email box acting stupid. Don't ask. She's right you did leave alot of loose ends. I would have kicked keikos butt about my man but thats just me im the jealous type. Good luck with hp crossover and ya bet ill be there to read it and lend help if ya need it. You so didn't answer any of my questions or was it one of those things where you didn't want to say no to my face and have me look stupid in that case i understand. lol jk i can be so overdramatic. well im going to see if you posted the new story cause im already suffering from story withdrawal. Keep up the great job. Buh-Bye ^__^
 Reviewed By: yUsuKeinMY heart  On: September 22, 2004 20:39 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
verynicely written...most of the reviewers took my compliments to you lol...so I just like to say you did a fine job..I hope u continue soon with your sequel.
 Title: Ooops...
Reviewed By: demonwolf [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 21, 2004 20:55 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, I just relized I hadn't read any of the chapters...well the newer ones, and I kind of felt bad. O...k well I really liked the fic in genral, it always seemed to captivate my attention. If you are doing a sequel, I think it would be great, due to the fact you left alot of lose ends >.< ((that face looks constipated hehe thats a funny word)). I think that the idea of a HP crossover would be really cool and intresting to read! Hey! My brain ((or vacent space between my ears)) just made the connection that your title has the same title from NFG's 'All Down Hill From here'. I love that band! They freakin rock! God I'm stupid. Hmm I just relized I put alot of big words up there... Arggg now I have a headache in my brain! I feel like I'm back in that hell hole... I mean school... or whatever it's called...
 Title: Yay you came back!!!!
Reviewed By: sango16 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 21, 2004 19:02 CDT
I missed ya so much jpatt i was waitin for you to update. I have to say that it was worth the wait cause i loved that chapter it was really good. Awwww what do you mean only 1 chap left. im gonna miss this story but ill make sure to read the new one. I apologize for my sisters tardines in not delivering a fight scene, she can be such a ding bat sometimes. Yours was just great and there was nothing wrong with it. I don't know if i like the idea of a hp crossover those never turn out right not saying that yours wouldnt be good but i don't usually like them.*shrugs* oh well but it would be nice for ashely to get paired with someone and maybe keiko too just not together. There should be a chap where yusuke meets jordans family, that ought to be fun. Oh and what happpened to aven oh oh i know why not pair aven and ashley. I love playing matchmaker and gomen if you don't do shonen-ai but i love it. Kur: So what about me? S16: What about you? Kur:*pouts* S16: Im just joking kur-chan i didn't forget about you. Kur: you mean that. S16: How can i forget you, my fav grope toy. Kur: so you only like me so you can grope my ass. S16: Such language kur-chan but you do have a nice arse if ive ever felt one. Kur: I I never *crosses arms* S16: Sorry kur-chan but its the truth. Kur: but the point is you still only like me because you can feel my ass. S16: Never Kur-chan im youre true blue friend. Kur: honest S16: honest *huggles kurama* Just randomness. Please update soon. Buh-Bye ^__^
 Reviewed By: Clairice-Sarah [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 28, 2004 23:35 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
x.x update for Lor please please please please!!!!! ... *chibi eyes* please? ::..LoR..::
 Reviewed By: JPatt [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 19, 2004 14:57 CDT
 Reviewed By: JPatt [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 19, 2004 14:55 CDT
 Title: OHH PICK ME, I'LL DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Venomous_Angel_of_Hades [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 19, 2004 14:53 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Pretty please forgive my forgetfulness. I forgot to review. Yumi: please forgive her she's *whispering* a little slow in the head. LV:*glares*I heard that. Yumi:*sweatdrops*no you didn't. LV: don't make me have to put you in the cage with Snickerdoodle. Snickerdoodle: LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!! Yumi:*gulps* LV: anyway, I love the last chapter although it was short. Ewwww, butt flaps*shudders*I so did not need that picture in my mind. Yumi: MY EYES THEY BURN!!!! LV:*glares*dork. Yumi:*mockingly* I know you are but what am I? LV: a dork. Yumi: hmph I don't have to take this. LV: anyway my sister has been bugging me to offer my services of writing fight scenes and since I kinda feel guilty for not reviewing I will. Just email me at MissMagicBun04@aol.com and tell me what you want to happen. Yumi: um how did your date go? LV:*sheepishly* great. Yumi: how did it REALLY go? LV: I blew up the whole resturaunt, (among other things). But I got a picture of Tron stark naked. Yumi: how? LV: that's not needed to know. S16: oooh let me see *grabs picture* *stares surprised* oooooh nice. Yumi: what? *looks at picture* wow...that's um really *tries to jesture with her hands* um...long...and...um. S16: can I keep this? LV: you got money? S16:*pulls out 11 million* LV:*smiles*SOLD TO THE HENTAI WOMAN!!!! Yumi:*wipes away drool*got any more pictures? LV: just Hiei in a squirrel suit, and Kenshin naked. MUWAHAHA!!! Sincerely, Vaoh Ta Ta For Now
 Title: I thought you left me!!!!
Reviewed By: sango16 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2004 17:51 CDT
I've been waiting like forever to read this awesome new chapter it was great. Yay go you, you got more reviewers i'm so proud of my jpatt for writing such a great story, everyone should read this story im sure most would like it. Now you won't have to listen to me and my sisters constant ramblings. *thinks again*ok ok yeah ya will cause i like to talk. S16:i have appologized to kouga and he has forgiven me and now im just so happy. *huggles kouga without groping* see im in complete control. Kog:thats nice to know.*tron walks over* Tron:so whats up guys? s16&kog: oh nothing, you? Tron:nothing just pretending to read the chap. s16:sounds good. Kog:yeah*s16 moves closer to Tron and gropes**Tron yelps* Tron:Hey what was that for? Kog&Kur: sango16 what have we told you. s16:you know my hands have a mind of thier own and Tron isn't angry, are you Tron? Tron:No but must you do that? S16:sorry about that i just can't control myself. tron:so why didn't ya grope kouga? S16:*blushes**whispers in Trons ear*Oh i see. S16: You can't tell a soul. Tron:Of course why would I use good blackmail so quickly? Kog:*talking to Kurama*what was all that about? Kur:*shrugs*I haven't the slightest idea. S16:*gasps*you wouldn't Tron: yes i would *walks off laughing evily* S16:I will get my revenge Tron just you wait and see. Kur:you sound like a movie good guy you know that. S16:yeah thats what i was going for. Kur:oh. Dsclm:i am not resposible for nethng written here Please update soon. Buh-Bye
 Title: Sorry everyone
Reviewed By: JPatt ((won't let me log in))  On: August 10, 2004 01:06 CDT
Hi people, i have come to tell you that i have NOT died. LOL but i am sure you all thought i did heh. no i just got back from vacation so expect a chapter or two here pretty quick ok dokay.
 Title: LOVE IT!!!!!
Reviewed By: Lil Sakura 87  On: August 09, 2004 23:33 CDT
I TOTALLY LOVE THIS STORY!!!!!WHERE ARE YOU !!!!! U GOT TO UPDATE PLEASE IM BEGGING UPDATE WOMAN!!!!!.....please update Thankies ^____^ Sincerly,Sakura-chan
 Title: hello
Reviewed By: iamswimfan5688  On: August 04, 2004 23:54 CDT
hey i like your fic and think you should watc a seaquel well l8er
 Reviewed By: demonwolf (login isnt working right)  On: August 04, 2004 16:43 CDT
Wow, that was really unexpected...... Im really getting into the plot...thing. Well i have to update my fic. L8er
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