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"All Down Hill From Here" Reviews/Comments [ 47 ]
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 Title: NEW PICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Venomous_Angel_of_Hades [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2004 19:15 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dude I was able to read chapter 11 and 12!!! *throws confetti in the air* Yumi: wait did you just call her dude? LV: I call everyone dude, but when I'm talking to a girl and I'm mad I'll call her chick. Yumi: your odd. LV: yes I know and I like pointy things. Yumi:*takes a few steps away* LV: anyway love the new chapters and I so knew that he was talking about doctor ichagaki, it was kinda obvious. Yumi: how? LV: well he was controlling people like ichagaki. Hiei:*suddenly bursts in*where are the pink monkeys? Pink monkey:*hiding behind LV*no one here but us chickens. LV: Hiei my love are ready for our date? Yumi: what date? LV: he asked me out. Yumi:*suspiciuosly*asked you out, or did you blackmail him? LV: blackmail of course. Hiei: I want those pictures now*puts his sword to her neck* Yumi: danger, danger, danger, will robinson. Um Hiei I think both of us would get out of this alive if you put the sword down. Hiei: I'm not afraid of this onna. LV:*low cold voice*you should be*eyes suddenly glow silver and she is surrounded in black and silver flames* Yumi and pink monkeys:*run for cover* LV: I think you forgot who you were talking to. I am Venoumous Angel of Hades, the powerful Angel of Hell, ruler of everything and everyone that is evil, meaning you. Hiei: you don't scare me onna*is surrounded in black smoke* *the smoke clears and hiei is standing there naked covering himself* LV: pictures will be sold *grabs Tron* your my date now. Tron:*glup*
 Title: Yeah
Reviewed By: sango16 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2004 23:25 CDT
Hey that was a great chapter and I really liked it. I like the part where Aven helped yus even though it is bad to betray your brother. This chapter is alot clearer than the last one. No confusion what so ever and I had no idea you were talking about ichakagi(im naturally slow). Yeah you should definatly write a sequal that would be way fun. I don't know why my sister can't read this and i can we use the same computer. *shrugs* oh well that means im ahead of her. Muahaha *cough* sorry got carried away. *random bishie shows up* S16:Yay kouga *huggles Kouga* Kouga:Hey Sango16 can you let go now I can't breath. *breaths heavily after let go*. S16: Sorry *grins*. Kog:Thats okay so how is your review going. S16:fine i guess im techinically finished now. Kog:is there anything i can help you with? S16:Yeah come over hear i gotta show you something. Kog:*stands beside S16* what is- hey didn't i ask you not to do that? S16:I'm sorry you know my hands have a mind of thier own. *grins sheepishly* Kog:Yeah sure right. So what did you want me for. S16:oh nothing really Kog: So you just called me over here to feel my ass. S16:*blushes* maybe. Kog:*looks shocked* I can't believe you would do sucha devious thing. *turns and walks away* S16:wait wait I'm sorry. *yelled* Kog:*is gone* Kurama:See what did I tell you about groping guys. S16:aww but i didn't mean any harm and i sure did have fun. Now "ll have to find him and apologize *sighs* walks of to find Kouga. Please update soon Buh-Bye
 Reviewed By: JPatt [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2004 16:20 CDT
I Have a plan. First I am going to write the next chapter to this because I think that i will write that and people will be able to see chapter 11. Kurama: What after that. Me: That is simple *I Hug Kurama like there is no tomorrow.* Kurama: What is that for. Me: Because you are like my favorite Yu Yu person and I decided I need to show you some love. Yoko: I am likeing this. Me: What where did you come from? Yoko: hehehehehehehe Me: ok your scareing me, *runs away from Yoko*
 Title: Case of the Twenty Dollar Bills DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Venomous_Angel_of_Hades [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2004 14:54 CDT
Okay there's like something totally wrong with mediaminer it won't show me any updates after chappie ten With You, and this like totally sucks I want to read the story. Yumi:*sarcastically* oh yeah like if you whine and pout the chapters will appear. LV:no of course not, but if I whine and pout this guy gives me 20 dollars*pouts again and is handed twenty dollars* Yumi:who is that guy? LV:I don't know but as long as he just keeps giving me money he can stay *waves at the man in the trenchcoat and hat* Yumi:for all you know this guy could be a serial killer. LV:nope he signed this here contract *holds up contract* Yumi:*Yumi reading contract* I strange guy in the long trenchcoat solemly swear that I am not a serial killer *sweatdrops* Vaoh I don't think this is smart. LV:cheer up won't a twenty dollar bill *hands Yumi twenty dollars* Yumi:*inspects the money* uh Vaoh this money is um fake. LV:*looks down to indeed find the money is fake and turns to the guy* why you little *beats strange guy down* Yumi:*after Vaoh is done* let's see who this guy really is *pulls off his hat* LV:gasp in horror (yes I said it aloud) Yumi: Vaoh do you know this guy? LV:he is none other than my arch enemy Mr. Snickerdoodle. Snickerdoodle:yes and I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids and that stupid dog. Yumi:what dog?*turns a great dain is standing behind her* LV: where did the dog come for? Yumi: not a clue. LV: Update soon Ill read it somehow.
 Title: Yeah
Reviewed By: sango16 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 12, 2004 17:30 CDT
I was finally able to read the new chapter today and that makes me so happy. *claps* That was a great chapter though i have to say I got confused with the characters Aven and the one i made up. *grins* thats kinda bad and i made him up. Maybe you can explain it to me in an email or something. But i really liked the way you changed it and the chapter was great i loved the stuffed that happened like the whole stabbing Yus part even though that was bad. *shrugs shoulders* im wierd like that. S16: so Kurama how did you like the chap. Kur: It was great but-. S16: what kura-chan. Kur: Well why won't anyone sit in my lap. S16: well duh silly cause you didn't ask *sits on kura lap* now is that better. Kur: Yes much but if you could stop wiggling. S16: oh im sorry kura-chan it's just ive never sat in a guys lap before.*blushes* Hiei: This you have a problem with but when you got to feel a guys butt you give no second thought. S16: oh shut up hiei. S16: Please update soon while me and Kura-chan cuddle. Eskimo kisses *rubs noses with kurama* Hiei: please don't make me barf. Buh-Bye ^__^
 Reviewed By: JPatt [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 09, 2004 23:50 CDT
LOL i wrote htomail. Sorry about that I ment HOTMAIL. *dobles over with laughter, jk not that funny* but it's all good that you do this over hte reviews. I don't care. Yeah it is hotmail.com well later
 Title: Hey
Reviewed By: sango16 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 09, 2004 23:20 CDT
I'm sorry to use reviews for this but i wanted to make sure that the email got to you and if it didn't I'll try again cause i think you might have been trying to spell hotmail but it said htomail ill send it to both just in case well see ya later. Buh-Bye
 Reviewed By: JPatt [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 09, 2004 16:50 CDT
no i didn't get your e-mail. That makes me sad :'(. Well it sort of made me happy to know that you sent me an e-mail this whole time i thought you had forgotten to me. but it makes me sad that I didn't get your e-mail
 Title: hey
Reviewed By: sango16 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 09, 2004 01:45 CDT
Ive been trying to read the new chapter for two days now and it hasn't shown up. oh and did you get my email its the one from missmagicbun04. Please update soon. Buh-Bye ^__^
 Reviewed By: JPatt [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 02, 2004 13:11 CDT
 Title: The Adventures Of Tron and Lady Vaoh!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Venomous_Angel_of_Hades [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 02, 2004 03:06 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey great chapter yet the fluffiness of it all made me upset that I lack a boyfriend *sighs*a cute boy shows up* but anywa- Tron: um I'm looking for a Lady Vaoh. I heard she could get me some embarrassing pictures of Yoko. Lady Vaoh: You can't just walk up in here while I'm doing a review besides your obvious cuteness. Who are you? Tron: I'm-*feels a hand on his butt* what the hell? *looks down* S16: *sweatdrops and then looks at her hand accusingly* bad hand bad. Kurama: I thought I told you to go to your room? *drags her away* S16: *while being dragged* NOOOOOO!!! must touch so soft. Lady Vaoh: *blinks then turns to her lawyers* All questions of one Sango16 being my sister have been confirmed. She isn't, and shall forever more be cut from my will. Lawyers: got it. Tron: like I was saying I- Yumi: A MAN!!! LOVER BOY COME KISS ME IN THE HYENA!!! *tries to run to Tron but is suddenly ZAPPED!* Lady Vaoh: gotta love those invisible force fields. Sorry I price my blackmail items very high I doub- Tron: 10 million. Lady Vaoh: *blinks* well Mr. Mysterious you got yourself a deal, but who are you? Tron: I'm Tron, I was trying to top Jpatt's blackmail pictures. Lady Vaoh: really? *evil grin*Whispers* Hey I'll give you half of this cash if you let me have Tron. Tron: what was that? Lady Vaoh: nothing. So do you want the TUTU one or the one of when I caught him and Hiei in an odd position. Sincerely your reader, Vaoh Ta Ta For Now
 Reviewed By: JPatt [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 01, 2004 22:28 CDT
 Title: Great chapter!!
Reviewed By: sango16 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 01, 2004 20:51 CDT
That was a really good chapter and i loved the fluff i think it was just enough. Not smothering yet just soft enough. Hiei: You do know that what you said made no sense whatsoever. S16: who asked you. Anyway I must say i am flattered that you have read some of my stuff. I thank you and i will be updating on the story soon i always write at least half of the story before i post and im just being lazy on updating. S16: I have failed you miserably and im sorry. Hiei: onna what are you talking about? S16: I promised to make a villian for jpatt and i haven't done so. Hiei: so why don't you stop talking about it and do it. S16: What a great idea hiei-san *huggles hiei* thank you!! S16: I promise to have a villian to you by tomorrow i have just been a little busy. Hiei: you are such a liar. S16: shh shup up hiei. okay so hes right i just forgot but i will make a villian for you. soooo thats who tron is!! *scratches head* sooo tron is a guy that you know *scratches head again* *whispers* Is Tron cute? *looks around neverously* Kurama: What did I tell you about trying to pick up guys? S16: awwww but kurama i just. Kur: no buts so please apologize to the young man S16: sorry Tron *hugs tron and gropes but* Kur: Go to your room now. S16: Aww but Kurama i just wanted to feel. Kur: Now!! S16: But I-. Kur: Now!! S16: oh well i guess i have to go now oh and sorry Tron but if it makes you feel better you are very soft. Please update soon and keep up the great job. Buh-Bye ^__^
 Reviewed By: JPatt [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 30, 2004 03:47 CDT
You guys crack me up so bad
 Reviewed By: JPatt [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 30, 2004 03:34 CDT
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