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"Moments in Time" Reviews/Comments [ 11 ]
 Title: ch13 apropos of nothing
Reviewed By: justkat more!  On: September 16, 2004 23:04 CDT
I've just realised that you've linked ch13 into the pixie dust fic, because we now know why Duo cut his hair and Heero grew his. Clever! the scene with them both in tears on the floor of the office was heart wrenching, by the way.^^
 Title: Ch 13 Running in circles
Reviewed By: justkat again  On: September 16, 2004 22:56 CDT
Wow! I read that too quickly, 'coz I was very, very worried for a while there, so now I'm going back to read it again, but...wow!^^ * * * * * (I really like this format, by the way. It let's you throw all these fascinating scenarios up in the air, without us all getting bogged down in tedious details of who did the dishes, or how they got to the basketball game. I'm intrigued to know why Hilde didn't contact Heero though.)
 Title: Ch 11 Words are funny things
Reviewed By: justkat ...yes really!  On: September 16, 2004 22:19 CDT
Very, very, very cute.. I've enjoyed this whole series, but I particularly liked the relaxed lovey-dovey-ness of this one. The characterisation is spot-on. Great stuff!^^
 Reviewed By: MelizaMac [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 16, 2004 16:23 CDT
In Size Matters, I loved how you took an idea that I can only guess is (subtly) pondered whenever two guys end up side-by-side in the bathroom and given it to Duo and Heero to handle in such a 'touching' manner. What a unique way to tackle the long straw/short straw quandry! I'm always impressed by your shorter ficlets that still manage to express specific themes in such beautiful and creative manners. The "discovery" in Scotch and Soda is a trait in Heero that I find totally believable. He's so secretive and quite that it seems possible that he would actually be that stealthy in sneaking things away from Duo - I'm guessing that's why he sometimes comes up short? Of Love, Lust, and Loofah's - I've never met a Heero/Duo shower fic I didn't like. ;) Great play on words and ingredients! Running in Circles was so heart wrenching. The circumstances that led to where Duo and Heero were in this ficlet were so sad and frustrating. "If only" Heero had stuck around. The image of Duo's braid had to have been so traumatic, though. It's surprising that Heero didn't go completely bonkers. I really like how you're pulling all your brilliant ideas into this random group of ficlets. It makes for the possibility of a never-ending "story!"
 Reviewed By: justkat [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 29, 2004 02:10 CDT
Very cute Mookie...I like these a lot. Thanks heaps.^^
 Reviewed By: MelizaMac [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 10, 2004 22:35 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love the randomness of the different chapters! As usual, you've done a wonderful job. I think you've kept Duo and Heero very in character, and I found it easy to envision each scenario as a real possibility in GW. Chapter three choked me up. Chapter seven - how on earth do you come up with these ideas? OMG - I can so imagine those two doing that! By far though, my favorite chapter had to be Chapter five. I loved, loved, loved the idea of Heero having the long hair!!! Duo complaining about the wig was too much. Heero - the rutting pig. ROTFLMAO!!! But the funniest part, the part that made me close my office door so I wouldn't get fired, was Heero's daydream about the pixie dust. Jeez, I still burst out in giggles when I think of the glitter exploding from... well, you know what I mean. But then you wrapped it up so sweetly. *Sigh* Ah, True Love... Brilliant work, kiddo! This should score much higher than 10's.
 Reviewed By: black beauty  On: June 10, 2004 14:25 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Cute chapter. Keep up the good job!
 Reviewed By: black beauty  On: June 05, 2004 22:41 CDT
Wow! Great payback... Keep up the awesome job and update soon.
 Title: @first impressions
Reviewed By: BG  On: June 02, 2004 21:07 CDT
excellant...this was....i can't remember the word i want>< but it was a great never-the-less be safe -BG
 Reviewed By: black beauty  On: May 31, 2004 21:35 CDT
Great series of ficlets. Short & sweet just the way I like them. Can't wait to read more of it as their relationship progresses. Keep up the awesome job and update soon.
 Reviewed By: BG  On: May 31, 2004 21:35 CDT
great work^^ be safe -BG

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