Title: Please Reviewed By: Sailor Kenshin On: July 03, 2004 18:25 CDT Comment/Review: I just read your profile in FanFiction.com and I can't beleive that some one did that. I loved the story really I do. I know it was sad and all but you got the piont accros perfectly. What made me read your profile is that you never updated Forever 17 II: To Be An Angel and I'm desprete to know what happens. Please I know you are upset with them but please update that story or put it here I'm begging you!**on hands and knees** **bowing as low as possible** please, please, please, please. I've loved every story you put on it honest. I have you on my fav authors list. I know you probibily think that I need a life or something, just siting here showering you with priase and pleases, but I dont know what else to say. I get crap to but I eather let it blow off of me or throw it in thier faces. Please I really love the storys you do. Please **starts crying** I really want to know. I know this wont change anything but I cant even imagen how the story will end. And thats saying alot considering my imagenation is so big it interfers with my wrighting, school work, and every thing elce. So please, please, please, end Forever 17 II: To Be An Angel and I will be for ever in your det. ~Sailor Kenshin ;_; ' ' ' ' ' '